My Dildy Book


























Kristin Dildy Plummer











































































      This book is dedicated to the loving memory of my father, Dr. E. Van Dildy, and to my brother, Dr. Dale Dildy, and in honor of my brother Dr. Edwin Van Dildy, who has helped and encouraged me in the writing of this  “My Dildy Book”


                                                                                            Kristin Dildy Plummer    














































































                                                                                                 December 5, 1977





Dear “Kith and Kin,”


        After making several trips to the Carolina’s and several other states; spending many hours in courthouses, libraries, and archives;  writing many letters;  and visiting many relatives, I am glad to present to you the result of my research on the Dildy family.


        A great deal of credit is due to many of you who have so faithfully answered my letters and questionnaires and welcomed me into your homes.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.


        To my knowledge, no one has ever done research on our family.  I sincerely hope that some of you will join me in searching further and that perhaps some day some one of us may be able to publish a second book which will prove to be a more thorough work and reach back further into Dildy history.


         Thank you again.




                                                                                             Most sincerely,


                                                                                             Kristin Dildy Plummer




































































                                                                                                March 22,1981





        On March 11, 1978, Kristin Dildy Plummer died after a brief illness.  She was in the process of preparing her manuscript to be typed and printed so that the members of the Dildy family could know something of their ancestors.  This manuscript was sent to me, and I have attempted to prepare the copy as Kristin would have wished to have had it.




                                                                                 Marjorie Dildy Holland

                                                                                 407 Janet

                                                                                 Tahlequah, Oklahoma   74464
















































































While looking for information on our families last year my wife Reeca and I found a message from my cousin Dale Dildy Jr. in the Dildy family forum on the internet.  I e-mailed him and he was very helpful by sending us a copy of  “My Dildy Book” written by his Aunt Kristin Dildy Plummer.  We then sat down and entered all of her book into Microsoft Word and also into my copy of the Family Tree Maker version 8.  We have added our children and first Grandchild to it. We will continue to add our new family members as our family grows and will add any other information we receive on other Dildy families. I hope that this will be helpful to anyone that is looking for information on the Dildy families. We have Also added APPENDIX F to the book, it is a complete list of the County line cemetery in Howard county Ar. So you can see more of our relatives that are buried there.


                                               Robert L. Dildy

                                             34 Sullivan Dr.

                                                          Bella Vista, AR. 72714

































































Ancestors and Relatives of Benjamin Dildy, 1820--1889





















The Dildy families   (Dildey, Dilday, Dilda, and verious other spellings) of  the 1600’s


and early 1700’s left few records.  In some instances, the early settlers did not take the


time to travel by foot or on horseback to record deeds or other documents.  The early


history of the Dildy’s is sketchy because the records are scarce.


     On August 12, 1653, Robert Brausseur was granted 1,200 acres in “Nanzemond” 


(now spelled nansemond) County, Virginia, for transporting twenty-four persons to the


colony of Virginia.  Among these persons was George Daldye.[1]  Captain Robert Beverly


received 3,000 acres in Rappahanok Count, Virginia, on September 21, 1674, for


importing twenty persons, including Jacob Didley.[2]  Captain Edmund Scarburgh and Mrs.


Tabitha Browne received acreage in Accomack County,  Virginia, September 29, 1674


for transporting one hundred persons among whom was Jacob Didley.[3] 


     In a abstract of the will of William Crowford, May12, 1732---January 13, 1735, in


Chowan County, North Carolina, is mentioned Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Oliver, and


Honner, wife of Edward Dillday.[4]


     Included in a list of men commanded by Captain James Alston and reported on


November 25, 1754, were William Dilday and two Henry Dildays.  This report was sent


from Chowan County, North Carolina.[5]


     The following is an abstract of notice which appeared in the Virginia Gazette on August 1, 1772:


            This is to inform Maria and Gotlieb Dildey, of Roppin,

            In the Marquistate of Brandenburg, that their Uncle,

            George Christopher White,  Who died in Amelia County,

            Virginia, on the 19th day of June last, has bequeathed

            Them his whole Estate, supposed to be worth fifteen

            Hundred Pounds, or upwards.  He mentions them as

            Daughters of his Sister Catherine, by her firsts Husband

            Peter Dildey.  They may be informed farther, by

            Inquiring at the Post Office, Williamsburg.[6]

     The next dates for records of Dildys were the years 1782 and 1783.  In Edenton


District (Gates County), North Carolina, the following claims were approved by the


Edenton District Board Auditors:


            Claim #543,  Jesse Dilday, for 2 pounds, 8 shillings—March 1, 1782

            Claim #562,  Joseph Dilday, for 2 pounds, 8 shillings—March 1, 1782

            Claim #655,  Charles Dilday, for 9 pounds—August 4, 1782

            Claim #953(8),  Amos Dilday, for 9 pounds, 4 shillings—August 12, 1782

            Claim #984,  Henry Dilday, for 7 pounds, 10 shillings—August 12, 1782

            Claim #1736,  Jesse Dilday, for 16 pounds, 10 shillings—May 20, 1783


     Claims such as these were generally for supplies furnished the army during the


Revolutionary War or for some type of service rendered.[7]


     The 1784-1786 Census of North Carolina, were the following: 


Amos Dilday—1 male 21-60 years of age;

Charles Dilday—1 male 21-60, 2 males under 21, and 1 female;

Henry Dilday—1 male 21-60. 2 males under 21, and 2 females;

Joseph Dilday—1 male 21-60, 3 males under 21, 2 females.[8] 


No Dildys were listed in Pitt County, North Carolina.


     Early marriage bonds of Gates County included:


Joseph Dilday to Judith Odomm—26 March 1784,  John Boyce (Bond), Law Baker


Henry Dilday to Sukey Ross—16 June 1784,  Levi Lee (Bond), Law Baker (Witness)

Charles Dilday to Mary Braddy—8 March 1786,  Sebron Sear

Amos Dilday to Athelia Purvis—9 June 1789,  William Mar (Bond), Law Baker




     The United States Census of North Carolina for 1790 listed for Edenton District,


Gates County:


Henry Dilday—2 males 16 and up, 1 female

Joseph Dilday—1 male 16 and up, 4 males under 16, 3 females

Willaim Dilday—1 male 16 and up.



      For New Bern District, Pitt County, the Census included:


Charles Dilday—1 male 16 and up, 4 males under 16, and 2 females

Jesse Dilday—1 male 16 and up, 1 male under 16, and 2 females.


     In Hertford County was:


Joseph Dildea with 1 male 16 and up, 4 males under 16, and 4 females in his household.[10]

William Dilday was listed with 5 whites in Nansemend County, Virginia.[11]


(On the following page is a map showing the lower portion of Virginia and the upper


portion of North Carolina.  One should note the proximity of Nansemend County,


Virginia, and Gates County, North Carolina, and of Gates, Pitt, Hertford, and Edgecombe


Countries, North Carolina.  Also one should remember that Gates was formed in 1778


from Chowan and Hertford.)


     Although Amos Dilday was not listed in the 1790 Census of Gates County, both he


and Joseph Dilday were included in the North Carolina Pension Rolls of those receiving


pensions for service in the American Revolution.  Amos was in Gates County, and his


age was given as 73 years as of March 4, 1831.  Joseph was in Hertford County, and his


age was given as 79.[12]


     What is known from the above?  Actually there is no proof of the location from which


the Dildys came to America.  Did they come from England?  Were they from the


Marquistate of Barandenburg, which in the 1770’s was in the northern part of what is


now Germany?  Could some have gone to England from Germany and then to America? 


These are questions to which no answers have been found.  Evidence is that the Dildys


were in Nansemond County, Virginia and then in  Chowan, Gates, Hertford, and Pitt


Counties in North Carolina.  Later some were in Edgcomb County, North Carolina; then


some moved to Union Parish, Louisiana.  Some remained in North Carolina; others


moved as the United States grew.    



















Please see Virginia  Map in the photo section of the group


































On February 25, 1786, Jesse Dilday bought 160 acres of land from Shadrack Wooten in


Pitt County, North Carolina.  This land was on the south side of Williams Mill Creek


beginning at white oak sapling in James May’s line and James Johnston’s corner with


May’s line.  Jesse paid the some of sixty barrels of turpentine for this land.  Witnesses to


the deed were William Wooten and Richard Wooten.[13]   Later, April 12, 1787, Jesse sold


a portion of land—that part on the south side of Tar River on Hurley’s Branch and


running down said branch to Shadrack Wooten’s corner, then with Wooten’s line to


James Johnston’s line, said tract containing two acres and one half.  The purchase price


was two pounds.[14]   Jesse sold another portion of land on June 1, 1790.  Derby Riggin


bought 160 acres lying on the south side of Tar River and on the south side of Williams


Mill Creek for the sum of twenty pounds.  Witnesses to the deed were William Wooten


and William Ross.[15]  In November, 1794, Jesse bought one hundred acres from Elias


Walston for fifty pounds.[16]  On March 12, 1821, Jesse sold this land to Benjamin Dilday


for $250.00.[17]  These deeds were the only ones located in Pitt County for Jesse Dildy.


     Other deeds in Pitt County, North Carolina, Included one for Charles Dilday, dated


October 8, 1790,  when he bought for seventy-five pounds one hundred and fifty acres


form John Moore.[18]  On December 10, 1792, Charles sold this land to John Harvey.[19]


The United States Census of 1800 listed Charles’s household in Edgecombe County,


North Carolina, with 2 males under 10, 1 male 10-16, 2 males,  16-26, 1 male 26-45, 2


females under 10, and 1 female 26-45.[20]


     Benjamin Dilday was deeded land in 1826 in right on his wife, Elizabeth, heir to


Thomas Wallace, deceased.[21]  Then on February 27, 1827, Benjamin and Elizabeth sold


this property to John Wallace.[22]  Another deed dated March 2, 1853, showed the


Benjamin Dilday sold to Louis (Lewis) Dilday one hundred and fifty and one half acres


for $400.00.[23]  The description of the land in this deed and in the one from Jesse Dilday


to Benjamin (cited previously) indicated that one hundred acres of the one hundred and


fifty acres were purchased form Jesse by Benjamin.


     The 1830 Census of North Carolina, Pitt County Included the households of the




Avy Dilday with 1 male 20-40, 1 female 10-15, and 3 females 20-30

Benjamin Dildy with 1 male 20-30, 1 male 15-20, 1m female 40-50, 1 female 50-60, and

4 slaves

Warren Dilday with 1 male 30-40, 1 female 30-40, and 2 slaves

Lewis Dilday, details to be given later.[24]


    Listed in the 1840 Census of Pitt County, North Carolina, were:


Willie Dilda with 1 male 20-30 and 1 female 40-50

Warren Dilday with 1 male 40-50, 1 female 30-40, and 1 female 5-10

Benjamin Dildy with 1 male 10-15, 1 male40-50, 1 female 20-30, and 1 female 50-60

Mrs. Dildy with 2 males 20-30, 2 females 20-30, and 1 female 60-70

Moses Dilday

Lewis Dilday, to be given later.[25] 


     The households of Benjamin (not the one in the 1830 and 1840 Census records) Dilda,


Willie Dilday, and Lewis Dilday were included in the 1850 Census of Pitt County; and


the household of Warran Dilday was given in the same Census for Edgecombe County. 


Bejamin was 34, a farmer with real estate valued at $900.00.  In his household were


Matlida Dilda, age 38, and Elizabeth Dilda, age 1/12.  (Benjamin married in Edgecombe


County, North Carolina,  Matilda Cobb on May 28, 1847, with Lewis Dildy as a


witness.[26])  Willie Dilda was 41, his occupation was farmer, and in his household Betty


(Polly?) 38,Elizabeth, age 42, and Samuel Moore, age 9.  Details of Lewis’s household


will be given later.  Warren Dilda’s birth year was 1800.  In his household were Susan,


born 1800, and Elizabeth, born 1830.[27]



     According to pages in a family Bible in the possession of Jefferson G. Dildy of


Wilson, North Carolina, Jesse and Ivy Dildy had a son Louis Thomas Dildy, born


November 14, 1788, in Pitt County,  North Carolina.[28]  From Census records one may


conclude that Jesse and Ivy Dildy had other children.  The 1790 Census, cited above,


indicated that They had at least two children—a son and a daughter.  The 1818 Census of


North Carolina, Pitt County, showed Jesse with 1 male under 10, 1 male between 10 and


16, 2 males between 16 and 26, and 1 male above 26 in his household; in addition, there


were 3  females under 10, 2 over 10 and under16, and 1 above 16 and under 26.[29]


     The 1820 Census of North Carolina, Pitt County, listed Lewis Dilda in household 22


with the following members:  2 males under 10, 1 male between 26 and 45, 3 females


under 10, and 1 females between 16 and 26.  In household 26 was Jesse Dilday with 1


male under 10, 1 male between 16 and 26, 1 male 45 and over, 3 females under 10, 3


females between 10 and 16, 1 female between 16 and 26, and 1 female 45 and over.[30]


It may be seen from these records the louis had married and had children.  The 1820


Census is the last one in which Jesse was listed; consequently, it may be assumed that he


died after 1821 (the year in which he sold land to Benjamin Dilday) and before the date


of the 1830 Census.  No will or administration  of his estate has been found.  ( The


courthouse of Pitt County burned in 1857.) 


     According to the Bible record of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy, Benjamin was


the son of Lewis (Louis) T. Dildy and his wife Nancy.[31]  Evidently Nancy had died prior


to the time of the 1830 Census of North Carolina for Pitt County.  In the household of


lewis Dildy in 1830 were 2 males 5-10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 30-40, 2 females under 5, 1


female 10-15, and 7 slaves.[32]  Lewis (Louis) Thomas Dildy married second wife


Elizabeth________[33] after 1830.  She may have bee Elizabeth Riggan.[34]  Lewis married ,


third, wife Elizabeth Wooten, Widow of Henry Wooten, on February 22, 1847.[35]  The


Census showed the following in the household of Lewis (Louis) Dildy:  2 males 5 and


under10,  1 male 50 and under 60, 1 female 15 and under 20, 1 female 20 and under 30,


and 1 female 50 and under 60.[36]  In the household of Lewis in the 1850 Census were


Lewis Dilda—64, male, farmer; Elizabeth Dilda—64, female; and Streeta Dilda—15,


male.[37]  Lewis and his family were still in Pitt County, North Carolina.


     The children, not in order of birth, of Lewis (Louis) Thomas and Nancy Dildy were


more than likely the following:


1.      Robert, b. ca. 1811, Pitt County, North Carolina

2.      Charles, b. ca. 1818, Pitt County, North Carolina

3.      Benjamin, b. February 10, 1820, Pitt County, North Carolina[38]

4.      Elisabeth m. William Walton in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, September 26, 1843[39]  (No other record)

5.      Patsy m. ___________Owens[40]  (No other record)

Child by Elizabeth (Riggan?)

6.      Louis Streeta, b. March 16, 1835, Pitt County,  North Carolina[41]


     A Robert Dildy of Pitt County, North Carolina, was probably the son of Louis and


Nancy Dildy.  Robert and his wife sold land to Harmon Edwards on November 4, 1839,


with the deed being recorded in Pitt County, North Carolina.  This land was situated part


in  Pitt County and part in Edgecombe County and the south side of Otter’s Creek”. . . it


being that part or portion of land which was allotted to my wife, Prescilla, by the


commissioners appointed to divide the lands of our late grandfather, James Wooten,


dec’d, agreeable to his last will and testament among the legal claimants thereof and


butted and bounded as follows:  viz; beginning at an ash in Autreys (Otters) Creek now


Lewis Dildays corner….[42]  Robert Dilday’s corner was mentioned in a deed from


Shadrack Wooten to Lewis Dilday on March 23, 1835, when Lewis bought land south of


Autreys (Otter) Creek from Wooten.[43]  The next records pertaining to a Robert Dildy


were in Union Parish, Louisiana.  The 1850 Census of Union Parish, Household #


391/391 gave the family of Robert Dilda as Follows:


Robert Dilda, 39, farmer, male, born N.C., Real Estate. Value $250;

Percilla, 35, female, born Ga.

Ellen, 12, female, born La.

Benjamin, 10, male, born La.

Ann, 8, female, born La.

Thomas,6, male, born La.

Frances, 4, female, born La.

George, 1, male, born La.[44] 


Also, in Union Parish, Louisiana, on July 27, 1855, William G. Car  transferred land to


Robert Dildy, who in turn then sold land to Benjamin Dildy.[45]  No other records


concerning Robert have been located. 


     Charles Dildy is also thought to be a son of Louis and Nancy Dildy.  He and his


family were listed in the 1850 Census of Louisiana, Union Parish.  Charles age was given


as 32, and his place of birth was given as North Carolina.  He was a farmer, and his real


estate was valued at $500.  In his household were:


 his wife Emily—28, Born in Louisiana;

James—10, born in Louisiana;

Charles—8, born in Louisiana;

Sarah—6, born in Louisiana;

Benjamin—4, born in Louisiana; and

Joseph—2, born in Louisiana.[46] 


     The 1860 Census of Union Parish also included Charles and his family.  Charles was 41, and his real estate value was $2,400.  His personal property was valued at $1,815.  In his household were:

Emily, 37;

J.H., male, 19;

Charles T., male, 17;

S.A.E., female, 15;

S.C., male, 11; 

Caroline, female, 9;

Alice, female, 3;

Miriam, female, 1.[47] 


Charles evidently died prior to the 1870 Census because he was not Listed; however,


Emily was given as the head of the household, which included:


Sarah, 25

Caroline, 18

David, 16

Alice, 13

Mira, 11

Mollie, 9

William, 8

Dick and Sally Moore, both born in Georgia.[48]


     In the 1880 Census Jesse H. Dildy was in Union Parish, age 39, a farmer.  His family


consisted of the following:


Nancy J., 39, born Alabama

Mary E., 10, born Louisiana

Ida, 8, born Louisiana

Emily R., 6, born Louisiana

Sarah, 4, born Louisiana

Lucy, 2, born Louisiana.[49]


Jesse was a Confederate soldier in the War Between the States.[50]  (Jesse was given as


J.H. in the household of charles in the 1860 Census.)


Land records in Union Parish, Louisiana, showed that Charles Dildy’s first record of land


perchases was April 7, 1845, when he purchased land from James Boyet.[51]  Other deeds


ollow:  September 19, 1855, form B.F. Harrell;[52] June 11, from Phillip Feazel.[53]  Charles


also had a land patent in Union Parish.[54]  On March 30, 1866, Charles Dildy was the


grantor and J.H. Dildy was the grantee of a deed of land.[55]


     On December 28, 1870, Emily Dildy filed a petition to be administratrix of Charles


Dildy’s estate and natural tutor to minor children.  She stated that Charles Dildy died “on


or about 5th  September 1867.”[56]  On February 28, 1871, a “family Meeting” was held in


the office of William C. Smith, Recorder, in Farmersville, Louisiana, the purpose of


which was for the family members to give advice on the tutorship of the minor heirs of


Charles Dildy and the disposition of a tract of land belonging to the estate of Charles


Dildy.  Present were Jesse Dildy, Elizabeth Dildy, Alvin W. McCormick, James


McBroom, and Solomon Murry.  Their advice was that Emily Dildy be the tutrix of the


minor children and that she take charge of the tract of land and dispose of it according to


her best judgment.[57]  


One of the descendents of Charles Dildy sent the following information:


Alice Isabel Caroline Dildy, born 1860, Union Parish, Louisiana, died July 26, 1910, in


Grayson, Texas, Married on May 2, 1881, Elias Robert Cass, born June 15, 1859, in


Vicksburg, Mississippi, died February 14, 1904; Both buried in the West Hill Cemetery,


Sherman, Texas.  Their daughter was Ada Bell Cass, born  July 29, 1892, Grayson, Texas;


married William H. Slayton, born 1886, Fannin County, Texas, son of Edward Bacon


Slayton, born December 24, 1843, in Clark County, Georgia, died December 25, 1922, and his


wife Sarah Elizabeth Lee, born  April 3, 1853, in Marshall County, Alabama, died February,


1850, in Ardmore, Oklahoma.  William H. and Ada Bell Cass Slayton’s children were:


Marguerite (died in infancy)

Irvin Gibson

Dorothy Elizabeth


Dorothy Elizabeth Slayton, born May 7, 1922, married Durer Dishman.  They had two sons:


Charles Irvin Dishman, born November 23, 1936, died June 20, 1976

Mishael  B. Dishman.[58]


Another descendant of Charles Dildy,  a daughter of Seburn and Pearl Daniel Dildy, gave


the following: Ruth Dildy, born January 23, 1907, daughter of Seburn and Pearl Daniel


Dildy, in Nashville, Arkansas; married on September 25, 1926, Jim Lawson, born


November 5, 1903, son of Frank and Sara Jane Neil Lawson of Kingland, Arkansas.



Children of Jim and Ruth Lawson follow:


  1. Henry S. Lawson, born February 11, 1928; died October 6, 1946
  2. Virginia Doris Lawson, born June 8, 1929; married July 20, 1945, Thomas B. Britt,b.May 22, 1923

a.       Benjamin Franklin Britt, born March 13, 1946

b.      Daniel Henry Britt, born March 13, 1948

c.       Ronnie Ray Britt, born April 13, 1951

d.      Jenny Leatrice Britt, born February 1, 1954

  1. Joseph Thurloe Lawson, born July 16, 1933; married November 1, 1952,  Dorothy Grace      

      Lacefield; died March 23,1966

a.        Vicki Joe Lawson, born August 30, 1953

b.        James Henry Lawson, born March 1, 1957

  1. Jonnie Ruth Lawson, born March 19, 1943; married (1) Jeptha Marvin Brown on June 3,        

      1961; (2) Donald Junell Ringer on March 2, 1963;  (3) Willie Joe Ewing on July   

            12, 1966

             Child by fist marriage:

              a. James Laxton Brown, born August 22, 1962

             Child by second Marriage:

              b. Willie Joe (Ringer) Ewing, born June 13, 1964

             Child by third marriage: 

              c. Gary Wayne Ewing, born August 7, 1968

  1. Lisa Jane Lawson, born January 5, 1961[59]  


Benjamin Dildy, son Of Lewis (Louis) and Nancy Dildy, was born in Pitt County, North


Carolina, February 10, 1820.[60]  He married Absylor Howard, born April 8, 1817,[61] on


April 29, 1841, in Edgecombe County, North Carolina.[62]  The marriage bond was dated


April 27, 1841.[63]  Absylor was the daughter of Evan and Penelope Howard of


Edgecombe County, North Carolina.[64]  The will of Evan Howard, dated October 21,


1847, included the following Beneficiaries:  his wife Sarah; his youngest son, Benjamin


Howard, “to be 21 on April 6, 1864”; his eldest son, Edmond Howard,  “to be 21 on


April 13, 1852”; his daughter Elizabeth; his daughter Delpha, wife of William Edwards;


and children of his daughter Absylor, wife of Bejamin Dilda.[65]  It is entirely possible that


Penelope was Evan Howard’s first wife and Sarah was his second or even third.  A


marriage bond was filed February 16, 1836, for Evan Howard and Amy Barnes in


Edgecombe County.[66]  Elizabeth Howard married Fred Ewwards, and they later moved to


Howard County, Arkansas.[67] 


     On January 18, 1850, Benjamin Dildy Filed the following petition in Union Parish,




               To the honorable Judge of the 12th District Court in and for the

               said Parish of Union, State of Louisiana


               The petition of Benjamin Dildy a resident of said Parish, with

               respect represents unto your Honor that the last Will and testament

              of Howard, Evan deceased, late of Edgecombe County in the state

              of North Carolina, my four minor children Penny, Evan Robert,

              Tishy, and Wiley Andrew, the issue of my marriage with abzlor

              Jane Howard the daughter and one of the legal heirs of said decedent,

              inherited a small Estate, consisting of personal Estate rights and

              credits, and that said property is in the hands of the Executors of

              said decedent in North Carolina and that the possession of said

              property cannot be obtained, until your Honor shall appoint Tutors

              to said minors.


              Wherefore he prays your Honor to appoint and confirm him as

              Natural tutor to his said minor children, after taking oath prescribed

              by law, and for such other orders and decrees as the nature of the

              case may require.


                                                                          Benjamin Dildy (Signature)


              Let the prayer of the petitioner be granted and it is ordered that

              Benjamin Dildy be appointed and confirmed Natural Tutor to his

              minor children Penny, Evan Robert, Tishy, and Wiley Andrew

              by his complying with the requisitions of the Law in force in such



              Done and signed in office on this the 18th January A.D. 1850.


                                                                            Theo, Van Hook, Clk.


              I do solemnly swear that I will perform all and singular the duties

              incumbent on me as Natural Tutor to my minor children Penny,

              Evan Howard, Tishy, and Wiley Andrew according to the best of

              my abilities so help me God.


                                                                            Benjamin Dildy (Signature)



              Sworn to and subscribed before me the 18th January 1850.


                                                                            Theo. Van Hook, Clk (Signature)[68]


  In Benjamin’s household, as listed in the 1850 Census of Louisiana, Union Parish, were:


Absy, 32, born North Carolina

Penna,6, born North Carolina

Robert, 4, born North Carolina

Wiley, 1, born North Carolina


Benjamin’s age was 30, his birthplace was North Carolina, and his real estate value was


$700.[69]  The 1860 Census of Union Parish included the following:


Benjamin Dildy, 40, farmer, born North Carolina, real estate value $720, Personal property $1,565

A.J., 43. Female, born N.C.

P. 16, female, born N.C.

E.R., 14, male, born N.C.

W.A., 11, male, born N.C.

N.L., 10, female, born N.C.

B.F., 8, male, born La.

S.M., 5. Female, born La.

John W., 3, male, born La.

Charles, 4/12, male, born La.[70]


     Benjamin bought and sold land often while he and his family were I Union Parish.  On


May 5, 1852, Benjamin sold land to James H. Gulley;[71]  he bought land from Robert


Dildy;[72]  on July 30, 1855, he sold land to John K. Hudson, et. al. And to Sidney Adams,


et. al.[73]  On october 14, 1857, he entered 120.25 acres for a patent with certificate #


17613;[74] again he entered land for a patent on December 2, 1859, with cash certificate


#21307;[75]  on September 22, 1860, he bought land from J.T. McAdams;[76]  on October 30,


1866,  he sold land to Thomas J. Garner;[77]  and on February 4, 1867, he bought land from


William B. Post and also sold land to Mason Grimes.[78] Evidently he was preparing to


move to Arkansas, since these (1867) were the last transactions in Louisiana.




     By the time of the 1870 Census, Benjamin and Absylor were I Arkansas in what is


now Howard County.  In dwelling 49, Saline, Township, Sevier County, were:


Benjamin Dildy, 50 farmer, born N. C.

Absylor J.,53, female keeping house, born N.C.

Benjamin Frank, 17, works on farm, born La.

Susan M., 15, born La.

John W., 14 born La.

Chas. E., 10 born La.—All children attended school within the year.[79]


     Also listed in the 1870 Census of Arkansas, in what is now Howard County, In


dwelling 51 were:


Wiley A. Dildy, 21, farmer, born N.C.

Josephine Dildy, 17, keeping house, born S.C.[80]


     Absylor Howard Dildy died March 16, 1879, in Howard County, Arkansas.[81]  She is


buried on the Dildy lot in County Line Cemetery.82 On February 4, 1880, Benjamin


married Emily Abrams in Howard County, Arkansas.83 Benjamin died December 25,


1889,84 and is buried on the Dildy lot in County Line Cemetery.85 (Please see Part II for


the descendents of  Benjamin Dildy.)


     Louis Streeta Dildy, son of  Lewis (Louis) Thomas Dildy and his second wife,


Elizabeth __________, was  born March 16, 1835, in Pitt County, North Carolina.  He


married Mary Millicent Gay, born January 8, 1840, Pitt County, North Carolina.  She was


the daughter of Asa Gay.86   Louis S. died September 27, 1901, and is buried in Edward


Owen’s Cemetery, just out of Saratoga, North Carolina.  Mary Millicent died May 28,


1928, and is buried next to Louis S.87  Children of Louis Streeta and Mary Millicent


Dildy follow:


1.      Elizabeth H., born September 29, 1866; died 1866

2.      Luciena, born July 23, 1868; married Ruffin Price; died April 23, 1938

3.      John Richard, born September 20, 1871; married Edwina Barnes; died January 30. 1938

4.      Mary Jane, born August 6, 1873; died 1965

5.      Louis T., born August 27,1876; married Mattie Collins on January 12, 1912; died December 19, 1958; Mattie Collins born August 16, 1890

a.       Louis Thomas, born December 17, 1912

b.      John Albert, born August 5, 1915

c.       Jefferson Gordon, born April 22, 1917

     6.    Sarah A., born June 25, 1880; married H. W. Shackleford88










































































Part II


Descendents of Benjamin Dildy, 1820-1889







































































Please see Sons of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy in the photo section of this group






































































     The Children of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy and the descendants of these children follow.  (Please see Appendix B for copy of the Bible record of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy and Appendix C for Will of Benjamin Dildy.)










I.                   Lewis (Louis) Thomas Dildy, born April 15, 1842, in North Carolina  (No record—Probably died in infancy)










































































II.                Penelope Dildy, born October 7, 1843, in North Carolina; died August 12, 1929; buried in Quanah, Texas; married (1) R. F. McAdams on December 2, 1860; died 1863 in Rockford, Illinois, as a prisoner of war; (2) Thomas Franklin Garner on November 21, 1867; b. January 3, 1847, son of Thomas Jefferson and Elizabeth Kelly Garner;  d. August 14, 1932; buried in Quanah, Texas.


Children of first marriage:


A.                 B. F. McAdams, born November 4, 1861, near Junction City, Louisiana; died July 14, 1920; buried Nashville, Arkansas, Cemetery; married Laura Dillard, born September 17, 1872, daughter of William Manning and Safrona Reed Dillard and granddaughter of Sim P. and Melissa Hendricks Dillard; died January 2, 1942; buried Nashville Cemetery


1.      Thomas McAdams, born April, 1893; married Birdie Shofner, Daughter of Wilks and ____ Reeder Shofner


                                          a.   Edna Jewel McAdams

                              b.   Thomas Benjamin McAdams, born January, 1925

      c.               Laura Fay McAdams, born January, 1927

d.      Leila Ray McAdams, born January, 1927


2.      Eunice McAdams, born November, 1891; married George Branch, born January, 1892


a.       George Thomas Branch, born June, 1916

b.      Daughter (twin to above)—born dead

c.       Roy Francis Branch, born July 4, 1918

d.      Louise Branch, born November, 1924


3.      Jean Nettie McAdams, born October 31, 1895; died March, 1977; married Booker Propps


a.       William Propps

b.      Virginia Propps

c.       Herbert Propps

d.      Harold Propps

e.       Joe Propps

f.        Haller Propps

g.       Eugene Propps

h.       Bryan Propps


4.      Robert McAdams, born October 17, 1897; died October 19,1972; buried Nashville Cemetery; married Jennie Ferguson, born June 2, 1907; died February 18, 1947; buried Nashville Cemetery


a.       Williams Frank McAdams, born October 31, 1922

b.      Charles Henry McAdams, born August 13, 1925; married Betty Jane Kidd on August 10, 1943; born September 13, 1929

c.       Mary Ann McAdams, born July 15, 1928; married _____

(1)      Jenny Ann _____, born April 6, 1958; died March 23, 1959


                                          d.   Mamie Mae McAdams, born July 15, 1928; died July 15, 1928 (twin of above)

e.       Nancy Jean McAdams, born February 25, 1931; married Calvin Lewis Peters on August 4, 1950; born April 10, 1924

(1)      William Calvin Peters, born June 14, 1954

(2)      James Harold Peters, born May 11, 1957


5.      Henry McAdams, born December 9, 1900; died October 16, 1963; buried Nashville Cemetery; married Naursiss Newman, born April 3, 1904


a.       Georgia Allen McAdams, born 1924

b.      Henry Lee McAdams, born 1928

c.       Benjamin Thomas McAdams, born October, 1931

d.      Joe Robert McAdams

e.       Laura Patricia McAdams

f.        Eunice McAdams

g.       Charles McAdams

h.       John McAdams

i.         Jeanette McAdams

j.        David McAdams, born 1944; died 1948


6.      Brooks Dildy McAdams married Iva Mea Powers


a.       JoAnne McAdams, born November, 1931; married June 1954, Charles E. Powell, born May, 19312

b.      James Brooks McAdams married Ann Reese


B.                 Susan Annette McAdams, born May 24, 1863, near Junction City, Louisiana; died February 15, 1943; buried Dale, Oklahoma; married James Armstong Stell, born December 29, 1855; died Octobert 1, 1934; buried Dale, Oklahoma


1.      Joe Willis Stell married Sarah Worthington

2.      Mose Bejamin Stell married Minnie Hutchins

3.      Addie Lee Stell married Oscar Morris

4.      Verna May Stell married Gideon Stapp

5.      Charity Penelope Stell married Paul Chelver

6.      Lillie Bee Stell married Clifton Vaughn

7.      Norma Etta Stell married Clarence Leonard

8.      James Floyd Stell married Mary Harris


                                    Children of second marriage:


C.                 Martha Jane Garner, born August 23, 1868; died August 15, 1952; buried County Line Cemetery near Nashville, Arkansas; married Nathan Douglas Smith, born August 1, 1861; died July 27, 1942; buried County Line Cemetery


1.      Ernest W. Smith married Denver Stephens

2.      Alma Edith Smith married Albert R. Smithson

3.      Penelope (Nell) Smith married Edgar Chesshir

4.      Matilda May Smith married Lewis Harrison

5.      Hattie Smith died 1916


D.                 John Lewis Garner, born December 3, 1869; died October 16, 1956; buried Lockesburg, Arkansas; married Susan Potter, born September 29, 1876


1.      J. Lee Garner married Zona Chesshir

2.      Edgar Garner married (1) Bertha Polly Gill, (2) Ruth Leary

3.      Violet Garner married Rufus Coulter

4.      Joe Garner married Rebekah Schooler

5.      Tom Gartner married Vivian Pearce


E.                  William Edgar Garner, born February 23, 1871; died young


F.         Joe Edmond Garner, M.D., born August 4, 1873; died June 18, 1962; buried Turkey, Texas; married (1) Rebecca Watson of Center Point, Arkansas; born September 8, 1871; died August 21, 1916; buried Turkey, Texas; (2) Natha Richerson of Turkey, Texas


                                    Children of first marriage:


1.      Tom Garner married Lillean Mayfield

2.      Fannie Garner married Charlie Payne

3.      Joe Garner married Francis Stewart

4.      James Watson Garner married Claudia Collier

5.      John Luther Garner married Clydene Miller

6.      Maudie Lee Garner married John Rogers

7.      Gladys Mae Garner married Bruce Gibson

8.      Jewell Garner married Truman Hadaway

9.      Mary Garner married Herman Duncan

10.  Edith Garner married Roy Gregg


Children of second marriage:


11.  Dale Garner married Bertie Castleberry

12.  Bettie Ruth Garner married Ray Smith


F.                  Rosa Cornelia Garner, born November 20, 1874; died October 21, 1939; buried County Line Cemetery; married Jordan L. Watson of Center Point, Arkansas; born July 13, 1868; died January 31, 1945; buried County Line Cemetery


1.      Elmer Watson, died February 25, 1895

2.      Lloyd Watson, died June 13, 1905

3.      Joe Harding Watson, born October 29, 1894; married on November 1, 1914, Enola Dell Branch, born October 9, 1895; died May 2, 1973


a.       Frnaces Maye Watson, born December 14, 1915; married July 22, 1933, Aulton Edward Griffin, born August 18, 1911

(1)      Elizabeth Dell Griffin, born March 25, 1938; married on June 1, 1957, Jackson Dewell Tomerlin, born August 9, 1936

(a)    Elizabeth D’Ann Tomerlin, born May 13, 1961

(b)   Joe Paul Tomerlin, born July 29, 1966


b.      Joe Parker Watson, born December 8, 1919; married June 14, 1941, Mary Lou Cooper, born January 16, 1920

(1)      Charlotte Ann Watson, born January 28, 1943; married on January 30, 1965, Gary Collins, born December 3, 1942

(a)    Christopher Gary Collins, born April 8, 1968

c.       Thomas Dale Watson, born December 28, 1923; married June 5, 1955, Eupha Agnes Womack, born January 30, 1932

(1)      Rodney Joe Watson, born June 5, 1956

(2)      Mary Lucinda Watson, born January 11, 1961

(3)      Lou Ann Watson, born April 3, 1968

(4)      Jennifer Lee Watson, born March 22, 1970

d.      Charles Wyne Watson, born November 18, 1926; married August 30, 1952, Betty Sue Heard, born March 23, 1929

(1)      Tammie Jane Watson, born November 7, 1961

4.      Eva Gertrude Watson, born June 23, 1896; married November 12, 1916, James Alexander Chambers, born June 9, 1894

a.       James Wendell Chambers, born June 29, 1917; married Catherine Louise Merciel, born December 20, 1920

(1)      Timothy James Chambers, born December 23, 1943

(2)      Jeffrey Chambers, born July 1, 1946

(3)      Patrick Jay Chambers, born July 31, 1953

(4)      Susan Chambers, born September 12, 1956


b.      Winifred Lee Chambers, born October 26, 1919; died September, 1942

c.       Cornelia Eudora Chambers, born June 26, 1922; died August 2, 1923

d.      Evelyn Chambers, born September 12, 1924; married June 24, 1946, Lloyd Robert Lucus, born April 20, 1920

(1)      Barbara Lynn Lucus, born April 10, 1947; married August 2, 1969, Lucky Landt Somers, born August 2, 1946

(a)      Brook Allison Somers, born January 27, 1972

(b)      Lindsay Ann Somers, born March 27, 1975

(c)      Whitney Lyn Somers, born August 8, 1977

(2)      Linda Lee Lucus, born March 22, 1948; married June 11,

1965, John Kenneth Fitzsimmons, born July 23,1947

(a)       John K. Fitzsimmons, born September 14, 1965

(b)      Todd Kennedy Fitzsimmons, born November 29, 1969

(3)      Lloyd Robert Lucsus, III, born November 14, 1949; married June 21, 1977, Paula Sue Goodner, born February 21, 1957

(4)      Kristy Jean Lucus, born December 18, 1950; married May 6, 1972, Daniel Lee Jenkins, born July 31,1948

(5)      Mary Sue Lucus, born February 9, 1952; married March 26, 1970, Gregory Lee Yanko, born March 25,1951

(a)       Thor Landon Yanko, born August 8, 1973

(6)      Jill Marie Lucus, born March 18, 1954; married September 16, 1972, Mathew Jordon, born March 23, 1953

(a)       Shane Christan Jordon, born March 11, 1973

(b)      Justan Lucus Joron, born October 22, 1977

(7)      Jack Lee Lucus, born October 21, 1957

e.       Charlsie May Chambers, born March 3, 1927; died November 2, 1928

5.      John Lee Watson, born December 31, 1897; died May 6, 1971;married April 1, 1917, Sarah Julia Harrison, born November 23, 1897

      a.   Winona Christine Waston, born August 24, 1918; married (1)  December 19, 1936, Ollie Clardy Jacques, born March 3, 1914; died October 16, 1951; (2) August 21, 1955,Raymond C. Wesson, born October 27  1903

(1)      Julia Ann Jacques, born May m4, 1938; married January 11, 1958, Fritz A. Hintze, born January 27, 1931; died June 7, 1967 

(a)       Frederick Clardy Hintze, born September 21, 1960

(b)      Ramona Suzanne Hintze, born November 3, 1962

c.       J. L. Watson, born February 27, 1920; died November 22, 1967; married January 16, 1945, Joyce Holiday, born July 17, 1925

(1)      Shada Carol Watson, born April 22, 1948

(2)      John Waylon Watson, born July 25, 1951

(3)      Rita Jeanne Watson, born March 11, 1955; married July 24, 1976, Blake P. Long

(4)      Dana Lee Watson, born August 24, 1958

6.      William Grady Watson, born March 31, 1900; died October 20, 1969; married December  22 1919, Buena Adelle Hardie, born 1900

a.       Wendell Watson, born August 5, 1921; married August 25,1946, Martha Marie Cowling

(1)      Richard Harold Watson, born June 11, 1955; married July 2, 1976, Debra Sue Ingram, born September 10, 1954

b.      Alga Neal Watson, born May 22, 1923; died February 17, 1966, in Austin Texas; buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County , Arkansas; married August 5, 1915, Gladys Opel Lyons, born December 26, 1922, daughter of Thomas Henry and Nona Mae Green Lyons

(1)      Barbara Lynn Watson, born November 19, 1946, in Hope Arkansas

(2)      William Thomas Watson, born February 25, 1951, in Conway, Arkansas; married November 22, 1975, Anna Ling Cassidy, born July 1, 1956

(3)      Phillip Carrol Watson, born April 28, 1953, in Ashdown, Arkansas; married Susan Kadette Kritz, born July 19, 1956

(4)      Rebecca Janice Watson, born December 18, 1954, in New Boston Texas

(5)      Leah Naomi Watson, born September 17, 1956, in Houston, Texas

(6)      Anita Lavonn Watson, born December 17, 1959, in Houston, Texas

c.       Reatha Virginia Watson, born August 27, 1924; died August 4, 1967; married February 24, 1946, Doris Avery 

(1)      Doris Avery

(2)      Suzette Avery

(3)      Ann Avery

                                          d.   William Dawaine Watson, born November 21, 1937; married August 31, 1959, Mary Jane Bell, born October 1941  

(1)      Lesley Mitchale Watson, born September 3, 1966

7.      Norma Mae Watson, born October 6, 1902; married October 14, 1923, Otis Knox Venable, born March 23, 1898

a.       Nancy Jerdine Venable, born Sptember 21, 1925; married April 3, 1946, Jesse Rudolph “ bud” Cowling, born September 23, 1923

b.      William Watson Venable, born November 10, 11933; married June 29, 1957, Wanda Jean Gilliam, born March 4, 1936

(1)      John Anthony Venable, born June 5, 1958

(2)      Robin Jeannean Venable, born June 2, 1960

(3)      William Joseph Venable, born July 17, 1964

                                          c.   Zada Mae Venable, born August 23, 1935, married June 10, 1955, Grover William Cowling, Jr., born February 4, 1932  

(1)      Melisa Maude Cowling, born September 16, 1957; married July 9, 1977, Robert Lee Davis, born July 9, 1956

(2)      Lori Ann Cowling, born January 9, 1961

d.      John Knox Venable, born August 26, 1938

8.      Ada Watson, born April 6, 1905; married William Earl Walston, born December 12, 1902

a.       Martha Walston, born January 17, 1928; married June 15, 1965, Frank S. Bauer, born October 12, 1914, son of Frank S. and Elizabeth Spinnenweber Bauer

(1)      Angela Bauer, born March 24, 1966

b.      Edna Walston, born December 8, 1935


                        H.        Luther Garner, born July 30, 1876; married Florence Jones, born March 14,   1868, in Center Point, Arkansas, granddaughter of Marshall and Sudie Vaughn; lived in Quanah,Texas


1.      Thomas Hubert Garner, married Melvetia Barker

2.      Penelope (Nell) Garner, married W.M. Bailey

3.      Louis Garner, married Robert C. Jones

4.      Luther Vaughn Garner, married Muriel Taylor

5.      Rufus Howard Garner, married Mary Jo Hart

6.      Otis N. Garner, married LaNell Henderson


I.                    Richard Lee Garner,  born December 9, 1878; died Augaust 24, 1942; buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas; married (1) November 13, 1902, Nancy Ellen Chesshir, born June 15, 1881; died November 18, 1913; buried County Line Cemetery; (2) Jessie Womack, died July 31, 1915; buried Center Point, Arkansas; (3) Ora Latimer. born April 16, 1957; buried County Line Cemetery


Children of first marriage:


1.      Charlie Augustus Garner, born August 26, 1903; died August 2, 1964; buried Nashville Cemetery, Nashville, Arkansas; married Elise Norseworthy, born June 23, 1907, daughter of Andrew and Isabel Miiler Norseworthy

a.       Wayne Garner, born June 18, 1933; married August 20, 1955, Jacqueline Houre of Charleywood, England

(1)      Belinda Lee Garner, born August 17, 1958

(2)      Sandrea Garner, born June 14, 1962

2.      Clarence Thomas Garner, born July 27, 1905; married December 24, 1927, Lola Tollett, born May 21, 1906,daughter of Gus T. and Minnie Bell Lewis Tollet

a.       Vivian Clarice Garner, born June 7, 1932; married May 11, 1963, Leo Licon, born October 25, 1932

(1)      Sheryl Lea Licon, born May 31, 1966

(2)      Darian Leo Licon, born August 21, 1967

b.      Nancy Caroline Garner, born June 12, 1934; married

      January17, 1954, Myron Lewis Zebrok, born August 19, 1934

(1)      Myron Richard Zebrok, born March 6, 1955

(2)      Janice Carol Zebrok, born December 5, 1959

(3)      Lea Kathryn Zebrok, born September 15, 1961

c.       Clarence Donald Garner, born December 3, 1939; married June 4, 1960, in Camden, Arkansas, Aletha Janette Darling, b. April 4, 1942

(1)      Lisa Janette Garner, born October 24, 1962

(2)      Lori Dianne Garner, born August 10, 1966

(3)      Brian Donald Garner, born April 30, 1975


                                    Child of the second marriage:

3.   Otha Garner, born and d. 1915; buried Center Point, Arkansas


Children of third marriage:

4.      Bernice Garner, born June 22, 1918; married May 22, 1954, Zelma Dean Ponder, born July 29, 1926; daughter of Bennett and Cliffa Ann Brown Ponder of Nashville, Arkansas

a.       Richard Lee Garner, II, born September 15, 1959, in El Dorado, Arkansas

b.      Cynthia Ann Garner, born July 14, 1961, in El Dorado, Arkansas

5.      Dwight Garner, born November 28, 1919

6.      Marie Garner, born March 15, 1923; married James Harold Crocker on December 2, 1943, born October 6, 1921

a.       James Edwin Crocker, born August 16, 1952

b.      William Evan Crocker, born December 2, 1960


J.                   Ada Garner, born February 22, 1883; died January 19, 1965; married E. Augustus Jones, born August 26, 1881; died Octoeber 21. 1942; both buried in Quanah, Texas


1.      Mildred Jones married W. L. Parr

2.      Ruthell Jones died 1913

3.      Garner Jones married Beulah B. Barnett

4.      Stensell Levi Jones married Leah Opal Miller

5.      Earnest A. Jones married Stella Sikes

6.      Nolan Lewis Jones married Dorathy Sadler





































































 III.      Evan Robert Dildy, born March 13, 1845, in Pitt County, North Carolina; died June 10, 1927; buried in Masonic Cemetery, Gateville, Texas; married (1) Liza Coleman in 1865, she and infant died in childbirth;            (2) Nancy _______ Williams, Widow of  Joe Williams, born May 15,   1834; died May 30, 1913


                        Children of second marriage:


A.                 Joe Dildy, M.D., born 1871; died November 5, 1929 (at one time president of Texas State Medical Society; first buried in Brownwood, Texas; later moved to Fairmont Cemetery in San Angelo Texas, to his daughter’s lot—Trimble.) married Emma Taylor, born 1878; died August 31, 1926; buried San Angelo, Texas


1.      Ruth Dildy, born July 6, 1897; died October 1, 1970; married December 31, 1919, Russell R. Trimble, born October 17, 1895, son of Bernard and Olve St.John Trimble

a.       Ruth Jeanne Trimble, born May 29, 1922; married Robert Mortimer Sprague, born December 23, 1906

(1)      Mary Ann Sprague, born March 24, 1951; married January 9, 1971, David Terry Taylor, born April 2, 1943

(2)      Barbara Jeanne Sprague, born February 18, 1954

(3)      Robert R. Sprague, born September 12, 1955

(4)      David Sprague, born June 27, 1961

b.      Jo Dell Trimble, born June 17, 1923; died June 19, 1925

c.       R. Bernard Trimble, born November 11, 1926

d.      Joe Dildy Trimble, born November 11 1926 (twin of above)


B.                 Charlie Dildy, born March 8, 1872; died February 16, 1893; buried Gatesville, Texas


C.                 Nancy Abbie Dildy, born August 8, 1877; died August 9, 1958; married in 1899 Walter Hardy, born 1876; died 1930


1.      Ima Gene Hardy, born July 26, 1905; married October 23, 1926, James E. Fife, born September 31, 1904; died September 1, 1956

a.       Ulma Campbell Fife, born July 3, 1933; married James Melvin Somerford

(1)      James Robert Somerford, born April 7, 1957

(2)      David Leslie Somerford, born January 26, 1959

(3)      Brian Scott Somerford, born July 18, 1962

b.      Alberta Diemer Fife, born December 18, 1936; married Everett Frank Hoover

(1)      Pamela Jean Hoover, born June 24, 1958

(2)      Micheal Everett Hoover, born April 10, 1962

c.       James Hardy Fife, born February 5, 1938; married Bernice Breddin

(1)      James Dennis Fife, born May 15, 1961

(2)      Janet Lynn Fife, born July 20, 1962







































IV.                                      Leticia (Tishy) Dildy, born April 23, 1847, in North Carolina; died October 13, 1902; buried in Elgin, Texas; married Ed Harrison Goyne, born November 12, 1842; died May 6, 1931; buried in Kilgore, Texas


A.                 William Benjamin Goyne, born December 22, 1867; died September 30, 1956; married Mary Rogers, born March 8, 1866; died August 20, 1945; both buried in Kilgore, Texas


1.      Essie Fern Goyne, born November 6, 1887; died December 23, 1972; married June 25, 1908, John Borders, born April 7, 1879; died October 5, 1961

a.       Mary Eloise Borders, born May 17, 1911; married Thomas Starr Bean, born January 6, 1904; no issue

b.      Opal Gertrude Borders, born October 6, 1913; married Raswell Glenn, born January 7, 1910; no issue

c.       Mavis Fern Borders, born November 2, 1917; married Thomas Jefferson Dinning, born April 13, 1913

(1)      Sandra Dinning, born August, 1938; married Richard Starr

(2)      Trudy Karen Dinnind, born April 28, 1945; married James Hester

(a)       Todd Hester, born September 16, 1968

(b)      Karen Elizabeth Hester, born January 15, 1971

(3)      Cathy Ann Dinning, born January 13, 1951; married James Whatley, born September 30, 1950

d.      Clell Marie Borders, born June 10, 1928; married (1) Kirtley Hill; (2) Robert Benjamin Dinning


Child by first marriage:


(1)      John Vinson Hill. born October 29, 1964


                                                Child by second marriage:


(2)      Robert Benjamin Dinning, born November 2, 1968


2.      Arlie V. Goyne, born January 27, 1890; died August 30, 1967; married Amy Wise


a.       Arlie V. Goyne, Jr., born September 4, 1921; married Minetta _____

(1)      Roderick Goyne


3.      Loy Goyne, born May 22, 1892; died September 5, 1960; married Nannie Smitherson, born June 30, 1893

a.       Leroy Goyne, born May 5, 1921; died September 5, 1939

b.      W. H. Goyne, born December 12, 1922


4.      Beatrice Goyne, born March 8, 1898; married (1) Joseph P.  Williamson, born May 1, 1893; died May 6, 1948; (2) in January 1965, H. L. Foster, Sr., born January 29, 1882; died April 8, 1973


Child by first marriage:


a.       Joseph Mills Williamson, born October 15, 1921; died October 28, 1960


5.      Roger Goyne, born January 9, 1901; died March 12, 1967; married Merle Ward, born March 11, 1907

a.       Edward Roger Goyne, born December 12, 1931; married Beverly _____

(1)      William Benjamin Goyne, born November 8, 1970

b.      Joyce Ann Goyne, born May 2, 1933; married Jim Stanley

(1)      Jamey Stanley, born January 13, 1962

(2)      Roger Stanley, born October 13, 1964


6.      Clell Goyne, born December 26, 1903; d. August 4, 1964


B.         Susan Virginia Goyne, born April, 1870; died March 2, 1891; buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas (For many years, at least up until 1969 or 1970, a wooden fence was standing around this grave.  It had a wooden top which extended from wooden posts.  Susan Virginia died just before her marriage to Mr, McCrary was to have taken place.  He built this fence and top to shelter her grave.)


C.        George Goyne, born December 30, 1878; died December 2, 1944, in Stanford, Texas; married Lillian Ada Davis, born June 2, 1902


1.      Otho Goyne, born October 21, 1905; married Pearl Eddington

a.       William Kenneth Goyne, born November 11, 1926; married August 12, 1950, Delores Spears

(1)      Debra Jan Goyne, born November 3, 1953

2.      Mary Louise Goyne, born March 16, 1908; married Fred Ownby

3.      Elsie Orell Goyne, born Feruary 28, 1913; died April 10, 1923, in Anson, Texas




V.                                         Wiley Andrew Dildy, born January 1, 1849, North Carolina; died August 5, 1897, in Howard County, Arkansas; married October 2, 1869, in Sevier County, Arkansas, M. Josephine Dillard, born July 25, 1853, in Lauren County, South Carolina, daughter of Sim P. and Melissa Hendricks Dillard; died July 27, 1926, Howard County, Arkansas; both buried in Bluff Springs Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas


A.                 Sim Benjamin Dildy,  born October 12, 1871, in present Howard County, Arkansas; died January 22, 1929, in Texarkana, Arkansas; buried Nashville, Arkansas, Cemetery; married (1) on February 22, 1894, in Nashville, Arkansas, Gertrude Sypert, born December, 1873, Nashville, Arkansas, daughter of Robert S. and Emily Elizabeth “Betty” Parker Sypert; died August 29, 1899, Nashville, Arkansas, buried in Nashville Cemetery; (2) on June 19, 1902, Nashville, Arkansas, Bettie Oliver “Ollie” Goodlet, born October 30, 1874, Howard County, Arkansas, Daughter of David and Martha Reeder Goodlet; died December 27, 1957, Sulphur Springs, Texas; buried in Sulphur Springs, Texas, Cemetery.  (She married (2) Winfield S. Mitchell.)


Children of first marriage:


1.      Clell Andrew Dildy, born March 9, 1895, Nashville, Arkansas; married (1) September 14, 1920, in Hope, Arkansas, Lucille King, daughter of Thomas Rhodes and Dora Lee Haynes King, born April 17, 1897, in Black Rock, Arkansas; died May 4, 1962, Hope Arkansas; (2) Rita Fayard, daughter of Henry and Olivia Groue Fayard, Biloxi, Mississippi, born March 20, 1905


Children of first marriage:


a.       Marjorie Lee Dildy, born August 23, 1922, Hope, Arkansas; married July 11, 1948, Hope, Arkansas, Kenneth Alphns Holland, born March 27, 1921, Memphis, Tennessee

(1)   Michael William Holland, born April 1, 1965, Midwest City, Oklahoma


                                          Children of the second marriage:


b.                                 Clell Andrew Dildy, Jr., born November 7, 1931, in Biloxi, Mississippi; married Barbara Kneale, born May 10, 1937, daughter of Joseph and Inez Boney Kneale


c.                                  Charles Gerald Dildy, born November 13, 1933,in Biloxi, Mississippi; married Judith Buyse, born February 24, 1947. Daughter of Marcel J. and Lucille Wilson Buyse of South Bend, Indiana


(1)      Leslie Ann Dildy, born August 4, 1965, Biloxi, Mississippi

2.      Elsie, born 1897; died in infancy

3.      Clifton Robert Dildy, born March 25, 1899, Nashville, Arkansas; married on October 21, 1923. Bernice Ayers, born July 7, 1896, daughter of John A. and Cornelia Key Ayers of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, died March 19, 1975, buried Pine Bluff, Arkansas

a.       Clifton Robert Dildy, Jr., born August 3, 1925; married Shirley Ann Barger, born August 16, 1927

(1)      Linda K. Dildy, born September 30, 1949; married Ronald Lopez of Plains Texas

(a)       Laura Jane Looez

(b)      Julie Marie Lopez

(2)      Jenna Dildy. born September 26, 1951; married Stephen Jacobson

(3)      Jan Dildy, born September 26, 1951 (twin of above); married Jim Perry of Prescott, Arkansas, son of Pat and Zettie Yarbrough Perry

(4)      Clifton Robert Dildy, III., born July 15,1955

b.      Jennalea Ayers Dildy, born June 14, 1933; married September 17, 1955, Howard David Miller, born October 7, 1934, son of Howard E. and Helen Julia Murphy Miller of Indiana

(1)      David Neil Miller, born November 4, 1956; married March 30, 1977, Denise George

(a)      Michael Scott Miller, born September 27, 1979

(2)      Howard Scott Miller, born June 2, 1959

(3)      Julea Adrianne Miller, born October 18, 1960; married June 1, 1979, Jimmy Michael Sinks

                                    Clidren of second marriage:


4.      Sims Goodlett Dildy, born September 2, 1903, Nashville, Arkansas; married January 24, 1925, Mildred Burford, born December 24, 1905, Mt. Pleasant, Texas, daughter of A. L. and Felton Walker Burford, died May 1977, buried Texarkana, Texas

a.       Sims Gerald Dildy, bied January 28, 1928, Texarkana, Texas; married Marnelle Thomsen, born November 14, 1930, daughter of Fred and Sunbeam Thomsen

(1)      Sims Gerald Dildy, Jr., born November 17, 1960

(2)      Christine Dildy, born April 11, 1963

b.      Jean Dildy died in infancy

c.       Felton Jane Dildy, born November 3, 1933, Texarkana, Texas; married McKim Williams, M.D., born August 8, 1932, in Baltimore, Maryland

(1)      Malinda Dildy Williams, born January 22, 1960

(2)      Ann McKim Williams, born September 27, 1961

(3)      McKim Williams, Jr., born April 21, 1966

5.      David Benjamin Dildy, born September 23, 1906, Nashville, Arkansas; died October 31, 1974, Sulphur Springs, Texas; married 1938, Marion Brim, born May 1913

a.       David Dildy, born January 11, 1939; married Judy Connors

(1)      Brian Dildy, born February 28, 1967

(2)      Suzanne Dildy, born May 15, 1970

b.      Betty Dildy, born June 18, 1947; married James E. Dupont of Hawatha, Louisiana       

(1)      Julea Dupont, born October 25, 1970

6.      Verna Lea Dildy, born August 21, 1908, Nashville, Arkansas; married December 23, 1938, Gene Goff, born May 9, 1901, son of DeWitt Clinton and Fannie Allen Goff, died August 21, 1974, in Ocala, Florida, buried in Fayetteville, Arkansas

a.       DeWitt Clinton “Dash” Goff, born October 31, 1939; married April 28, 1978, Mararet Smith


B.                 John Robert Dildy, born July 10, 1874; died April 2, 1925; married Emma

Gary, born November 23, 1878, daughter of Jim and Amanda Dowdle Gary; died June 7, 1953


1.      Essie Dildy, died at age 2

2.      Rufus Dildy, born Ocober 19, 1897; died Febraury 23, 1970; married (1) Ava Perkins, born July 9, 1897, daughter of James B. and Dell Baird Perkins, Hope Arkansas; (2) Mercedes McGinnis


                                    Child of first marriage:

a.       Hal R. Dildy, born March 21, 1921; died January 30, 1977; buried in North Little Rock, Arkansas; married May 5, 1956, Elizabeth Marie Thyng, born December 5, 1925, daughter of H. and Isabel Jean Smith Thyng of Binghampton, New York

(1)      Leslie Baird Dildy, born March 11, 1958

(2)      Lori McAlpin Dildy, born October 24, 1960

3.      Gertrude Josephine Dildy, born April 4, 1900; died November 4, 1963; married Ernest R. Neely, born May 20, 1891; died January 17, 1963; both buried Memorial Cemetery, Muskogee, Oklahoma

a.       Ernest Robert Neely, born February 23,1921; married April 28, 1942, Cleo Henry, born December 10, 1921, daughter of Jesse and Bennie Claiborn Henry

(1)      Joseph Neely, born December 24, 1949

(2)      James Ernest Neely, born July 29, 1952; married Jennifer Parker, born August 24, 1952

(a)     Robert Joseph Neely, born April 19, 1979

b.      Virginia Neely, born August 6, 1923; married August 5, 1942, Edward M. Sweet, born June 3, 1919, son of Burt Elliott and Helen Maltby Sweet of New York

(1)      Jan Louise Sweet, born February 23, 1949; married May 30, 1970, Jerry Freeman

c.       Jo Ann Neely, born December 1, 1925; married Blaine Fraser, born March 9, 1924, son of Hugh and Laura Seibel Fraser of Gallop New Mexico

(1)      David Blaine Fraser, born October 24, 1948: married May 23, 1970, Marilyn Thompson

(2)      Robert Marshall Fraser, born December 21, 1951

(3)      Michael Neely Fraser, born April 11, 1960

4.      Gary Dildy, born October 19, 1903; died August 18, 1967; buried in Bogalusa, Louisiana; married November 26, 1931, Arline Jones, born 1906, daughter of Mark Perrin and Aura Evie Welch Jones of Searcy, Arkansas

a.       Gary Dildy, Jr., M.D., born November 26, 1933; married Barbara Barier, born May 12, 1933, daughter of Joseph and Gladys Hinshelwood Barier of New Orleans, Louisiana

(1)      Gary A. Dildy,  III., born May 7, 1959

(2)      David Joseph Dildy, born August 9, 1961

(3)      John Robert Dildy, born October 9, 1967

(4)      Michael James Dildy, born March 3, 1971

5.      Nora Ollie Dildy, born March 7, 1906; died May 26, 1975; buried Tuscon, Arizona; married Atkins Callaway, born Feruary 2, 1906, son of John H. and Cornelia Wallace Callaway of Murfreesboro, Arkansas (no issue)

6.      Joseph Louis Dildy, born June 13, 1908; married Mary Ellen Lindvall, born May 1, 1916, daughter of John and Una Margaret Hales Lindvall of Malvern, Arkansas

a.       Margaret Ellen Dildy, M.D., born June 13, 1944;married Thomas Oran Beasley, M.D., son of Oran and Inez Birdsong Beasley of Booneville, Arkansas

(1)      Thomas Mathew Beasley, born October 17, 1971

(2)      Mary Susan Beasley, born September 10, 1974

7.      James “Jim” Dildy, born February 27, 1912; married Gay Crooks, born August 4, 1918, daughter of Joseph V. and Daisy May Deese Crooks of Ozark, Alabama (No issue)


C.                 Tom Dildy, born January 6, 1877; died February 3, 1961; married Callie Farley, born January 11, 1882; died December 29, 1957; both buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas


1.      Leonard Dildy, born June 15, 1903; married October 30, 1961, Irene Gosnell Warren, born January 14, 1917, daughter of Ode and Cora Lee Gosnell (Irene had one daughter by a previous marriage, Evelyn Juanita Warren, born June 1, 1946, who married Brian Hatch; they had one son Brian Hatch, b. July 7, 1969,) ( No issue)

2.      Henry Ed Dildy, born June 3, 1907; died January 26, 1908

3.      Hendrix Farley Dildy, born August 20, 1911; married Ora Rooks, born January 20, 1919, duaghter of Iliff and Orrie Reed Rooks

a.       Phyllis Ann Dildy, born December 22, 1948

4.      Sim Burton Dildy, born October 17, 1918; married April 13, 1946, Edna Wilson, born March 15, 1926, daughter of C. S. and Gertie Lockaby Wilson

a.       Joseph Burton Dildy, born April 3, 1947; married August 2, 1974, Jackie Holsten, born September 28, 1953

(1).   Jason Edwards Dildy, born February 9, 1975

b.      Charles Thomas Dildy, born July 27, 1948

c.       Gene Alton Dildy, born April 7, 1950

d.      Phil Andrew Dildy, born October 11, 1952

e.       Patricia Ann Dildy, born October 15, 1958


D.                 Violet Ozella Dildy, born April 30, 1880; died February 18, 1935; married James Henry Austin, born December 23, 1875, son of Robert J. and Sabra Ford Austin; died December 8, 1939; both are buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas


1.      Jim Austin, born July 31, 1899; died 1974, buried County Line Cemetery; married Gertrude “Gerty” Elizabeth Young, born November 17, 1911, daughter of John and Martha McGalliard Young

a.       Martha Ann Austin, born June 25, 1941; married October 4, 1964, Donald Lloyd Turner, born July 4, 1940

(1).   Scott Austin Turner, born July 3, 1969

(2).   Blake Lane Turner, born August 30, 1971

2.      Katherine May Austin, born February 27, 1901; died November 26, 1926, buried County Line Cemetery

3.      Joe Austin, born December 23, 1902; died June 2, 1975, in Pittsburg, Texas; married (1) Sadie B. Friend, born February 20, 1909; died May 28, 1958, buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas; (2) Dean Seay, born October 18, 1918  (no issue)

4.      Verna Austin, born August 5, 1907; married September 30, 1928, SamuelBoyd Reese, born January 21, 1909, son of C. A. and Beulah Allen Reese

a.       Twyla Ann Reese, born June 14, 1935, married Ray Lindsay Ferguson, D.D.S., born November 20, 1933. Son of Maudrel Ray and Martha Rebecca Lindsay Ferguson of Warren, Arkansas

(1)      Sabra Ann  Ferguson, born November 2, 1963

(2)      Todd Lindsay Ferguson, born November 2, 1965

b.      James Boyd Reese, born July 11, 1942; married Martha Fay Mansfield, born June 1, 1942, daughter of Cecil and Meddie Finney Mansfield

(1)      Kimberly Ann Reese, born February 17, 1968

(2)      James Mark Reese, born February 20, 1971

5.      Harold Austin, born December 2, 1914; died February 25, 1974

6.       M. August 12, 1940, Louez Jones, born August 30, 1919, daughter of Wylie A. and Lessie Williams Jones

a.       Mina Joe Austin, born January 4, 1942; married August 8, 1966, Daniel Marsh

(1)      Robert Daniel Marsh, born January 12, 1968

(2)      Annalea Kell Marsh, born June 20, 1969

b.      Anna Sue Austin, born November 9, 1945; married June, 1967,

Frank Bray, born May 26, 1944, son of Frank Moyers and Rosalea Parker Bray

(1)      Elizabeth Leigh Bray, born August 16, 1968

(2)      Sara Frances Bray, born June 1, 1971

(3)      Mark Moyers Bray, born January 16, 1974

c.       Norma Gay Austin, born October 1, 1951; married January 6, 1973, Joe Biggs Martin, born July 28, 1949

(1)      Jo Anna Mae Martin, born September 27, 1975

7.      Ruth Austin. born August 9, 1917; married June 8, 1941, Kermit   Wallace White, born February 7, 1918, son of Benjamin Hester and Hattie Pearl Cooper White

a.       Kenneth Wayne White, born December 12, 1945; married Brenda O’Neal, born January 23, 1952, daughter of Lemuel and Mary Lou Reid O’Neal of New Hope, Arkansas

(1)      Chris White, born May 22, 1973

(2)      Jeremiah Lane White, born March 4, 1976


E.                  Henry Dildy, born Sepember 18, 1885; died February 12, 1968; married June  9, 1918, Lela Hutchinson, born August 15, 1896, daughter of James Spence and Jessie Jones Hutchinson; died April 10, 1967; both buried Nashville, Arkansas, Cemetery


1.      Sena Gertrude Dildy, born March 6, 1919, married August 15, 1950, Clarence Paul Parker, born May 30, 1915, Son of Thomas Andrew and Laura Brickey Parker of Franklin County, Arkansas

a.       Glenda Jane Parker, born September 28, 1951; married December 27, 1972, Fred Bean

(1)      Robert Paul Bean, born March 30, 1974

(2)      Jennifer Michelle Bean, born July 24, 1977

b.      Paul Dildy Parker, born April 4, 1955

c.       Charlotte Elizabeth Parker, born October 15, 1961

2.      Cora Augusta Dildy, born June 20, 1920; married August 5, 1945, Floyd B. Caldwell, born August 26, 1914, son of Joseph Floyd and Fanny Long Caldwell of Ft. Worth, Texas

a.       David B. Caldwell, born January 2, 1947; married Sue Nichols

(1)      John Anthony Caldwell, born November 4, 1966

b.      Joseph Dildy Caldwell, born May 11, 1949


F.                  Ed Dildy, born January 6, 1886; died June 7, 1954;buried Bluff Springs Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas; married December 24, 1907. Tera Hale, born August 12, 1888, daughter of Rufe and Betty Setliff Hale


1.      Ruth Dildy, born September 23, 1909; died February 1962; married November 9, 1926, Troy Oliver Putman

a.       Marjorie Jean Putman, born February 6, 1926; died May 17, 1969; married July 31, 1953, Robert S. Dowd, born January 26, 1928

(1)      Kirk Dowd, born July 11, 1954

(2)      Randy Dowd, born May 10, 1956

(3)      Doug Dowd, born July 2, 1958

(4)      Mona Dowd, born July 16, 1959

(5)      Susan Dowd, born March 20, 1963

b.      Ramona Putman, born October 29, 1928; married May 24, 1950, William K., Ruggles, born January 27, 1928

(1)      Murry Ruggles, born March 20, 1951

2.      Timon Andrew Dildy, born June 2, 1911; married December 24, 1929, Mary Beatrice Glasgow, born October 3, 1909, daughter of Urban J. and Grace Latimer Glasgow

a.       William Timon Dildy, born July 31, 1930; married Fren Mills

(1)      Rebecca Lynn Dildy, born May 13, 1952

(2)      William Edwin Dildy, born October 28, 1953

(3)      Robert Lee Dildy, born December 19, 1957; married June 10, 1983, Reeca Nadine Lafferty, born October 21, 1963, in Heber Springs, Arkansas, daughter of James Harrel and Rachael Mae Rackley Lafferty

(a)       James Daniel Dildy, born June 15, 1979; married April 29, 2001, Rebecca Lynn Barnes, born

[1]   Elizabeth McKenzie Dildy, born July 18, 2000

(b)      Aaron Lee Dildy, born July 12, 1984

(c)       Ashley Rene’ Dildy, born December 27, 1985

(d)      Robyn LeAnn Dildy, born October 27, 1987

(4)      Thomas Andrew Dildy, born May 6, 1961

(5)      Frances Merle Dildy, born April 15, 1967

b.      Elizabeth Ann Dildy, born April 30, 1932; married Pete Gathright

(1)      Reggie Franic Garhright, born June 6, 1956

(2)      Stacy Ann Gathright, born February 16, 1958; m. William Mike McCulloch

(3)      Stephanie Lynn Gathright, born December 18, 1960

c.       Urban Douglas Dildy, born December 29, 1933; married Shirley Floyd, daughter of Keslie and Lillian Chesshire Floyd

(1)      Kelly Ann Dildy, born July 16, 1965

(2)      Kristin Kay Dildy, born October 18, 1973

d.      Sonya LaRue Dildy, born March 29, 1937; married Tracey Smith, son of J. D. and Mildred Ludman Smith

(1)      Jacqueline Renee Smith, born May 14, 1955; married Mark Hausmen

(2)      Kevin Tracy Smith, born July 3, 1958

(3)      Keith Allen Smith, born July 14, 1963

e.       Robbie Gene Dildy, born May 19, 1941; married Peggy Feemster, daughter of Robert E. and Juanita Castleberry Feemster

(1)      Robbie Gene Dildy, born November 1, 1970

(2)      Marc Allen Dildy, born December 1, 1972


3.      Ollie May Dildy, born December 23, 1920; married December 24, 1937, Henry Gardner, born January 19, 1917

a.       Judy Ann Gardner, born June 24, 1939

b.      Jerry Don Gardner, born December 19, 1942; married January 31, 1966, Suzanne Kempner, born December 16, 1945

(1)      Gregory Glen Gardner, born May 23, 1969

(2)      John Michael Gardner, born September 26, 1972

c.       Joy Lynn Gardner, born February 11, 1945; married July 13, 1968, James Gary Mitchell, born November 5, 1947

(1)      Clinton Ryan Mitchell, born October 15, 1974

(2)      Ashley Lynn Mitchell, born August 5, 1977

d.      Jenny Sue Gardner, born March 7, 1950; married July 31, 1970, Billy Rankin, born July 2, 1951

(1)      Caleb Mathew Rankin, born November 5, 1977

e.       Jolly Kay Gardner, born October 5, 1954; married September 21, 1975, Mike Walraven, born April 22, 1946

4.      Irma Louise Dildy, born August 12, 1924; married February 12, 1947, Clarence Savage, born April 6, 1922, Son of Peter and Grace Leonard Savage of Plains, Ohio

a.       Stephen Clarence Savage, born September 9, 1961

5.      Edward Hale Dildy, born April 26, 1927; married December 29, 1949, Nita Chamber, born November 29, 1930, daughter of Robert and Cleo Garner Chambers

a.       Douglas Dildy, born July 16, 1952

b.      Gary Dildy, born July 14, 1955

c.       Patricia Dildy, born September 1, 1958

d.      Edward Hale Dildy, born September 30, 1960


G.                 Thurloe B. Dildy, born December 27, 1891; died July 28, 1894; buried Bluff Springs Cemetery


H.                 E.Yancey “Pat” Dildy, born September 9, 1895; d. July 15, 1945; buried Bluff Springs Cemetery (No Issue)







































































VI.                                      Nancy Lavenia Dildy, born January 29, 1851; Union Parish, Louisiana; died 1886, Howard County, Arkansas; married October 22, 1867, S. H. Post, b. 1846; d. 1897; both buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas


A.                 Cornelia Post, married ______ Morgan


B.                 Minnie Post, born August 20, 1874; died June 15, 1958, buried County Line Cemetery; married (1) Joe Graves, born April 10, 1866; died May 28, 1917; (2) Horace B. Gardner, born November 19, 1875; died October 4, 1933


C.                 Emma Post, born 1870; died November 22, 1895; married Lud Boatright, born September 1, 1869; died March 19, 1932; both buried County Line Cemetery (No Issue)


D.                 John Post, born September 25, 1878; died December 13, 1934; married Addie Jones, born August 17, 1874, daughter of Saqm Jones Quanah, Texas; died November 16, 1959


1.      Corrine Post, born April 15, 1900; married Ezra Orr, born March 9, 1901; buried Nashville, Arkansas, Cemetery

a.       Vergie Orr, born June 16, 1919; married Jack Crannell, born February 3, 1919. Son of Kenton Bates and Beulah Jones Crannel of Dallas Texas

(1)      Lynette Adele Crannell, born April 8, 1949; married Terry Allen Files, born September 26, 1950, son of B. N. Files of Brinkley, Arkansas

(2)      Patsy Jean Crannell, born March 13, 1951

(3)      William Owen Crannell, born October 12, 1956

b.      Christine Orr, born August 24, 1922; married March 15, 1947, John Henry Benson, born January 5, 1921, son of Isaac Hardie and Ellen Bayless Benson

(1)      Alfred Allen Benson, born December 4, 1956

c.       Nell Orr, born_______; married Joe Ross


























































VII.                                   Benjamin Franklin Dildy, born October 27, 1852, Union Parish, Louisiana; died October 12, 1908, Howard County, Arkansas;  married Roseanna Reeder, born June 26, 1855, Hempstead County, Arkansas, daughter of David Dunbar and Mary Ellen “Polly” Reeder; died April 16, 1940; Both buried in County Line Cemetery (See Appendix B—Bible Record)


A.                             Ivan Leonidas “Lee” Dildy, born November 22, 1872; died june 9, 1943, in Garesville, Texas; married March 1, 1893, Julia Murray, born August 9, 1871, daughter of Hyram and Elizabeth Garner Murray; died January 12, 1958; both buried Masonic Cemetery, Gatesville, Texas


1.      Walter Dildy, born March 22, 1894; died March 16, 1956; married 1916, Lucille McMinn, daughter of John and Lillian Amanda Morgan McMinn of Panola County, Mississippi

a.       Theron Andrew Dildy, born April 9, 1921; married in Waco, Texas, November 15, 1942, Gertrude Adell Krocker, born February 18, 1922

(1)      Walter Robert Dildy, born August 29, 1945; married in Houston, Texas, August 29, 1965, Jack Hands

(a) Robert Andrew Dildy, born August 25, 1966

(2)      Therona Adell Dildy, born August 25, 1951


B.                             David Walter Dildy, born August 31, 1874; died October 12, 1874 (twin of Benjamin Walker Dildy)


C.                             Benjamin Walker Dildy, born August 31, 1874; died October 14, 1874 (twin of David Walter Dildy)


D.                             John William Dildy, born September 31, 1875; died December 27, 1881


E.                              Evan Augustus Dildy, born October 27, 1877; died November 25, 1877


F.                              Hicks Dildy, born October 16, 1878; died March 26,1955; married July 2, 1900, Ida Mayfield; both buried Ozan Cemetery, Bingen, Arkansas


1.      Coy Van Dildy, born September 26, 1904; married August 4, 1951, Vida Mae Cathy, born May 7, 1905, daughter of William Henry and Ellen Robjohn Cathy of Rover, Arkansas (No Issue)

2.      Eurith Dildy D. D. S., born November 15, 1922; married April 17, 1948, Aurelia Thomas, born November 18, 1924, daughter of Jack and Lelia Boyton Thomas of Graham, Texas

a.       Nena Dildy, born April 2, 1951; married November 10, 1974, Alan Heath, born 1944, son of  Franceis and Gola James Heath

b.      Elane Dildy, born September 4, 1954; married July 13, 1976, James K. Smith, born Marh 14, 1952, son of James Keith and Ethel Mae Caldwell Smith

c.       Kim Dildy, born April 19, 1960


G.                             E. Van Dildy, M. D., born March 31, 1881; died June 6, 1946; married February 7, 1907, Nina Whitmore, born November 7, 1884, daughter of Dr. J. J. Whitmore and his second wife, Amanda Caroline McDonald; Dr. E. Van and Nina Dildy are buried in Nashville Cemetery, Nashville, Arkansas


1.      Nina Kristin Dildy, born December 11, 1908; died March 11, 1978; married December 17, 1940, James Ormand Plummer, born July 8, 1910, son of Lee Roy and Coy Eleanor Brashiers Plummer

a.       Kristin Plummer, born November 18, 1950

2.      Dale Whitmire Plummer, born June 30, 1911; died April 5, 1939; married Helen Ruth Moxley, born May 29, 1916, daughter of Charles Hubbard and Florence Thomason Moxley of Hope and Nashville, Arkansas; died Apirl 2, 1959.  Dr. Dildy is buried on the Dildy lot in Nashville Cemetery; Helen is buried on the Briggs lot in a Cemetery in Little Rock

a.       Dales Dildy, Jr., M.D., born July 28, 1938, in Little Rock, Arkansas  (After Dale, Sr.’s death, Helen married Dr. Barney Briggs; Dale, Jr.’s, name was changed to Briggs when he was Adopted by his step-father.  He then Legally changed it back to Dale Whitmire Dildy Jr. in 1995); married Jane Brockman, born November 28, 1938, daughter of Oliver and Ruth Finch Brockman of Little Rock, Arkansas

(1)                        David Frederick Briggs, born November 11, 1963

(2)                        Kristen Dianna Briggs, born November 29, 1965

3.      Edwin Van Dildy, M. D., born March 13, 1920; married  (1) Ruth Marie Bridgeman, born May 6, 1921, daughter of Thomas and Lela Bell Dowdle Bridgeman, Sr., of Mineral Springs, Arkansas; (2) June 15, 1967, in Hot Springs,Arkansas, Mary Agnes Wakefield, born August 4, 1937, daughter of Ollie and Ethel Hutson Wakfield of Nashville, Arkansas


Children of first marriage:


a.       Karen Kristin Dildy, born July 23, 1943; married August 6, 1962, Wilson Wyatt McCoy, born May 16, 1940, son of Wilson Wyatt and Helen Dunlap McCoy of Little Rock, Arkansas

(1)      Julia Marie McCoy, born September 20, 1963, in Nashville, Arkansas

b.      Roseanna Clementine Dildy, born June 23, 1948; married Michael “Mickey” Myers, born January 31, 1945, son of Albert Lewis and Leone Gunter Myers of Willis, Texas

(1)      Michael Todd Myers, born May 20, 1967,Nashville, Arkansas

(2)      Nina Sylvia Elaine Myers, born March 9, 1969

4.      Mary Jo Whitmore Dildy, born March 22, 1929, (daughter of Nina Whitmore Dildy’s brother Claude Whitmore and his wife Partha Maram; she was adopted by her Aunt Nina Whitmore Dildy and was reared from the age of five months by Dr. Van and Nina Dildy; she was considered a sister by their children); married August 8, 1970, Glen O’Neal Billings, born March 4, 1917, son of Sherman and lois Harding Billings of Center Point, Arkansas (Glen’s children of his first marriage are Douglas, Jim, Glenda, and Mitch.)  (No Issue)

H.                 Clarence Andrew Dildy, born June 14, 1883; died January 10, 1971; married Minnie Coleman, born December 30, 1884, daughter of John and Victoria Humphies Coleman


1.      Eunice Dildy, born December 26, 1905; died September 14, 1944; married Eugenia Kent, born April 7, 1907, daughter of William Thomas and Lena Rosenbaum Kent of Mineral Springs, Arkansas; died May 5, 1967, buried Forest Park East, Houston, Texas

a.       Eugenia Lois Dildy, (twin of Eunice Louise Dildy)born September 14, 1924, married May 27, 1946, Paeder Joel Hoovestel, born June 17, 1925, son of Paeder Tediman and Bertie Williams Hoovestel of Texas

(1)      Karen Patrine Hoovestel, born September 26, 1953

(2)      Paeder Tediman Hoovestel, born February 16, 1956

(3)      Ingar Jolene Hoovestel, born October 6, 1964

b.      Eunice Louise Dildy, (twin of Eugenia Louis Dildy)born September 14, 1924 married September 12, 1946, Charles Edwin Perkins, born March 28, 1922, son of S. R. and Lula Blanche Stokley Perkins of Texas

(1)      John Bradley Perkins, born September 29, 1952

(2)      Peggy Sue Perkins, born April 29, 1959

c.       Clarence Kent Dildy, born January 5, 1926; married February 1, 1950, Peggy Louise Gregg, born September 11, 1926, daughter of Ralph S. and Theresa Berry Gregg of Texas

(1)      Patricia Ann Dildy, born January 31, 1958

(2)      Carl Edward Dildy, born March 1959

d.      Blanche Dildy, born September 9, 1927; married July 15, 1950, Joseph Thomas Weber, born November 22, 1925, son of Joseph Daniel and Bertha Elizabeth Weiner Weber Of Texas; died July 31, 1964

(1)      Clarence Andrew Weber, born May 8, 1953

(2)      Bridget Louise Weber, born September 14, 1958

(3)      Bernadetta Marie Weber, born February 11, 1960

(4)      Joseph Thomas Weber, b. February 3, 1961

(5)      Blanche Elizabeth Weber, born January 28, 1963; married John P. O’Rourke Jr.

e.       Benjamin Dildy, M. D., born October 22, 1933; married April 25, 1964, Lynne Boylan, born December 5, 1938, daughter of James Russell and Ann Boro Boylan of Texas

(1)      Adrian Eugenia Dildy, born September 8, 1967

(2)      Diana Roseanna Dildy, born July 23, 1969

2.      Grace Dildy, (twin of Grady Dildy) born June 23, 1906; died August 5, 1906; buried County Line Cemetery

3.      Grady Dildy, (twin of Grace Dildy)born June 23, 1906; died August 5, 1906; buried County Line Cemetery

4.      Benjamie Franklin Dildy, born Decmeber 10, 1911; died November 25, 1926  (Accidentally killed after hunting, by his shotgun when dismounting form his horse) buried County Line Cemetery

5.      Evelyn Dildy, born December 1, 1921; married  (1) Everett Allen, born September 9, 1898; died May 5, 1962; buried County Line Cemetery; (2) Clarence Collins, born 1910; died July 17, 1973, McNabb, Arkansas


I.                    Violet Dildy, born July 28, 1885; died December 26, 1969; buried Ozan Cemetery, Bingen, Arkansas; married August 19, 1902, Burton Chandler, born July 13, 1888, son of Henry and Virginia Jones Chandler of Howard County, Arkansas; died September 21, 1964


1.       Hoy Chandler  born December 12, 1905; died ; January 1, 1972; married January 11, 1937, Crystal Goodwin, born January 14, 1913; died January 30, 1949; both buried Ozan Cemetery, Bingen, Arkansas

a.       Hoy Eugene Chandler, born October 28, 1938; married Decmeber 29, 1962, June Hill, born June 9, 1947, daughter of Hayes and Tera Hockaday Hill

(1)      Stephen Eugene Chandler, born March 17, 1968

b.      James Lloyd Chandler M. D., born June 5. 1944

2.      Violet Lee Chandler, born October 9, 1909; died August 10, 1971; buried Bingen, Arkansas; married December 23, 1928, Hoy Crowell, born April 1, 1904

a.       Rex Olin Crowell, born September 6, 1930; married Jeanette Ward

(1)      Cunthia Jan Crowell, born March 25, 1969

b.      Retha Crowell, born April 6, 1932; married Roymond Braswell

(1)        Darla Jane Braswell, born June 22, 1963

(2)        Lawrence Ray Braswell, born July 10, 1966

c.       Olin Hoy Crowell, born January 26, 1935; married Barbara Jean Rosenbaum

(1)        Kenneth Crowell, born March 27, 1954

(2)        Karen J. Crowell, born May 1, 1957

(3)        Pamela Kay Crowell, born May 28, 1960

d.      Carol Ann Crowell, born January 23, 1938; married Floyd Horace Matthews

(1)      Truitt Floyd Matthews, born July 6, 1959

(2)      Tricia Carol Matthews, born October 15, 1963

e.       Joyce Marie Crowell, born January 19, 1942; married Perry Purtle

(1)      Todd Purtle, born October 6, 1963

(2)      Val Marie Purtle, born June 4, 1967

3.      Eula Mae Chandler, born March 27, 1914; died August 22, 1962; married Brice McLaughlin, born November 10, 1910, son of Dr. Brice W. and Ada Perlena Hutson McLaughlin of Howard County, Arkansas

a.       George Edwin McLaughlin, born and died January 28, 1932

b.      Venita McLaughlin, born November 10, 1934; married Emmett Allison Scott, born August 15, 1934, son of Thomas F. and Gertie Nell McDonald Scott of DeSota Parish, Louisiana

(1)      Emmett Allison Scott, Jr., born 28, 1956

(2)      Rebecca Lynn Scott, born February 12, 1959

(3)      Thomas Edward Scott, born August 20, 1963

(4)      William Brice Scott, born February 14, 1968

4.      Otha Burton Chandler, born May 15, 1917; married Velma Mae King, born December 26, 1918, daughter of Robert F. and May Etta Hamilton King of Pine Bluff, and Nashville, Arkansas

a.       Infant daughter, born and died June 23, 1937

b.      Infant son, born and died November 6, 1938

c.       Otha Burton Chandler, Jr., born March 15, 1940; married June 19, 1961, Sandra Sue Schmidt, born September 17, 1939, Shreveport, Louisiana

(1)      Burton Carl Chandler, born March 16, 1965

(2)      Valerie Sue Chandler, born June 16, 1965

d.      Joy Lynn Chandler, born October 23, 1942; married November 11, 1958, Jerry Dale Lineberger, born August 8, 1939, son of Dale and Mattie Lineberger of Texarkana, Texas

(1)      Joy Lineberger, born September 12, 1960

(2)      Kimberly Diane Lineberger, born November 1963


J.                   Ernest Dildy, born October 4, 1887; died August 7, 1967; married December 15, 1915, Effie Duke, born January 31, 1890; died June 26, 1961; both buried County Line Cemetery


1.      Wilson Wyatt Dildy, born October 6, 1918; married June 23, 1937, Adine Webb, born January 11, 1921, daughter of George W. and Alma Jones Webb

a.       Wilson Dean Dildy, born March 21, 1941; married November 11, 1961, Mary Pauline Hennies, born January 21, 1943, daughter of Paul and Mary Alice Raley Hennies of Pine Bluff, Arkansas

(1)      Michael Wyatt Dildy, born  May 8, 1964

(2)      Margaret Leigh Dildy, born April 1, 1966

(3)      Marla Elaine Dildy, born July 13, 1970

(4)      Meredith Marie Dildy, born November 11, 1971

b.      Infant daughter, born and died February 20, 1943

c.       James Ernest Dildy, born July 24, 1944; married July 15, 1966, Eddie Lynn Roach, born October 28, 1946, daughter of Eddie L. and Marie Rauls Roach

(1)      Jodie James Dildy, born February 17, 1971

d.      Betty Ann Dildy. Born October 4, 1946; married August 6, 1971, Tracy Leroy Hamilton, born August 20, 1950, son of James Calvin and Lois Vera Moore Hamilton of pine Bluff, Arkansas

e.       George Handall Dildy, born May 15, 1948; married TalbotSanborn Wilkins, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jeter W. Wilkins, Jr., Pine Bluff, Arkansas

f.        Richard Wyatt Dildy, born August 3, 1956; .died March 1, 1959

K.                Pearl Irene Dildy, born October 24, 1889; died June 3, 1962; married January 2, 1906, Earl Copeland, born August 22, 1886, son of Bluford and Vera Hutchinson Copeland; died October 30, 1950; both buried County Line Cemetery


1.      Jaunita Copeland, born March 4, 1910; married (1) December 25, 1934, Russell Brown, born December 17, 1910, son of George Rufus and Ola Virginia Hardy Brown; died October 11, 1938; buried County Line Cemetery; (2) July 28, 1946, James Henderson Burkhart, born November 5, 1900, son of Joseph and Cordelia Pwoell Burkhart


                                    Children of the first marriage:


a.       Patricia Brown, born July 19, 1936; married August 28, 1958, Donald Ray Rodgers, born April 6, 1934, son of Hudson and Bertha Chadwick Rodgers of Hamburg, Arkansas

(1)      Donald Ray Rodgers, Jr., born March 29, 1961

(2)      David Russell Rodgers born June 21, 1966

(3)      Dawn Rachell Rodgers, born November 23, 1970

b.      Amelia Ruth Brown, born July 21, 1938; married October 5, 1957, Theo Stephie Epperson, born October 11, 1935, son of Everett C. and Cordelie Toler Epperson of Tillar, Arkansas

(1)      Randall Scott Epperson, born October 16, 1958

(2)      Robin Lea Epperson, born March 27, 1965

2.      Dildy Copeland, born August 11, 1917; married July 20, 1941, Ina Hooker, born August 31, 1926, daughter of S. L. and Myra Harper Hooker of howard County, Arkansas

a.       Roseanna Copeland, Born January 19, 1948

b.      Melissa Copeland, born March 5, 1956; married June 14, 1974, Danny Hughes, born March 30, 1948, son of Weilson and Darlene Cook Hughes

(1)      Mason Carter Hughes, born March 12, 1975

(2)      Max Clayton Hughes, born May 3, 1978


L.                  Infant Dildy, born January 24, 1892; died January 26, 1892


M.               Eula Ethal Dildy. Born February 6, 1893; married (1) December 15, 1915, Elmer Lawrence, born 1887, son of Jim and Cynthia Turquette Lawrence; died 1931; (2) Floyd Smithson, born August 14, 188, son of Fount and Betty Smithson; died May 9, 1964


Cild of first marriage:


1.      Verdice Lawrence, born December 28, 1924; died April 27, 1963; buried County Line Cemetery; married O’Dell Chambers, born May 5, 1917, son of  J. O. and Grace Jones Chambers

a.       Carol Ann Chambers, born March 25, 1946; married July 12, 1966, in Dallas, Texas, Larry Campbell, born July 11, 1945, son of Buck and Vadra Steed Campbell of Delight, Arkansas

(1)      Christopher Bryan Campbell, born May 15, 1968

(2)      Melissa Cooper Campbell, born October 7, 1972

b.      Woodrow Wilson Chambers, born August 16, 1949; married Margaret Irene Cox, born March 7, 1951, daughter of Floyd and Peggy Artz Cox

(1)         Margaret Ann Chambers, born December 1, 1972

c.       Richard Glen Chambers, born July 15, 1958


N.                Harmon Reeder Dildy, born July 18, 1895; died March 16, 1972; married December 30, 1953, Mary Jones, born July 1, 1903, daughter of Robert and Fannie L. Shirey Jones of Mineral Springs, Arkansas; died December 30, 1963; both are buried County Line Cemetery

O.                Letica Jewel Dildy, born January 28, 1898; died September 21, 1928; buried County Line Cemetery


























VIII.        Susan Margaret Dildy, born December 17, 1854, Union Parish, Louisiana; died May 25, 1924; buried Elgin, Texas; married (1) G. W. Goyne of Ashley County, Arkansas; (2) Tom Ford


Child of first marriage:


A.                 William B. Goyne, born 1879


Cildren of second marriage:


B.                 Carrie Ford, married _______ Childs


1.      Ruth Childs, married Rudolph Englebloo

2.      Lois Childs

3.      Mary Childs

4.      Eddie Childs


C.                 Ed Ford, married Emma Rankin


1.      Melba Ford

2.      Frances Ford

3.      Cecil Ford

Others Unknown




























































IX.              John Wesley Dildy, born December 3, 1856; died December 22, 1917; married April 10, 1879, J. Adeline Burr, born October 14, 1861; died February 17, 1938; both buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, a few miles from Elgin, Texas


A.                 Will Benjamin Dildy, born June 28, 1881; died January 2, 1938; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, near Elgin, Texas


B.                 Dave Dildy, born March 6, 1883; died June 9, 1948; buried Driftwood, Texas; married December 23, 1906, Ida Ford, born July 15, 1884, daughter of John and Alice Ray Ford; died March 22, 1973


1.      Hudson Dildy, born October 20, 1907; married Leona Echols, born May 26, 1910, daughter of Jim and Maggie Jones Echols


C.                 John Thomas Dildy, born October 3, 1886; died June 21, 1974;married July 7, 1912, Nancy Stone, born February 21, 1885; died April 16, 1956


1.      Robert E. Dildy, born April 25, 1913; married August 4, 1934, Mable Odell Barnett, born January 10, 1917, daughter of James M. and Lillie F. Barnett

a.       James Howell Dildy, born August 12, 1936; married December 22, 1956, Miine Bell Click, born June 29, 1940

(1)      James Michael Dildy, born December 9, 1958

(2)      Sharon K. Dildy, born December 4, 1961

(3)      Judy Lynn Dildy, born August 20, 1965

b.      Doris Lee Dildy, born January 22, 1943; married June 21, 1961, Leonard J. Roberts, born March 3, 1939

(1)      Darrell Wayne Roberts, born October 21, 1962

(2)      Robert Jeffrey Roberts, born August 25, 1964

c.       Robert Ray Dildy, born November 16, 1950; married July 22, 1972, Carolyn Brossett, born February 3, 1954

2.      Thomas Nolan Dildy, born January 8, 1917; married Doris Margaret George, born March 18, 1916 Princeton, Missouri, daughter of Vernon Howard and Clara May Moore George (No Issue)

3.      Willie Ruth Dildy, born April 4, 1919; married (1) October 10, 1939, Anton Safarik, born 1917; (2) September 17, 1950, Woodrow W. Anderson, born November 24, 1912, son of Axel and Ida Carlson Anderson


Child of first marriage:


a.       Doris Ann Safrik, born May 29, 1940; married October 1, 1960, Vincent Matocha, born December6, 1938

(1)      Bradley James Matocha, born August 27, 1967


                                          Child of second marriage:


b.      Thomas Axel Anderson, born October 11, 1952; born December 28, 1954

4.      Curtis Bently Dildy, born November 23, 1921; married Lillie Bell Gage, born January 2, 1915

a.       Peggy Joyce Dildy, born may 12, 1941; married Frank Winston Allen , born November 20, 1939

(1)      Greg Winston Allen, born October 24, 1966

(2)      Cathy Melinda Allen, born October 13, 1970

b.      Curtis Wayne Dildy, born May 5, 1943; married Maryland L. Sankey, born September 13, 1966

(1)      Sheri Denice Dildy, born September 13, 1966

(2)      Tracy Denntte Dildy, born October 25, 1970

5.      Eula Belle Dildy, born October 3, 1922; died July 1, 1962


D.                 Joe I. Dildy, born October 16, 1893; married December 24, 1914, Carrie Belle Sharp, born January 15, 1894


1.      Joseph Nelson Dildy, born September 25, 1915; died February 5, 1918; buried Elgin, Texas

2.      Harold Edward Dildy, born July 29, 1918; married November 7, 1948, Betty Lee Wilson, born January 20, 1926, daughter if Cecil F. and Dale Wilson

a.       Lee Dildy, born September 21, 1949

b.      Dale Dildy, born July 18, 1951

c.       Dianne Dildy, born April 29, 1955

d.      Jo Ellen Dildy, born January 23, 1961


E.                  Lillie Dildy, born November 27, 1895; died September 25, 1963; married December 24, 1914, Ed Davis, born December 27, 1889; died August 20, 1962; buried Elgin, Texas


1.      Roy N. Davis, born September 5, 1915; married Leona Stiborik, born April 23, 1913

a.       Otha Lee Roy Davis, born February 8, 1934;

b.      Married (1) Mertalene Dorothy Bird; (2) Jo Ann Kallaugh


                                                Child of first marriage:


(1)      Mark Ellis Davis


                                                Children of second marriage:


(2)      Harry Roy Davis

(3)      Richard Guy Davis

(4)      Thomas Davis

c.       Eula Grace Davis, born September 12, 1935;married Mitchell England, born September 21, 1935

(1)      Bill England, born November 19, 1951

(2)      Reid England, born December 21, 1957

(3)      Judy England, born March 18, 1959

(4)      Roy England, born January 27, 1964

2.      John Davis, born March 5, 1916; died May 8, 1916

3.      Otho Davis, born March 18, 1917; died June, 1970; buried Fairview Cemetery, Bastrop, Texas; married Mary Ann Thompson

a.       Dianne Davis, married L. C. Smith

(1)      Keith Smith

(2)      Stacy Smith

(3)      Stephen Smith


F.                  Samuel Hubert Dildy, born January 1, 1898; married March 14, 1921, Winnie Williams, born October 5, 1898, daughter of Joseph Noel and Mary Ozella Hutchinson Williams of Nashville, Arkansas; died December 17, 1972


1.      William Bernard Dildy, born January 25, 1922; married (1) Gertrude Harris; (2) Della Marie Price, born August 12, 1919


Child of first marriage:


a.       Donald Hubert Dildy, born January 27, 1944


                                          Child of second marriage:


b.      Tina Marie Dildy, born March 11, 1959


G.                 Eula Myrtle Dildy, born July 1, 1900; died March 9, 1976; buried Elgin, Texas; married ______ Johnson












































            X.        Charles Edmond Dildy, born March 7, 1860; died March 21, 1939; married January 3, 1883, Margaret Elvita Ferguson, born June 7, 1867, daughter of Marion F. and Lucy Merrill Ferguson; died November 21, 1931; both buried in Elgin, Texas


A.     Enos Walter Dildy, born November 10, 1883; died November 19, 1971; married Ellen Ponder, born April 1, 1888, daughter of Silas Bennett and Adelia Ledbetter Ponder; died July 23, 1972; both buried County Line Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas


1.      Clara Dildy, born March 9, 1906; married (1) Rufus Bedwell, born January 17, 1901, son of Jim and Emma Townsend Bedwell; died September 7, 1931; (2) Bruce Bean, born October 20, 1901, son of Rufus M. and Susan Lou Graves Bean


Child of first marriage:


a.          Martha Ellen Bedwell, born November 10, 1928; married Dwight Jones, born August 7, 1926

(1)      Tim Jones, born August 11, 1956

(2)      Janet Jones, born February 20, 1963

2.      Loy Dildy, born September 26, 1908; died June 24, 1943; married October 19, 1930, Chloe Young, born September 24, 1913, daughter of R. A. Jack and Hattie JeffreyYoung (Chloe married Ledbetter Ponder After Loy’s Death)

a.          Donna Louise Dildy, born September 6, 1931; married September 3, 1950, Joe Story Floyd, born April 1, 1928, son of Granville and Edna Story Floyd

(1)      Robin Floyd, October 25, 1951; married Leonard Kneipp, born February 6, 1951, son of Edward L. and Patricia Grisham Kneipp of Shreveport, Louisiana

(a)          Kristy Ann Kneipp, born August 10, 1970

(2)      Joseph Tracy Floyd, born October 3, 1956

b.         Loy D. Dildy, born July 1943

3.      Charles Ponder Dildy, born January 24, 1914; died April 1927

4.      Sue Allie Dildy, born January 12, 1916; married (1) November 17, 1934, Robert E. Wesson, born June 30, 1912;died 1966; (2) D. B. Scott, born July 1911; died July 6, 1972


Children of first marriage:


a.          Jerome Dildy Wesson, born April 24, 1937; married (1) in 1960 Devon Walker of Pine Bluff, Arkansas; (2) Jean Simons


Child of first marriage:


(1)      Wimberly Shan Wesson, born January 9, 1964


b.         Joe Robert Wesson, born June 21, 1947; married Deborah Ramage, born October 2, 1947

(1)   Stacy Renee Wesson, born June 4, 1969


B.     Lena May Dildy, born October 17, 1885; married Joseph King of Elgin, Texas (No Issue)


C.     Carrie Ivy Dildy, born June 15, 1888; died March 8, 1908; buried in Elgin, Texas


D.     Albert Otto Dildy, born October 17, 1890; died June 21, 1950; married June 8, 1916, Lila Belle Dingmore


1.      Fern Dildy, married Terry Dalton

2.      Florine Dildy, married George Reeves

3.      Bob Dildy



E.      Myrtle Allie Dildy, born October 18, 1892; died January2, 1922; married November 2, 1913, Robert Holliday, died July 1, 1934


1.      Edgar Eugene Holliday, born March 14, 1915; married 1942, Lena Peters, born April 16, 1910

a.          Eugenia Gayle Holliday, born December 20, 1944; married (1) Richard Belott; (2) Don Quick

(1)      Darin Quick, born July 20, 1972

b.         Linda Sue Holliday, born April 16, 1946; married      1972, William Boyd 1972


F.      Marion Howard Dildy, born February 8, 1901; died February 27, 1970; married Mystle Pepham, died January 22, 1966 (No Issue)


G.     Lucy Margaret Dildy, born September 26, 1906; married June 7, 1941, Albert Mark Prater, born April 24, 1903, son of A. M. and Mable Clare Goalder Prater; died September 2, 1973 (No Isuue)


H.     Charles Bethea Dildy, M. D., born December 23, 1909; married Magdalen Steger, born January 28, 1909, daughter of John Leonard and Caroline Luedtke Steger of Pelugerville, Texas


1.      Dolph William Dildy, born November 24, 1940; married September 7, 1963, Caroline Elizabeth Giece, daughter of Fletcher and Betty Jenkins Giece

a.          Stephen Dolph Dildy, born May 21, 1974

2.      Kathleen Bethea Dildy, born August 30, 1942; married June 22, 1968, Lambert Labay, son of Steve and Ludmila Kasper Labay

a.          Laura Renee Labay, born December 25, 1971

b.         Russell Lambert Labay, born March 11, 1973
























































































            After the death of Absylor Howard Dildy on March 16, 1897, Benjamin Dildy, Sr., married on February 4, 1880, Emma McCowan Abrams, widow of George Abrams.  Emma was born August 22, 1949, the daughter of Jackson Green and Ann Box McCowan.  She died April 1903, and is buried in Quanah, Texas.  Children of Benjamin and Emma Dildy Follow:





XI.              Oscar Dildy, born August 15, 1882; died 1943; buried in Dalhart, Texas; married (1) Julia Lois Click, born June 20, 1883; died February 17, 1907l (2) Bucket Graves


Child of first marriage:


A.                 Claudia Dildy, born May 23, 1904; died August 14, 1914; buried Bluff Springs Cemetery, Howard County, Arkansas



































































XII.           Mae Dildy, born October 18, 1883; married November 3, 1901, John Luther McInturff,  born June 7, 1879; died May 9, 1965; buried Trinidad, Colorado


A.                 John Hugh McInturff, born September 6, 1902; died February 28, 1969; buried Amarillo, Texas; married (1) ________; (2) Alice Lucy Rice Butts, born September 28, 1905


Child of first marriage:


1.      Peggy Parthena McInturff, born December 29, 1924; married Buddy Bateman


Children of second marriage:


2.      John Hugh McInturff, Jr., born June 2, 1938; married Bobby Jean Woods, born July 17, 1936

a.       Terry Dean McInturff, born May 13, 1956

b.      Darren Lance McInturff, born July 15, 1959

3.      Josephine Alice McInturff, born September 7, 1943; married George Lee Hash, born March 10, 1944

a.       Samuel Joe Hash, born March 13, 1962

b.      Gaylene Lance Hash, born September 20, 1965

c.       Guy Brandow Hash, born May 26, 1968

d.      Jennifer Leann Hash, born November 24, 1972


B.                 Corrine Blanche McInturff, born August 26, 1905; married ______ Dainty


C.                 Clara Mae McInturff, born October 29, 1912; died August 3, 1968; buried Trinidad, Colorado; married (1) David Polk Newcomb, born June 27, 1909, in Weston Missouri; died November 14, 1960, in plane crash in Oklahoma; buried Trinidad, Colorado; (2) in 1967 Ben Johnson


Children of first marriage:


1.      Kennth Ray Newcomb, born April 8, 1930; married (1) Jacqulyn Fern Schoonmaker, born April 8, 1928, in Pennsylvania; (2) Leonarda Erika Bambans, born June 18, 1922, in Daugarvpils, Latvia


Children of first marriage:


a.       David Byron Newcomb, born March 21, 1951, Middleton, Tennessee; married Nancy Coletta

(1)      David Kenneth Newcomb, born January 6, 1972, Providence, Rhode Island

b.      Kevin Roger Newcomb, born May 5, 1953, Portsmouth, Virginia

2.      Betty Newcomb, born May 15, 1933; married Richard Owens, M. D., born 6, 1927, Bedford, Iowa

a.       Terry Lynn Owens, born March 21, 1958, des Moines, Iowa

b.      Steven Keith Owens, born June 28, 1960, Greeley, Colorado

c.       Susan Kay Owens, born December 8, 1963; died December 10, 1963, Greeley, Colorado

3.      Martha Newcomb, born March 3, 1945, Trinidad, Colorado; married William Donges, born February 2, 1940, Xenia, Ohio

a.       Debrah Kay Donges, born December 20, 1966

b.      David Henry Donges, born June 10, 1969

c.       Dorie Ann Donges, born July 27, 1975

4.      David Keith Newcomb, born December 15, 1964; married Jerelyn Grace Barber, born November 1, 1947, Denver Colorado

a.       Dawn Celeste Newcomb, born February 20, 1970, Ft. Collins, Colorado

b.      Lance Keller Newcomb, born September 5, 1973, Trinidad, Colorado






















XIII.        Lillie Etta Dildy, born January 19, 1881, Nashville, Arkansas; died October 11, 1964, Altus, Oklahoma; married November 3, 1901, Nashville, Arkansas, Wiiliam Claude Austin, born January 24, 1880, Nashville, Arkansas, son of Robert J. and Sabra E. Ford Austin; died October 5, 1946; buried Altus, Oklahoma


A.                 William Nolan Austin, born August 1902, Eldorado, Oklahoma; died 1905; buried Quanah, Texas


B.                 Rob Ben Austin, born September 19, 1903, Eldorado, Oklahoma; married January 12, 1929, Altus, Oklahoma, Nathan Hale O’Byrne, born May 11, 1902, Chicago, Illinios; died February 17, 1975, Kansas City, Missouri


1.      Patricia Jo O’byrne, born December 1, 1930; married Eugene Frank Sikorovsky, born November 27, 1927, Jackson, Michigan, son of Frank Joseph and Betty Malik Sikorovsky

a.       Paul Eugene Sikorovsky, born August 3, 1955

b.      Charles Sikorvsky, born August 31, 1958

c.       Catherine Austin Sikorovsky, born August 6, 1967

d.      Elizabeth Hales Sikorovsky, born August 6, 1967

e.       Emily Warner Sikorovsky, born July 30, 1970

2.      William Warner O’Byrne, born August 24, 1932; married May 24, 1953, Mable Jean Mueller, born January 1, 1932, daughter of Frank and Muriel Jean Nipp Mueller

a.       Susan Elizabeth O’Byrne, born 26, 1955

b.      Nancy Jo O’Byrne, born February 11, 1958

c.       Peter Michael O”Byrne, born July 9, 1959

d.      Matthew William O’Byrne, born May 27, 1962

3.      Robert Dennis O’Byrne, born August 31, 1932, Shawnee, Oklahoma; married January 14, 1956, Mary Johann Giudici, born July 30, 1935, daughter of Frank and Mary Ellen Giudici of Kansas City, Missouri

a.       Robert Austin O’Byrne, born November 8, 1956

b.      Patrick Giudici O’byrne, born November 20, 1957

c.       Mary Joellen O’Byrne, born March 16, 1962

d.      John Grady O’Byrne, born October 17, 1968

4.      Michael O’Byrne, M. D., born July 22, 1936, Shawnee, Oklahoma; married May 4, 1969, Susan Cheney, born January 29, 1947, daughter of Philip and Mildred Cheney, Dallas, Pennsylvania

a.       Megan Austin O’Byrne, born June 4, 1975, Honolulu, Hawaii


C.                 Dildy McCowen Austin, M. D., born September 17, 1905, Elsorado, Oklahoma; died March 28, 1936, Belen, New Mexico; buried Quanah, Texas; married 1931 Liilian Fairbain, born 1907 Somervale, Massachusetts


1.      Richard Harlan Austin, born August 3, 1932, Albuquerque, New Mexico;  married ______

a.       Dianna Austin

b.      Amy Austin

c.       Matthew Austin

2.      Leslie Ann Austin, born July 28, 1935, Albuquerque, New Mexico; married 1957 Roy Harold Walker, born 1921


D.                 Lowell Erskine Austin, born October 19, 1908; died September 1974; married Mildred Starns, daughter of Stanton and Lou Ann Gross Starns


1.      Lowell Erskine Austin, Jr., married Melinda Riakson

a.       Julie Austin

b.      Kathryn Austin

c.       Eric Austin

2.      Nancy Lou Austin, married Tom McCoy

a.       Luci McCoy

b.      Kerry McCoy

3.      Lawrence William Austin

4.      Martha Ann Austin married John Wahl

a.       Jeremy Wahl


E.                  Marshall Harlan Austin, born June 14, 1911, Rldorado, Oklahoma; married January 20 1940, Sarah Jane Flenniken, born April 28, 1918, Midland, Pennsylvania


1.      Marshall Harlan Austin, Jr., born December 29, 1941; married Marti Lee Matthew

a.       Christopher Marshall Austin, born March 17, 1969

b.      Alan Peter Austin, born January 8, 1971

2.      Susan Elizabeth Austin, born November 9, 1943; married Steven Hurley Claassen, born April 30, 1940

a.       Elizabeth Devereaux Claassen, born January 3, 1968

b.      Sarah Suzanne Claassen, born April 29, 1969

c.       Kathleen Susan Claassen, born January 29, 1972

3.      Robert Charles Austin, born January 2, 1946; married Cynthia Gravelle, born December 25, 1947


F.                  Sabra Elizabeth Austin, born September 26, 1913; married October 28, 1945, Harry A. Ware, born 1907, son of Richard and Mary Hodges Ware, Wytheville, Virginia (No Issue)


G.                 Harriet Austin, born August 26, 1917; mariied October 8, 1949, William E. Cunningham, D. S. S., born November 1, 1913, son of William E. and Grace Cunningham


1.      William E. Cunningham, III., born June 21, 1953, Lawton, Oklahoma













































































































[1] Nell MarionNugent, ed.  Cavaliers and Pioneers:  Abstracts of Virgiana Land Patents and deeds, 1623-1666,  Vol. 1. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1963, p. 244.


[2] Nell Marion Nugent, ed.  Cavaliers and Pioneers:  Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Deeds, 1666-1695,  Vol. II. Richard:  Virginia State Library, 1977, p. 152.


[3] Ibid.,  p. 155


[4] Grimes, Abstracts and Wills of North Carolina,  1690-1760.


[5] Walter Clark, ed.  The State Records of North Carolina,  Vol. XXII. Goldsboro, North Carolina:  Nash Brothers, 1907, pp. 327-328.


[6] Charles Hughes Hamlin, compiler.  Virginia Ancestors and Adventures,  Vol. II.  Baltimore:   Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1975, pp.


[7] Revolutionary War Vouchers, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.


[8] Alveretta Kenan Register, transcriber.  State Census of North Carolina, 1784-1787, Second Edition.  Baltimore:  Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, pp. 38-39.


[9] Marriage Bonds, North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.


[10] United States Census of North Carolina, 1790.


[11] United States Census of Virginia, 1790.


[12] Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution. Baltimore:  Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1972,  p. 432 and  p.436; Pension records on file—Amos #NC S6794, Joseph # Va S6795—General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, Washington, DC.


[13] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book L, p. 93.


[14] Pitt County, North Carolina, deed Book M, p. 127.


 15 Ibid., p. 407.


[16] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book N, p. 447.


[17] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book BB, p. 311.


[18] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book M, p. 494.


[19] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book N, p. 12.


[20] United States Census of North Carolina, 1800.


[21] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book DD, p. 6.


[22] Ibid., p. 278.


[23] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book OO, p. 217.


[24] United States Census Of North Carolina, Pitt County, 1830.


[25] United States Census Of North Carolina, Pitt County, 1840.


[26] Ruth Smith Williams and Margaret Glenn Griffin, Marriages of Early Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1733-1865.  Rocky Mount, North Carolina:  Dixie Letter Service, p. 40.


[27] United States Census of North Carolina, Piit County and Edgecombe County, 1850.


[28] Family Bible of Louis T. Dildy, now owned by Jewfferson G. Dildy, Wilson, North Carolina, Copy in Appendix A.


[29] United States Census of North Carolina, Pitt County, 1810.


[30] United States Census Of North Carolina, Pitt County, 1820.


[31] Family Bible of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy; copy in Appendix B.


[32] United States Census of North Carolina, Pitt County,1830.


[33] Family Bible of Louis T. Dildy.


[34] Ibid.


[35] Joseph P. Walston, Kinfolk of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1788-1855, p. 291.



[36] United States Census North Carolina, Pitt County, 1840.


[37] United States Census North Carolina, Pitt County, 1850.


[38] Family Bible of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy.


[39] Williams and Griffin, op. cit., p. 164; knowledge of Jefferson G. Dildy.


[40] Knowledge of Jefferson G. Dildy, Wilson, North Carolina.


[41] Family Bible of Louis T. Dildy.


[42] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book II, p. 192.


[43] Pitt County, North Carolina, Deed Book GG, p. 503.


[44] United States Census, Louisiana, Union Parish, 1850.


[45] General Index to Conveyances, Union Parish, Louisiana, Farmersville, Louisiana, Book G, p. 236.


[46] United States Census of Louisiana, Union Parish, 1850.


[47] United States Census of Louisiana, Union Parish, 1860.


[48] United States Census of Louisiana, Union Parish, 1870.


[49] United States Census of Louisiana, Union Parish, 1880.


[50] Jesse served in the 31st Louisiana, Infantry.  He was Prisoner of war at Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Confederate Archives, Chapter 5, File # 54, p. 94.


[51] General Index of Conveyances, Union Parish, Louisiana.  Farmersville, Louisiana, Book A, p. 301.


[52] Ibid., p. 267.


[53] Ibid., Book J, p. 333.


[54] The States of Louisiana, Patent #11,775, Certificate #23743, June 23, 1862.


[55] General Index to Conveyances, Union Parish, Louisiana,  Book L, p. 198.


[56] Index to Successions, Union Parish, Louisiana;  Tutorship of Minor Heirs of Charles Dildy, filed December 28, 1870.


[57] Ibid.


[58] Letter from Dorothy Dishman to Kristin Dildy Plummer.


[59] Information sent by Ruth Lawson to Kristin Dildy Plummer.


[60] Family Bible of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy.


[61] Ibid.


[62] Ibid.


[63] Williams and Griffin, op. Cit., p. 40; North Carolina Archives Original Marriage Bond.


[64] Family Bible of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy.


[65] Edgecombe County, North Carolina, Will Book f, p. 381 ff.


[66] North Carolina Archives Original Marriage Bond.


[67] Information given to Kristin Dildy Plummer.


[68] Index to Successions, Union Parish, Louisiana, p. 442.


[69] United States Census of Louisiana, Union Parish, 1850.


[70] United States Census of Louisiana, Union Parish, 1860.


[71] General Index to Conveyances, Union Parish, Louisiana,  Book F, p. 24.


[72] Ibid., Book G, p. 236.


[73] Ibid., Book G, p. 237.


[74] Ibid., Book 57, p. 263.


[75] Ibid., Book 57, p. 263.


[76] Ibid., Book J, p. 333.


[77] Ibid., Book L, p. 329.


[78] Ibid., Book L, pp. 434-435.


[79] United States Census of Arkansas, Sevier County, Saline Township, 1870.


[80] Ibid.


[81] Family Bible of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy.


82 Cemetery Records in Appendix D.


83 Howard County, Arkansas, Marriage, p. 206.


84 Family Bible of Benjamin and Absylor Howard Dildy.


85 Cemetery Records in Appendix D.


86 Family Bible of Louis T. Dildy.


87 Cemetery Records in Appendix D.


88 Family Bible of Louis T. Dildy


















































































































The Louis T. Dildy Bible Record, Wilson, North Carolina, copied by Kristin Dildy Plummer, June 1966 at the home of Mrs. Louis T. Dildy, and now in the possession of Jefferson Gordon Dildy, Wilson, North Carolina.


Great Great Grand Parents


            Jesse Dildy

            Ivy Dildy (In pencil someone had written “Was a May.”)


Great Grand Parents


Louis Thomas Dildy, born November 14, 1788, Pitt County, North Carolina;

Elizabeth Dildy, born August 8, 1789 (In pencil someone had written “May have been a Riggan.”)


Grand Parents


Louis Steeta Dildy, born March 16, 1835, Pitt County, North Carolina; died 1901,               

     Saratoga, North Carolina

Mary Millicent Dildy, whose father was Asa Gay, born January 8, 1840, Pitt

     County, North Carolina; died 1928, Saratoga, North Carolina




Elizabeth H., born September 29, 1866; died 1866

Luciena, born July 23, 1868; died April 23, 1938; married Ruffin Price

John Richard, born September 20, 1871; died January 30, 1938;married Edwina


Mary Jane, born August 6, 1874; died 1965; married Wiley Eason

Louis T., born August 27, 1876; died December 19, 1958; married Mattie Collins

Sarah A., born June 25, 1880; married H. W. Shackleford


(All above born Wilson, North Carolina)




            Louis T. Dildy, born August 27, 1876; died December 19, 1958

            Mattie Collins Dildy, born August 16, 1890; married January 12,




            Louis Thomas, born December 17, 1912

            John Albert, born August 5, 1915

Jefferson Gordon, born April 22, 1917









































































































































Bible Record of the family of

Benjamin Dildy, Sr. and Absylor Jane (Howard) Dildy



            (This record was kept on two pieces of paper in the family Bible, which was in the keeping of Benjamin’s grandson, Clarence Dildy, in Nashville, Arkansas, and was copied by Kristin Dildy Plumper in August of 1966.)



Bejamin Dildy and Absylor Howard was married April 29, A. D. 1841.


Lewis Thomas, son of  Benjamin Dildy and Absylor Jane his wife was born April 15, 18

     1842 (must have died in infancy—K. D. P.).


Penelope Dildy, daughter of same was born October 7, 1843.


Tishy, daughter of same, was born April 25, A. D., 1847.


Wiley Andrew, son of same, was born January 1, A. D., 1849


Nancy Lavina, daughter of same, was born January 29, A. D., 1851.


Benjamin Franklin, son of same, was born October 27, A. D., 1852


Susan Margaret, daughter of same, was born December 17, A. D., 1854.


John Wesley, son of same, was born December 3, A. D., 1856.


Charles Edmond, son of same, was born March 7, A. D., 1860.


            Benjami Dildy, son of Lewis T. Dildy and his wife Nancy, was born February 10, 

A.     D., 1820.


Absylor Jane Howard, daughter of Evan Howard and Penelope his wife, was born  

     April 8, A. D., 1817


Benjamin Dildy departed this life December 25, 1889.


Absylor Jane Dildy departed this life March 16, 1897.








Second Sheet Reads:


Benjamin Dildy and Absylor Howard was married April 29, 1841.


R. F. McAdams and Penelope Dildy was married december 2, 1860.


E. H. M. Goyne and Tishy Dildy was married December 2, 1860.


S. H. Post and Nancy L. Dildy was married October 22, 1867.


Benjamin Franklin McAdams was born November 4, 1861.


Susan N. McAdams was born May 24, 1863.



Note:   The two above were children of Penelope Dildy and her first husband,

            R. F. McAdams. – K. D. P.





















































































































Howard County Court House, Nashville Arkansas


                                      Record of Wills                Book A. page 92-97


Last Will and Testament of Benjamin Dildy


Know all men by them present that I Benjamin Dildy of the county and state of (Arkansas) now aged sixty- nine years being of sound and disposing mind and memory for which I desire to be thankful to almighty God and considering the uncertainty of the mortal life do make and constitute my last will and testament, hereby revolking and setting aside all other and former wills subscribed by me.


First, my will and desire is that from and after my decease my beloved wife Emily Dildy and my three children by her to wit Lillie E. Dildy, James (Oscar) Dildy, and Ider M. Dildy have the entire use jointly and equally of the benefits arising from the Homestead place where I now reside, which is described as follows viz;  The North half of the North East quarter, the North half of the North West quarter, the south half of the North West quarter and the North half of the North East quarter of the South East quarter—all in section one (1) in township ten (10)  South of range twenty-eight (28) West situated in the county and state of aforesaid and containing in the aggregate three hundred acres.  My same wife and her said children to have and to hold said premises all profits arising there from for the first twelve months next after my death,  and at the expiration of said twelve month after my death my will is that the -----afterwards----- three hundred-300 acres-of land with all the appurtenances there unto to belonging be vested In my first or oldest set of my children—Nancy /sic./ Penelope Garner, E. R. Dildy, Tishie Goyne, Wiley A. Dildy, Benjamin F. Dildy, Susan M. Ford, John W. Dildy, Charles E. Dildy, and the body heirs of Nancy L. Post—namely Cornelius J., Minnie E., and John A. Post and Emma Post----the last named four of course only representing the interest of their said mother, Nancy L. Post who is deceased, and that my said sons Wiley A. and Benjamin F. act as agents on supervision in either the division equally of said land or the sale then of for a division and that in either case each of my last named said heirs have and received an equal share there in also.  I will and bequeath to my last named and oldest family of children all the principal of the purchase price for 120 acres of land, which I have sold to F. G. Feemaster, which lands lie directly adjoining to said homestead tract—said principal for said land so sold being the sum of six hundred and sixty--$660—dollars, which I desire also to be equally divided between my last named children and any and all interest that here on may hereafter accrue on the principle for said sold to F. G. Feemaster, my will is that my said wife and her said children shall receive said interest and, further, should it become necessary after my death for a deed to be executed to said Feemaster for said lands, I hereby empower my said sons Wiley A. and Benjamin F. Dildy to execute and deliver the same as fully in all respects as I might or could do if Living. 


Second, I also will devise and bequeath unto my said first and oldest family of children namely Penelope Garner, E. R. Dildy, Tishy Goyne, Wiley A. Dildy, Benjamin F. Dildy, Susan M. Ford, John O. Dildy, Charles E. Dildy, and said heirs of Nancy L. Post the following named and noterized—one note on Charles E. Dildy for the sum of two hundred dollars with 10 percent from and after 6th day of April 1886, one note on John W. Dildy for the sum of one hundred dollars with 10 percent interest, after 3rd day of March 1887, with a credit of ten dollars dated January 18, 1888, one note on W. B. Goyne for $89.45 with ten percent interest after the 20th of April, 1889.  Also an open account matter on the same party for the sum of $25.00.  One note on E. R. Dildy for the sum of ten dollars with ten percent interest after January 1st 1886.  Also I constitute my said sons Wiley A. and Benjamin F. Dildy agents to collect together the proceeds of said notes and accounts and when and or all said sums in, I hereby direct that the same be equally divided between said first family of children.


Third, where as I have bargained and sold to William R. S. Fimmons the following described real estate viz;  The North West quarter of the South East quarter, the North East quarter of the South West quarter and the North half of the South East quarter of the South West quarter all in section twenty—five (25) in township nine (9) south of Range twenty-eight (28) West containing one hundred, 100 acres, situated in the ----- said county aforesaid for which said lands Fimmons has executed to me his several notes as follows first—in four bales of cotton, to be delivered November 1st, 1889.  Second note for five bales of cotton to be paid November 1st, 1891.  And I executed to said Fimmons a Lettis Bond to make deed to said land when said notes are paid.


Now I desire to make known that I will to my said wife and her children by me the proceeds of the sale of said land, in case the purchase price is paid therefore and in case such payments are not made as agreed on, then and in that event—I will to them the said lands so sold to said Fimmon.


I also will and bequeath to my said wife and her three said children by me all of my personal property of every description consisting of any horses, mules, cattle, hogs, wagons, buggies, farmery utensils, household and kitchen furniture, in a word all personal property belonging to me at the time of my decease whether mentioned here in or not;  also, all moneys chosen in action notes, accounts, credits, and effect except the herein aforesaid described notes, which I have bequeathed to my oldest set of children to be divided between her and her said children.


Fourth, My further will is that immediately after my death that a suitable guardian be appointed for my children and my said wife proceed to settled and wind up my unfinished business of every character as fully in all respects as I might or could do in acting for myself. And that my said wife so desire and think it best, that she have a sale of any of my personal property she may want to dispose of, for the best interests of herself and her children, and I advise that such sale be for cash in hand and further that as fast as may collect my matters together, that the proceeds be equally divided as before subscribed, and that she turn over each child’s respective share to their legal guardian.

Fifth, I desire to make known that I have in all good conscience given and divided my effects between my first and last family of children and my present beloved wife, according to what I believe equalate first, and right, taking things into consideration.

Sixth, My will and desire is and I hereso direct that as soon as possible after my decease my said wife have my last will and testament proven up and admitted to record and that there be no further proceedings-----except it be carry out, the purpose and intentions of this my will.


In wittness where of I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal on this fifteenth day of November A. D. 1889.


                                                                              Benjamin Dildy (seal)



Abstract  B. M. Copeland

                 J. A. Corbell


The above and ------;  Last will and testament of Benjamin Dildy was signed and sealed and declared by him, said Dildy, to be his last will and testament by signing same with his own hand in the presence and requested that we attest the same, which here so do, in the presence of each other, on this 15th day of November A. D. 1889


                                      B. M. Copeland               J. A. Corbell


State of Arkansas, county of Howard


     In Howard Probate Court, In Vacation-------


On the 25th day of December 1889 before the undersigned clerk of the Circuit Court of the said county, personally came and appeared J. A. Corbell and B. M. Copeland to me well known, who being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says that the paper written here annexed purporting to be the last will and testament of Benjamin Dildy deceased, subscribed by the said Benjamin Dildy in their presence on the 10th day  of November 1889 al.  His late residence in the county of Howard, state aforesaid that the terms of subscribing and paper writing the said Benjamin Dildy deceased and instrument to be the last will and testament and Requested them to sign their names----as attesting witnesses. That they each one for themselves signed their names as attesting witnesses in the presence of said testator and in the presence of each other.  That said Benjamin Dildy at the time of this exe---- and memory and over the age of 21 years and a resident of Howard County.


                                                                              J. A. Corbell

                                                                              B. M. Copeland


Subscribed of witt before the 28th day of (seal) December 1889






























































































































Cemetery Records:




Clark County---------Some 5 or 6 miles out of Gurdon, Arkansas


Dildy       (Large Marker)


Dora M., Dec, 16, 21896----Jan. 7, 1965


May E., May 8, 1894----May 13, 1933


Tom L. Dildy,  Ark. Pvt. 112 Inf. 28 Div.

                                 July 18, 1934

                                 Born July 30, 1892, Woodman of the World Design


Jack S. Dildy, May 6, 1899----July 23, 1954


David W. Dildy, April 13, 1854----Nov. 4, 1930       Father


Mary Jacks, Dec. 19, 1859----Jan. 18, 1935               Mother


                     THEY DIED AS THEY LIVED. . . . . CHRISTIANS


Note:  These are the descendents of Charles Dildy and Emily McCormick Dildy of Louisians.

     I copied the same from the tombstones March 1, 1970.






Dildy Lots


Benjamin Dildy, Feb. 10, 1820----Dec. 25, 1889


Absylor Dildy, Apr. 8, 1817----Mar. 16, 1879


Benjamin Franklin Dildy, Oct. 27, 1852----Oct. 12, 1908


                                     “Thy Memory shall ever be a guiding

                                              star to Heaven.”



Roseanna Reeder Dildy, June 26, 1855----Apr. 16, 1940


                                      “Loving and kind in all her ways

                                        Upright and just to the end of her days

                                        Sincere and true in heart and mind

                                        What a beautiful memory she left behind.”


Jewel Dildy, born Jan 28, 1898----Died Sept. 21, 1928


David Walter Dildy, Aug. 31, 1874----Oct. 12, 1874


Benjamin Walker Dildy, Aug. 31, 1874----Oct. 14, 1874


John William Dildy, Sept. 31, 1874----Dec. 17, 1881


Evan Augustus Dildy, Oct. 27, 1877----Nov. 25, 1887


Infant,  Jan. 24, 1892----Jan. 26, 1892


Mary (Jones) Dildy, July 1, 1903----Dec. 30, 1963


Reeder Dildy, July 18, 1895----Mar. 16, 1972




Earnest Dildy, Oct. 4, 1887----Aug. 7, 1967


Effie (Duke) Dildy, Jan. 31, 1890----June 26, 1961




Dildy, C. A. (Clarence Andrew) Dildy, June 14, 1883----Jan. 10, 1971


Dildy, Ben F., Dec. 10 1911----Nov. 25, 1926

                     (son of C. A. and Minnie Dildy)


                                    “His Spirit Shines from the High  Shore

                                      And softly whispers, “Weep no more.”


Dildy, Grady and Grace, June 23, 1906----Aug. 5, 1906  (twins)




Enos Dildy, Nov. 10, 1883----Nov. 19, 1971


Ellen Dildy, Apr. 1, 1888----July 23, 1972


Charles Ponder Dildy, Jan. 2, 1913----Apr. 26, 1927


Loy Dildy, Sept. 26, 1908----24, 1943




S. C. Dildy (Seborn), May 25, 1848----Nov. 27, 1924


Elizabeth Dildy, Mar. 11, 1833----Feb. 4, 1904  (1st wife)


Pearl Dildy, May 28, 1874----Jan. 7, 1961   (2nd wife)


Lawson, Henry S. Lawson, Feb. 11, 1928----Oct. 6, 1946

                               (son of Ruth Dildy and S. C. Lawson)


Pearl Dildy Copeland, Oct. 24, 1889----June 3, 1962


Earl Copeland, Aug. 22, 1886---Oct. 29, 1950


Russell Brown, Dec. 17, 1910----Oct. 11, 1938

                                (first husband of Juanita Copeland)





            Near Mineral Springs, Arkansas


W. A. Dildy (Wiley Andrew), Jan. 1, 1849----Aug. 5, 1897


M. J. Dildy (Josephine), July 25, 1853----July 27, 1926


Thurloe B., Son of W. A. and M. J. Dildy

                                    Dec. 27, 1891----July 28, 1894, age 2 yrs., 7 mos., 1 da.


E. Y. “Pat” Dildy, Sept. 9, 1895----July 15, 1945  (son of W. A. and M. J. Dildy)


Ed. Dildy, Sept. 9, 1886----1953


Tera (Hale) Dildy, 1888----



Claudie N., daughter of J. O. Dildy and Louis Dildy

                                    May 23, 1904----Aug. 14, 1914


Julia lois, wife of J. O. Dildy

                                    June 20, 1883----Feb. 17, 1905


                        (J. O. Dildy was the son of Ben. Dildy Sr. and his second wife Emma McCowan)





(Copied from the tombstones of the grandparents of Jefferson Gordon Dildy.  Louis Streeta Dildy was a half brother of Benjamin Dildy,)


Louis S. Dildy                                                   Mary Millicent Gay


         Born:       March 16, 1835                                       wife of Louis S. Dildy


         Died:       September 27, 1901                                 Born:     January 8, 1840


                        AT REST                                                 Died:     May 28, 1928


                                                                                      SHE HATH WON THE VICTORY


                        Copied in 1966 from the tombstones by K. D. P.






                        Nina Whitmore Dildy

                   Nov. 7, 1884,--Dec. 3, 1973

               Love, Inspiration, Faith, Example




                        E. Van Dildy, M. D.

                March 31, 1881—June 6, 1946

    Having Served His Generation He Fell Asleep


                        Dale Dildy M. D.

June 30, 1911—April 15, 1939




             Henry McAdams                                                         Nauris

            December 9, 1900                                                  April 3, !904

October 16, 1963



Frank McAdams                                                          Laura

           November 4, 1891                                           September 17, 1872

             July 14, 1920                                                     January 2, 1942




     William Robert McAdams                                        Jennie Ferguson

           October 17, 1897                                                    June 2, 1907

           October 19, 1972                                               February 18, 1947




     Lela Hutchinson Dildy

         August 15, 1896

          April 10, 1967


       Henry August Dildy

       September 18, 1885

        February 12, 1968




     Rufus Haller Dildy

      October 19, 1897

     February 23, 1970


   Mercedes McGinnis

   December 11, 1900

    February 18, 1979


       Emma Dildy                                                                    John R. Dildy

 November 23, 1878                                                               July 10, 1874

    January 7, 1953                                                                  April 2, 1925






          Sims B.                                        Gertrude S.                                     Elsie

       1871-1929                                      1873-1899                                 1897-1899







































































































































(This information was copied from a sheet of paper in the same Bible, owned by Clarence Dildy, Nashville, Arkansas, in August, 1966, by Kristin Dildy Plummer.)


The Family of Benjamin Franklin Dildy and Rosanna (Reeder) Dildy


Benjamin Franklin Dildy, born Union Parish, La., Oct. 27, 1852; died Oct. 12,



              Rosanna Reeder, born June 26, 1855; died June 9, 1943


              Ivan Leonadis Dildy, born Nov. 22, 1872; died June 9, 1943


              David Walter Dildy, born Aug. 31, 1874; died Oct. 12, 1874


              Benjamin Walker, born Aug. 31, 1874; died Oct. 14, 1874


              John William Dildy, born Sept. 31, 1875; died Dec. 27, 1881


              Evan Augustus Dildy, born Oct. 27, 1877; died Nov. 25, 1877


              Hix Dildy, born Oct. 16, 1878; died March 26, 1955


              Elijah Van Buren Dildy, born March 31, 1881; died June 6, 1946


              Clarence Andrew Dildy, born June 14, 1883; died Jan. 10, 1971


              Violet Dildy, born July 28, 1885; died Dec.    1969


              Earnest Dildy, born Oct. 4, 1887; died August 7, 1967


              Infant, born Jan. 24, 1892; died Jan. 26, 1892


              Ula Ethal Dildy, born Feb. 6, 1893; died


              Harmon Reeder Dildy, born July 18, 1895; died March 16, 1972


              Titia Jewel Dildy, born Jan. 28, 1898; died Sept. 1, 1928


(Note:   I have filled in the dates of death that were not included on       

                                        the original.  Kristin Dildy Plummer, Jan. 26, 1977)


(All of the above children were born in what is now Howard  County, also the mother, Rosanna Reeder Dildy, who was the daughter of David Dunbar Reeder and Mary Ellen (Polly) Cannon.-- K. D. P.)

























































































Howard County:





County Line Cemetery



Howard Co., Ar.: County Line Cemetery



If you have any cemetery records you would like to share or find and error;

please email me Please be sure to list the subject area "Howard

County" so I will not overlook it by mistake. Please be patient with this

project - I live in Ok. not Ar. So my trips to work the cemeteries have to come

between family , work (2 businesses), websites (5 counties), genealogy (if I

remember correctly I am working on both mine and my husbands), & all other

normal activities.Thank you.




Information on this page may not be used for personal or financial gains. It is

to be used for research only. Use of the material must be granted by the

submitter of the information. Nor is any copywritten material to be submitted.

Thank you.




Special thanks to Ken Milam for helping me gather this information! Please email

Ken and tell him thank you for helping supply this information.




To get to County Line Cemetery; go west out of Nashville on Hwy 24. From the intersections of Hwy 24 & 4, go 2.8 miles west on Hwy 24. The cemetery sets on your left.

On entering the cemetery on the east side on your left you find:



Austin, R.J. 1847- 1930

Austin, Sabra 1856 - 1933(1938)

Austin, Charles 1885 - 1982

Harrison, JRJ 1920 - 1938

Harrison, George Theron Feb 11, 1899 - Aug 18, 1980; Ailsia Lee Oct 21, 1899 - Dec 23. 1977

Spicer, Robert O. "Bud" June 22, 1922 - Apr 10, 1936

Feemster, Wm. Oct 2, 1862 - Mar 9, 1942; Dora Oct 2, 1862 - June 17, 1948

Feemster, ? Oct 14, 1888 - Mar 6, 1963

Copeland, Jewel Aug 29, 1892 - May 9, 1967; Madge Aug 22, 1892 - June 8, 1879

Ponder, Silas B 1859 - 1936; A. Delliar 1859 - 1933

Copeland, Rev. JM Oct 19, 1856 - Feb 18, 1936; Hattie B Jan 23, 1869 - Dec 12, 1946

Ponder, Mattie wife of Barto Nov 28, 1897 - Feb 1, 1917

Lewis, Steve; Ludia

Power, George W July 28, 1881 - Nov 8, 1951; Nona Clegg Aug 11, 1889 - Jan 18, 194?

Lewis, Dewly I son of SA & Ludia May 22, 1908 - Dec 24, 1910

Power, Harold M Dec 31, 1912 - May 26, 1957 AR Pvt Corps of Mil Police WWII

Monroe, Cora Bell dau of JM Jan 7, 1890 - Aug 25, 1912

Monroe, John M 1855 - 1931

Copeland, Virda wife of BM July 19, 1846 - Jan 15, 1918

Copeland, BM Jan 22, 1843 - Jan 10, 1929 Co A 13 SC Inf CSA

Copeland, George A. 1875 - 1936; Etta 1882 - 1953

Dowdy, Lawrence M Oct 7, 1902 - Feb 24, 1971; Ila B Jan 1, 1903 - Oct 30, 1972; M Oct 11, 1925

Bradford, Shep L. Mar 2, 1874 - Feb 25, 1956; Ella Mar 27, 1883 - Feb 5, 1973

Bradford, Leatas dau of SL & EM Mar 28, 1918 - Sept 1, 1913

Garrett, Luther A son of MY & EC Aug 4, 1897 - Sept 13, 1898

Garrett, Lula Lee dau of MY & EC June 20, 1880 - Sept 7, 1899

Garrett, Milton Y. Sept 12, 1849 - Sept 30, 1914; Emma C Apr 13, 1855 - Apr 7, 1922

Garrett, Ester E wife of RW Feb 2, 1899 - Oct 31, 1921

Dowdy, Carroll May 7, 1870 - Oct 10, 1960; Pauline June 12, 1877 - Oct 11, 1960

Dowdy, Gordon Dec 9, 1914 - Dec 12, 1914

Cassady, Eleby B dau of RS & NJ Sept 14, 1923 - Dec 28, 1925

Cassady, W Henry 1864 - 948; Meleby 1868 - 1951

Cassady, Reval Aug 1, 1904 - Feb 24, 1918

Evans, Gilbert Aug 1, 1841 - Jan 14, 1936 Co C 31 Ga Inf CSA

Green, Cal July 7, 1867 - May 10, 1913

Chandler, Joel Ison son of JB & Katie M Jan 30, 1900 - Aug 17, 1900

Craddick, Francis A wife of IW Apr 13, 1Co E 3 Ar Inf CSA

Thopson, Inf dau of CC & CM May 8, 1914

Cassady, Lankston 1891 - 1947

Cassady, Velma 1921 - 1945

Cassady, Floyd 1919 - 1930

Cassady, Gertrude 1895 - 1928

Green, Coy H. Apr 25, 1930 - Jan 26, 1943

Green, Lee Roy Sept 29, 1887 - Aug 26, 1935; Zona Aug 1, 1901 - Feb 29, 1982

Wakefield, Claud Sept 20, 1903 - Sept 3, 1923

Wakefield, B Martin Sept 16, 1876 - Apr 10, 1953; Ada Nov 18, 1877 Jan 20, 1961

Wakefield, Clyde M Apr 29, 1917

Walker, Ella 1874 - 1956; Robert 1871 - 1918

Walker, GW Sept 17, 1850 - July 24, 1934; Mary Feb 24, 1873 - Jan 22, 1936

Walker, Essie dau of Mr & Mrs GW Jan 18, 1925 age 30 year

Walker, Gus Oct 15, 1886 - Apr 15, 1967; Ida Mae Jan 5, 1889 - Dec 14, 1970

Story, Eliza Oct 1, 1891 - Aug 1, 1936; WN July 22, 1884 - June 10, 1960

Story, Lela 1919 - 1921

Chandler, Lula M wife of JE Sept 24, 1868 - Dec 25, 1912

Chandler, John M 1857 - 1932; Lula 1862 - 1912

Mayfield, Wiley W Feb 23, 1838 - Feb 15, 1906 Pvt Co H 7 Ga Inf CSA; Mary A Aug 24, 1842 - May 30, 1910

Freeman, Thomas M son of RF & PD Sept 16, 1892 - Aug 13, 1899

Townsend, James Vernon Aug 25, 1909 - ; Esther Low Dec 26, 1910 - Sept 5, 1983

Wakefield, Troy June 20, 1908 - Mar 20, 1971; Gladys July 26, 1910 -

Wakefield, Sim Jan 16, 1906 - Aug 23, 1967; Elsie Apr 17, 1911 -

Sanders, JM Jan 28, 1823 - Nov 24, 1893

Witherspoon, John Knox Jan 21, 1872 - Dec 25, 1946; Ida Glover Aug 25, 1876 - Mar 24, 1940; M Sept 14, 1902

Folsom, Jodean Dec 3, 1941 - Apr 24, 1995

Quisenberry, Gladys D May 28, 1921 - Jan 4, 1968

Jones, Wm. Hugh Sept 13, 1918 - Nov 7, 1959

Jones, J Columbus Feb 16, 1891 - July 19, 1957; Ethel W May 21, 1891 - Jan 3, 1968

Jones JC Jr. Apr 6, 1926

Williams, Georgia Virginia wife of JL Mar 12, 1858 - Sept 27, 1905

Williams, James H Feb 16, 1883 - Oct 7, 1884

Williams, George L Dec 27, 1901 - Apr 19, 1934

Coburn, Julie Jan 6, 1882 - Feb 9, 1912; Rufus Apr 7, 1877 - Mar 30, 1953

Corbell, Alice Aug 7, 1870 - Jan 28, 1946

Craig, John Lacy Feb 10, 1886 - Nov 1, 1954; Delphia Cordelia Hampton Apr 17, 1907 - Jan 2, 1985

Corbell, Ella wife if JT Mar 25, 1863 - July 5, 1909

Corbell, Timmy son of JT & NE June 29, 1885 - Oct 21, 1914

Robken, Rennel L Jan 7, 1897 - Nov 19, 1961Ar Pvt 330 Inf WWI

McNeal, Baby Nov 1912 - Nov 1912

McNeal, Jimmie Apr 14, 1910 -Jan 17, 1914

McNeal, Thomas A 1884 - 1961; Linnie J 1888 - 1962

Harrison, Bessie J wife of Alget L Apr 14, 1919 - Apr 27, 1942

Driskell, ? July 23, 1940 - Aug 8, 1943

Dildy, Grace & Grady infants of CA & Minnie June 23, 1906 - Aug 5, 1906

Stuart, Wm (Red) May 22, 1917 - Apr 30, 1942

Killian, Cecil L July 18, 1906 - Jan 26, 1980; Georgia Mar 7, 1918 - Dec 27, 1934

Killian, Earline day of Cecil & Georgia Jly 1, 1939 - Aug 12, 1948

Killiam, Bobby Gene son of Cecil & Georgia Oct 9, 1935 - Oct 12, 1935

Morgan, Wm. Levie Oct 3, 1882 - Mar 17, 1949

Morgan, Betty Loraine dau of WL & M Dec 10, 1942

Freeman, Robert W Jan 27, 1854 - Nov 12, 1936

Farley, George F. May 8, 1873 0 Apr 22, 1948; Lucena Sept 8, 1886 - July 10, 1953

Bevill, Velma Lee Jan 22, 1923 - Jan 28, 1942

Howard, Virgie M Dec 11, 1893 - Apr 27, 1981

Jones, Wm. A 1872 - 1952

Jones, Joe Lunkin son of WA & LW Feb 15, ?? - July 1 ??

Jones, Leta W wife of WA May 23, 1885 - Nov 19, 1918

Howard, MC Aug 9, 1852 - Oct 23, 1938; Lanie G May 15, 1867 0 May 2, 1923

Griffin, WP Nov 29, 1834 - June 23, 1898; Sarah C Mar 16, 1842 - May 25, 1916

Griffin, Bertha 1870 - 1956

Griffin, Mrs. HH Jan 20, 1880 - Feb 15, 1925

Griffin, Hansford H Feb 26, 1877 - Oct 15, 1969

Wakefield, Elmer Glenn Apr 4 1896 - Mar 9, 1971

Odell, Mrs Agnes 1871 - 1948; Marriages, Joseph T. Wakefield, J Pierce, B Odell

Wakefield, Joseph T 1869 - 1902

Wakefield, Wm M 1900

Wakefield, Carl G 1890

Wakefield, Catherine 1829 - 1892

Sheffield, Willie E Apr 22, 1900 - Jan 7, 1995

Jackson, James E Feb 27, 1891 - May 31, 1930 WAGR US Army WWI

McKee, John H July 23, 1900 - Feb 27, 1950

McKee, Mary T aug 24, 1862 - Sept 29, 1936

McKee, Solomon Nov 14, 1858 - Nov 14, 1919 (Woodsman of the World)

Davis, Jethro Allen son of JF & MJ broken marker dates illegible

Latimer, Nannie A Feb 18, 1847 - Aug 14, 1886

Latimer, Wm R Jan 29, 1843 - Oct 3, 1903

Evans, Floretta Latimer July 7, 1875 - Aug 6, 1931

Burgess, George F June 30, 1863 - June 29, 1888

Burgess, Caroline Gray May 4, 1851 - Dec 7, 1923

Burgess, Madison May 15, 1822 - June 19, 1899

Burgess, Wm M June 1, 1870 - Sept 18, 1922

Burgess, Ann Chandler 1873 - 1940

Burgess, Virginia A. Dau of WM & NA Aug 12, 1911 - Oct 7, 1911

Chandler, WH Aug 30, 1869 - Jan 12, 1925; Ann AC Mar 18, 1873 - Feb 29, 1952

Wilson, Wm Lindel Dec 14, 1923 - Dec 15, 1923; Gracie Fern Oct 29, 1913 - Oct 31, 1921

Rease, W Virgil Oct 28, 1889 - Aug 4, 1967; Essie C. Aug 30, 1893 - Mar 2, 1986; M Oct 31, 1912

Cassady, Chole 1907 - 1997; Jewel 1896 - 1982; Ruby 1902 - 1940

Busby, CB Jan 9, 1882 - Jan 12, 1927

Burgess, Thomas Sidney Feb 10, 1864 - Sept 19, 1948; Nancy Ida Jan 12, 1866 - Dec 11, 1916

Duckett, Clarra C dau of JA & FE Nov 27, 1909 - May 30, 1910

Duckett, Margurite Ellen Feb 12, 1928

Duckett, James A Apr 27, 1887 - June 25, 1976; Frankie E May 3, 1889 - Mar 31, 1950


Wakefield, James H son of WE & LA 1881 - 1881 age 5 month 5 day; Lucindie F dau of WE & LA 1882 - 1887

Wakefield, Ozie dau of WE & LA 1887 - 1916

Wakefield, Laurah A 1860 - 1921; Wm E 1856 - 1933

Blaine, Otis Lee 1943 - 1958

Blaine, TH Jan 30, 1886 - Mar 29, 1925

Blaine, Isaac 1881 - 1909

John, Irene dau of WN & EL Aug 7, 1915 - Jan 13, 1919

John, Lena Velma day of WN & EL Nov 10, 1911 - Nov 26, 1917

John, Infant dau of WN & EL Born & Died May 19, 1906

Wells, Pinkney Nov 11, 1825 - June 3, 1904

Cornwell, Louis G May 16, 1899 - Apr 8, 1969; Georgia M May 5, 1899 - July 12, 1966

Richardson, John A Oct 24, 1890 - Mar 6, 1940

Cornwell WT "Bill" Dec 22, 1896 0 Jan 28, 1978; Mary "Polly" Mar 20, 1898 Pvt US

Army WWI (military marker reads Dec 22, 1895)

Keating, Hiram A Par 27, 1860 - Jan 26, 1942; Julia E Jan 27, 1877 - Oct 17, 1970

Keating, Raymond W Nov 9, 1902 - Dec 6, 1938

Johns, Urbane son of TB & SB May 30, 1915 - Sept 30, 1915

Chesshire, Carrie A wife of MZ Dec 28, 1877 - Dec 11, 1902

Chesshire, MZ 1875 - 1941; Lula 1880 - 1926

Meadors, James Reuben died Jan 22, 1885; Lucinda Josephine died Sept 10, 1935

Briggs, Thomas Reeder 1832 - 1862; Martha Dillard 1837 - 1884

Briggs, Richard Y son of Chana & Martha died Sept 8, 1858 18 yr 4 mo 21 day

Reeder, Lydia died Dec 12, 1858 85 yr 11 mo 15 day

Young, Ailcy Mar 8, 1880 - Dec 12, 1888 8 yr 8 mo 26 day

McCrary, Ailcy Ella Emma Feb 11, 1868 - Dec 9, 1871; Infant dau of MC & RH Born & Died Nov 8, 1869

McCrary, Robert Edwin Feb 11, 1877 - Oct 17, 1877; Richard Otty Child of MC & RH Aug 24, 1873 - July 26, 1874

McCrary, Rachel H wife of MC June 13, 1840 - July 29, 1898

McCrary, MC May 8, 1834 - Dec 23, 1908 Co A 13 SC Vols CSA (military marker reads Dec 28, 1900)

Jones, Daniel A. Sept 20, 1824 - Jan 7, 1887; Margery A June 5, 1839 - Apr 4, 1904

Jones, Mary Augusta dau of DA & MR Nov 16, 1867 - Jan 23, 1868

Jones, Judith Laura dau of DA & MR July 22, 1869 - Sept 29, 1875

Jones, Elliott L dau of Da & MR June 18, 1875 - Oct 30, 1876

Jones, Thomas L Mar 10, 1853 - Apr 27, 1947; Sudie A Aug 17. 1856 - June 27, 1892; Emma Cornelia Mar 11, 1873 - Apr 21, 1953

Smithson, Sudie Thomasin dau of EM & CO Feb 23, 1908 - Sept 11, 1909

Smithson, Charley May 27, 1880 - Oct 4, 1960

Chesshir Unise May Apr 29, 1882 - Oct 2, 1975

Page, Thomas J. Aug 30, 1886 - Feb 28, 1925

Coleman Joe A Nov 16, 1882 - July 10, 1940; Amanda Oct 23, 1885 - Apr 4, 1976

Coleman, Richard Daly son of JA & M Oct 21, 1904 - Dec 17, 1918; Lee C son of JA & M Oct 28, 1913 - Nov 17, 1913

Farley, Forney E Nov 24, 1900 - Apr 13, 1978

Farley, WC Dec 15, 1907 - Oct 5, 1938

Farley, WH Sept 7, 1871 - Jan 7, 1937

Farley, Josephine Mar 20, 1878 - Dec 2, 1970

Farley, Norma Pearl dau of WH & Je Apr 28, 1899 - Jan 21, 1900

Copeland, Lois Earlene 1923 - 1925

Copeland, Infant son of Alice & Reeder Sept 23, 1922

Ford, Roy P son of JP & LE July 4, 1889 - Feb 10, 1892

Dowdle, Sallie Eva dau of JS & EC died June 5, 1894 6 mo 2 days

Dowdle, Matilda wife of JN Nov 12, 1812 - July 18, 1887

Dowdle, Samuel G husband of Sarah J Dec 14, 1840 - Aug 15, 1873

Ramage,Clyde L son of Mr & Mrs JW Jan 11, 1893 - Dec 24, 1918 Ar Corp 325 Inf 81 Div

Payne, Sarah Ruby Feb 16, 1911 - Mar 18, 1911

Conaster, Eva Lillian Feb 3, 1891 - June 2, 1923

Young, Clee May 7, 1871 - June 20, 1943; Mary H Jan 20, 1881 - Nov 28, 1962

Ravan, Sarah Frances July 21, 1873 - July 25, 1934

Thomas, Ella I dau of JA & MV Dec 15, 1869 - Aug 29, 1882

Thomas, Virginia wife of JA Dec 1, 1842 - Nov 19, 1916

Thomas, JA Co K 35 SC Inf CSA

Thomas, John Born Spartanburg Co., SC Apr 23, 1817 - Aug 30, 1896

Farley, John A Aug 10, 1841 - Dec 6, 1908 Co H Mar Inf CSA

Farley, Gutherie Glenn son of JE & ME Oct 28, 1906 - Jan 18, 1907

Porterfield, Ruby Alene wife of TA Aug 12, 1908 - July 9, 1928 (Erected by her only brother Grady Cunningham)

Denson. Ella B wife of WE Jan 14, 1873 - Nov 24, 1912

Smith, Anna dau of EJ & ME Oct 18, 1902 - July 26, 1920

Jones, Annie Lee Feb 19, 1900 - May 10, 1931

Griffin, Cecil H 1905 - 1996; Allie Mae 1905 - 1984

Whitmore, Walter Jan 17, 1863 - May 8, 1942; Luzena Jan 19, 1874 - Feb 21, 1946

Brown, Raney P 1895 - 1955; Ada W 1897 - 1978

Hawthorne, Carl L Jan 5, 1906 - Jan 20, 1968; Juanita W Apr 19, 1912 -

Walden, C Hicks 1886 - 1966; Addie V 1894 - 1941

Ferguson, Clorice dau of JL & Elizabeth Nov 30, 1894 - Apr 21. 1896

Fergusson, Andrew May 25, 1807 - May 22, 1887

Fergusson, Dorothy May 25, 1811 - July 15, 1878

Ferguson, John son of WS & JE Oct 9, 1865? - July 1, 1869?

Henderson, Malindia June 25, 1837 - Nov 18, 1911

Gammill, Guy E son of RW & JE Aug 5, 1908 - Jan 19, 1909

White, Tullis Haskell son fo WJ & Mary L 2nd wife July 9, 1910 - Mar 16, 1911

White, Lois Hazel dau of WJ & Mary L July 9, 1910 - July 30, 1912

McInturff, Martha wife of GN Died Dec 7, 1904 age 59

McInturff, GN 1840 - Nov 11, 1922

McInturff, Jessie A Died Jan 9, 1927

McInturff, Lee Feb 23, 1866 - Feb 22, 1942; Amanda Nov 8, 1871 - Feb 6, 1931

Glasson, Faye Sept 8, 1907 - Apr 2, 1942

Gray, Lee Day Dec 23, ?? - Jan 30, ??; John? Jan 17, 1913 - June ?, 1936

Spriggs, Charles 1918 - 1925

Clark, Roy M 1918 - 1919

Clark, Tompie Austin 1901 - 1918

Austin, Melissa C 1862 - 1948

Austin, WA July 31, 1855 - Mar 10, 1909

Gooch, Eliza 1858 - 1916

Lawson, Callie 1882 - 1905

Lawson, Baby 1905

Ford, Soliman died Mar 25, 1892 (1893) 68 yrs & 22 days

Mitchell, Emma F Oct 16, 1876 - Sept 12, 1905; John a Aug 2, 1873 - Aug 20, 1949

Ray, Nancy C Mar 10, 1846 - June 22, 1928

Ray, JB July 20, 1829 - June 4, 1915 Co C 23 MS Inf CSA (military marker reads July 28, 1828)

Caldwell, Uncle Bob July 17, 1824 - May 4, 1899

Caldwell, Rebecca M wife of AR July 13, 1890 48 years

Henderson, James M Jan 23, 1836 - Jan 18, 1874

Latimer, Ernest son of James & EHA Mar 2, 1893 - Aug 20, 1894

Stone, Minnie Thelma dau of OA & Viola Dec 25, 1908 - Aug 9, 1910

Cornish, Ester Fay day of JH & LE Aug 2, 1910 - Dec 22, 1910

Stone, Marie dau of Mr & Mrs DR Sept 2, 1912 - Mar 2, 1913

Chandler, John E Sept 8, 1878 - Feb 12, 1916; Vera J Mar 20, 1870 - Sept 16, 1908

Tipton. James W 1889 - 1969; Halie Wakefield 1890 - 1931

Tipton, GK 1856 - 1940

Tipton, Ruthey E wife of GK Jan 26, 1858 - Dec 9, 1919

Leslie, Roy Anderson Mar 24, 1889 - Feb 9, 1960 Ar Pvt 162 Dep Brigade WWI

Hallmark, Sarah Anna Oct 8, 1882 - Oct 29, 1956; George E Mar 19, 1871 - Dec 1, 1940

Hallmark, Henry Sept 7, 1904 - Apr 6, 1971; Ava Apr 16, 1914 -

Hussey, Maud Dec 21, 1896 - Mar 24, 1944; Dee Aug 31, 1893 - Sept 3, 1967

Leslie, Mattie Sept 13, 1884 - Mar 20, 1939

Leslie, A. Vas Apr 25, 1883 - June 30, 1965

Newcomb, Marie Leslie wife of Harry V Feb 1, 1900 - Sept 21, 1959

Leslie, Roy May 24, 1889 - Feb 9, 1960

Hale, Infant son of Mamie & June Mar 24, 1918

Chandler, Gladdes dau of WH & AC Oct 29, 1900 - Feb 16, 1904

Chandler, WC ? 10, 1830 - Apr 28, 1900(stone broke and ground covering)

Chandler, Fannie E wife of WC Sept 27, 1840 - Apr 7, 1911

Jones, Willie Lee Leek dau of JW & Mary July 9, 1888 - Jan 16, 1910

Jones, Tempie E dau of JW & MA June 23, 1877

Jones, Wm E son of JW & MA Dec 27, 1871

Rhodes, SB dau of JC & ME July 2, 1887 - June 27, 1889

Franklin, John D died Nov 14, 1889 (stone broke)

Webb John J July 24, 1842 - Mar 17, 1915 72 yr 7 mo 5 day; Narcissus

Chandler Nov 18, 1846 - Nov 28, 1879 88 yr 10 day Co C 1 Ga Vol CSA

Dildy, Elizabeth J wife of SC Mar 11, 1883 - Feb 4, 1904

Dildy, SC May 25, 1849 - Nov 27, 1924

Triplett, infant son of Pauline & Harris Dec 1, 1941

Redman, Mollie R Jan 12, 1864 - Apr 9, 1936

Redman, Lucila dau of J & AC Nov 12, 1905 - Jan 22, 1906

Cowling, Amanda P Apr 21. 1856 - Mar 16, 1932

Cowling, JD Aug 7, 1851 - Sept 21, 1926

Cowling, Minnie Lee Jan 22, 1884 - Mar 3, 1967; Luther W Dec 29, 1885 - Aug 16, 1937

Askew, Fannie wife of WH Oct 21, 1867 - July 30, 1919

Askew, WH Dec 16, 1864 - Jan 11, 1923

Garnett, Lucille 1921- 1936

Garnett, Carl L Mar 1, 1922 Ar Pvt 3 Supply Train 3 Div

McMurrian Carrie Mar 24, 1878 - May 29, 1940

McMurrian, AC July 4, 1869 - Apr 15, 1951

Hedrick, Dale Aug 22, 1923

Cowling, Infant son of TS & AL born & died May 3, 1912

Conaster, Benjamin F Feb 5, 1855 - Mar 30, 1934; Mary Jane Jan 30, 1870 - June 3, 1941

Cowling, Towland Oct 14, 1894 - Oct 17, 1951

Duke, Virginia wife of LW Feb 10, 1867 - Sept 20, 1919

Young, Leon 1917 - 1937

Young, Esther 1902 - 1925

Young, J Will 1880 - 1969

Young, Dona C 1885 – 1930

Richardson, Ella Apr 27, 1866 - Apr 7, 1909; Robert K May 20, 1865 - Feb 16, 1925

Redman, John E Aug 21, 1896 - Feb 9, 1954

Redman, Jud W Apr 8, 1900 - Apr 24, 1959 ; Winnie L Mar 26, 1910 - Feb 27, 1981

Carey, LH Feb 16, 1885 - Oct 5, 1970

Carey, Bessie Sept 17, 1890 - Sept 3, 1963

Dildy, Essie dau of JC? & SE? Mar 19, 190? - Dec ??

Stephenson, Irvin son of FC & CR? Dec 22, 1887 - July 18, 1888

Chandler, MV Jan 27, 1857 - Oct 11, 1950; HB Apr 2, 1854 - June 13, 1926

Chandler, Mary F dau of HB & MJ Jan 8, 1881 - Nov 3, 1909

Lawrence, Roy David Apr 5, 1903 - Apr 11, 1962

Merrell, John Sept 10, 1815 - Apr 1, 1899; Elizabeth Stone May 25, 1823 - May 27, 1914

Merrell, James son of John & E dates illegible

Malone, John W son of Jess & Lucy Oct 13, 1859 - July 9, 1863

Merrel, MA dau of rest illegible

Ferguson, Infant son of FM & Lucy born & died July 10, 1866?

Ferguson, Lucy E dau of FM & Lucy June 13, 1872 - Aug 10, 1874

Merrell, George F Aug 24, 1887 - Nov 2, 1954; Iva Mae Oct 24, 1896 - Mar 6, 1991

Merrell, McCrary Dec 10, 1861 - Aug 29, 1897

Merrell, Gussie Bell McBryde wife of GF Sept 27, 1890 - Oct 29, 1918

Farley, Edward Aug 10, 1846 - Jan 15, 1910

Farley, Mrs Margaret Oct 10, 1853 - Apr 7, 1946

Clegg, Lit Jan 1850 - Dec 11, 1926; Susan wife of Lit Dec 13, 1859 - Mar 29, 1900

Burgess, Vera Clegg wife of TM Jan 6, 1896 - Mar 22, 1933

Cornish, David Adolphus Nov 4, 1891 - Jan 5, 1918

Merrell, Alger Lee Aept 18, 1879 - Apr 11, 1975; Georgia Florene no dates

Merrell, Ella Apr 26, 1880 - Aug 26, 1938

Bearden, Howard C June 5, 1895 - Sept 15, 1966; Lessie H Jan 4, 1903 - Feb 7, 1975

Hobson, Jefferson D 1878 - 1946; Mary Stutte 1885 - 1973

Hobson, Clyde S Oct 6, 1904 - Feb 10, 1970; Lois L July 3, 1913 -

Sans, Wm. "Bill" Jan 28, 1922 - June 30, 1990; Hazel I July 10, 1914 -

Douglas, CF "Neal" Dec 15, 1866 - June 30, 1940

Edward, Wm B Dec 24, 1891 - Jan 9, 1965; Laura E Feb 9, 1897 - Feb 10, 1969

Dildy, Leonard A June 5, 1902 - Dec 19, 1986; A Irene Jan 14, 1917 - ; M. Oct 30, 1961

Dildy, Tom H Jan 6, 1877 - Feb 3, 1961; Callie Jan 11, 1882 - Dec 29, 1957

Dildy, Henry Ed June 8, 1907 - Jan 26, 1908

Garner, David Lee May 3, 1909 - May 3, 1909

Garner, Henry Irvin son of LE & EF Sept 20, 1898 - July 31, 1906

Ferguson, Elizabeth Merre Oct 25, 1854 - Nov 16, 1917; JL May 1, 1851 - Jan 5, 1931

Ray, Bullah wife of Tom Mar 17, 1884 - Mar 1, 1946

Ray, Tom Oct 3, 1879 - July 16, 1958

Ray, Ida May Apr 24, 1884 - Aug 25, 1906

Ray, Willie Aug 1, 1873 - Aug 2, 1874

Ray, Bonnie Lizzie McCrary Oct 25, 1850 - May 31, 1937

Ray, FJ apr 15, 1849 - Jan 11, 1917

Gary, Essie dau of JT & HA Apr 4, 1888 - July 19, 1888

Gary, Laura A dau of J & HA Dec 23, 1875 - Aug 23, 1879

Gary, John N son of JT & HA Feb 10, 1880 - May 5, 1881

Gary, Harriet A wife of Jt Sept 24, 1847 - Apr 22, 1888

Gary, JT Mar 21, 1849 - Mar 3, 1937

Gary, James T son of JT & HA Nov 9, 1876 - Dec 15, 1898

Gary, Joel S son of JT & HA Sept 6, 1896 - Nov 30, 1904

Henderson, Eula M Sept 29, 1906 - Apr 18, 1981

Henderson, Ted C June 6, 1902 - July 9, 1962

Henderson, Kate C Feb 10, 1870 - May 5, 1952

Henderson, Dee W Aug 22, 1859 - June 1, 1930

Henderson, Martha son of DW & NC Dec 6, 1907 - Sept 3, 1910

Redman, Hardy Apr 11, 1884 - May 19, 1968; Ada May 4, 1885 - Jan 9, 1967

Redman, Terry Wayne Apr 2, 1951 - Oct 12, 1970

Redman, Henry R June 13, 1911 - Sept 20, 1974; Elsie G Apr 13, 1917

Ashbrook, Ruffie May 26, 1911 - Feb 11, 1942

Arnold, Evelyn dau of TJ & R Mar 12, 1918 - Jan 6, 1919

Arnold, Offie J Mar 25, 1864 - June 29, 1947

Arnold, Lueller Graves wife of OFF Mar 5, 1856 - Feb 4, 1931

Arnold, Thomas L Dec 24, 1889 - Jan 10, 1971; Augusta Nov 7, 1891 - Mar 25, 1942

Floyd, Urcy Aug 1893 - Aug 1955

Floyd, Perry Aug 22, 1889 - Aug 3, 1974

Gary, Infant of ?? S? Nov 3, 1905 - Apr 20, 1906

Davis, BE Aug 16, 1858 - Oct 20, 1933

Dildy, Timon A "Bub" June 2, 1911 - Dec 16, 1987; Mary B "Bea" Oct 3, 1909 - Aug 22, 1985

Glasgow, Urban Jewel Nov 10, 1886 - Oct 29, 1995; Mary Grace Dec 25, 1889 - Aug 25, 1987

Glasgow, Grace Dec 25, 1889 - Aug 25, 1987

Glasgow, Infant son of UJ & MG

Copeland, Oscar W Nov 16, 1909 - Oct 20, 1959; Gwendolyn Sept 16, 1912 -

Ferguson, FM June 28, 1844 - Jan 1, 1920; Lucy Mar 3, 1842 - Jan 19, 1930 Co A

Monroes Ar Cav CSA

Edwards, TJ Sept 9, 1860 - Oct 13, 1897

Watson, Loyd L June 27, 1871 - June 18, 1905

Watson, Jordan L July 13, 1868 - Jan 31, 1945; Rosa G Nov 20, 1874 - Oct 29, 1939

Smithso,. Ruthale dau of AB & AR Aug 18, 1911 - June 19, 1913

Smith, Hattie V day of ND & MJ Dec 10, 1902 - Aug 28, 1916

Smith, Nathan D Aug 1, 1861 - July 27, 1942

Smith, Martha Jane Aug 22, 1860 - Aug 16, 1952

Smith, Ernest W Aug 14, 1885 - Nov 2, 1966; Denver S Feb 15, 1893 - Nov 5, 1991

Chesship, Wendell son of ? N Dec 11, 1915 - June 17, 1917

Edwards, Ben F Sept 9, 1860 - Dec 19, 1922; Anne Mar 3, 1871 - Aug 4, 1910

Edwards, Lillie Nov 1, 1896 - Oct 3, 1927

Reese, Forrest Oct 29, 1891 - Nov 11, 1929; Lillie aug 25, 1895 - Nov 12, 1992

Cornish, Nona M Oct 4, 1906 - Aug 26, 1990

Cornish, James H Nov 10, 1878 - May 24, 1939; Emma Aug 10, 1877 - Mar 21, 1957

White, WJ Mar 17, 1866 - Jan 21, 1945; Leona Apr 19, 1875 - Jan 5, 1948

Hicks, Alex Guinn Alexander Apr 25, 1981 - Aug 2, 1997

Daugherty, Wm I Apr 16, 1868 - Apr 4, 1939; Rachel Oct 12, 1874 - Jan 7, 1964

Floyd, Willie wife of FA aor 23, 1896 - Feb 19, 1939

Gammill, Arthur E Apr 4, 1890 - Apr 1, 1977; Elizabeth F Oct 25, 1892 - Sept 25, 1982; M Oct 30, 1910

Thompson, Wm B 1829 - 1917; Martha T 1831 - 1919

Norton, Lila Glasgow Oct 12, 1904 - Jan 31, 1984

Glasgow, Kern H Dec 4, 1909 - Jan 29, 1977; Charlie Mae Oct 15, 1919

Glasgow, Thomas R 1858 - 1925; Mary E 1863 - 1951

Glasgow, Joe Bachman son of TR & ML June 22, 1903 - Nov 27, 1903

Carner, Joe L Feb 5, 1902 - Feb 23, 1902

Dallas, Harry T Oct 30, 1874 - Mar 13, 1958 ; Minnie E Mar 1, 1902 - May 27, 1979

Dallas, Billy Wayne son of HT & M Dec 28, 1941

Ashbrook, Lillian Sept 29, 1937 - Jan 27, 1974

Ashbrook, Infant of Lillian & Henry

Ritchey, Elmer S Aug 29, 1872 0 Aug 25, 1946; F Cecil Nov 5, 1881 - Sept 26, 1972

Harrison, WR (Short) Feb 20, 1908 - Oct 13, 1967; Gladys G Sept 28, 1904 - Dec 19, 1988

Garner, Wm E May 27, 1886 - Dec 29, 1922

Garner, Jo A June 17 - 1856 - Sept 8, 1939; Georgia E Oct 2, 1861 - Sept 7, 1936

McInturff, Jim B Jan 14, 1868 - Mar 28, 1945; Millie Fev 24, 1873 - Mar 24, 1945

Dildy, Benjamin Feb 10, 1820 - Dec 25, 1889; Absylor Howard Apr 8, 1817 - Mar 16, 1879

Gunner, Wm T E son of TF & P Feb 23, 1871 - July 17, 1872

Gunner, Minnie T Apr 26, 1881 - Sept 23, 1881

Watson, Elmer son of JE & RG Nov 16, 1892 - Feb 25, 1895

Garner, Lettie A dau of JE & RB Dec 14, 1897 - Mar 7, 1899

Smithson, Floyd S Aug 14, 1888 - May 9, 1964; Lora I Feb 14, 1892 - Apr 12, 1949

McCrary, Marrye M July 3, 1895 - Nov 16, 1982

McCrary, Thos G Nov 7, 1859 - Jan 23, 1934; Birdie L Feb 11, 1872 - June 7, 1924

McCrary, son of TC Nov 18, 1890 - Nov 25, 1890

McCrary, JS Feb 7, 1828 - Aug 4, 1897 Pvt Co A 13 SC Inf CSA

McCrary, Martha wife of John S May 13, 1828 - Apr 25, 1905

McCrary, John W May 10, 1864 - Jan 11, 1910 (Woodsman of the World)

McCrary, Sarah Ella Aug 9, 1873 - May 18, 1959

McHughes, Martha Mae May 13, 1904 - Feb 28, 1931

Jacobs, John L July 27, 1853 - June 20, 1919

Jacobs, Ear? W Jan 16, 1918 - Feb 15, 1889 Ar Pvt rest illegible


Tallant, O Wendell Mar 3, 1919 - Mar 3, 1919

Tallant, Ruthalea July 25, 1930 - July 25, 1930

Ross, Hughey R 1857 - 1943

Chesshire, Hall 1898 - 1948

Chesshire, Bertha 1900 - 1951

Chesshire, Aldwin R Nov 16, 1927 - Dec 2, 1976; Delores Apr 24, 1929 - Aug 16,

1977 King, Billy Jack June 23, 1919 - June 2, 1977; Austine C Aug 16, 1921 - Feb 11, 1986

Chesshire, Elbert E Mar 1, 1899 - Feb 19, 1949; Lucy Aug 11, 1897 - Nov 20, 1990

Hussey, Annie Nov 20, 1879 - Mar 24, 1945

Blackmon, Alford J June 23, 1876 - Nov 16, 1935; Ida J June 23, 1880 - Jan 10, 1959

McClarty, Charles E Oct 21, 1924; Lois Feemster July 4, 1928; M May 24, 1946

Feemster, Lonnie Jan 4, 1922 - Apr 5, 1987 US Navy WWII

Feemster, Lou Sept 23, 1898 - Nov 20, 1972; Ruth May 4, 1902 - Mar 26, 1992

Feemster, Alonzo July 9, 1873 - Dec 18, 1927; Nannie Jan 24, 1880 - May 12, 1935

Feemster, May Mar 5, 1902 - Mar 26, 1902

Feemster, Sam G July 31, 1875 - July 19, 1955; Rosa Lee Mar 21, 1877 - Sept 23, 1941

Goyne, Infant son of WR & ME Nov 22, 1894 - May 30, 1896; Infant son Aug 16, 1896

Austin, Violet O 1880 - 1935; James H 1875 - 1939

Austin, Katie Maye day of JH & VO Feb 27, 1901 - Nov 22, 1926

Goyne, Susan Virginia dau of FH & T 1870 - 1891?

Gardner, Horace B Nov 13, 1875 - Oct 4, 1933

Gardner, Minnie Aug 20, 1874 - June 15, 1958

Graves, Joseph H Apr 10, 1866 - May 23, 1917

Boatright, Lud Sept 1, 1869 - Mar 19, 1932

Boatright, Emma Post wife of Lud Oct 28, 1876 - Nov 22, 1895

Post, SH Feb 1, 1847 - Oct 22, 1897; Nancy L Jan 27, 1851 - July 14, 1883

Reader, Wm J son of DD & ME died Feb 22, 1877 24 yr 1 mo 18 day

Wilkes, Oruse Sept 23, 1903 - Aug 1929; John Walter Apr 1880 - Mar 1925

Copeland, Johnie L Oct 14, 1910 - July 16, 1978; Leola C Aug 25, 1911 -

Copeland Jeanette June 4, 1934 - May 13, 1943

Dennis, Ponder Ledbetter 1899 - 1950

Dennis, J Sim Aug 31, 1867 - Jan 5, 1930; Mary E Aug 3, 1866 - Dec 23, 1927

Dildy, Jewel Jan 28, 1898 - Sept 1, 1928

Dildy, Benjamin F Oct 27, 1852 - Oct 12, 1908

Dildy, Rosanna Reeder, June 26, 1855 - Apr 16, 1940

Dildy, Walter & Walker Aug 31, 1874 - Oct 12 & 14, 1874

Dildy, John W Sept 31, 1875 - Dec 27, 1881; Evan A Oct 27, 1877 - Nov 25, 1877; Infant Jan 24, 1892 - Jan 26, 1892

Wesson, Lewis J son of JJ & Emma Feb 5, 1879 - Apr 17, 1894

Wesson, John H Sept 4, 1874 - Jan 31, 1951; Verdie Z Oct 6, 1885 - Jan 4, 1968

Austin, Mary Julia Nov 8, 1946 - Oct 22, 1949

Austin, James H July 31, 1899 - Mar 1974; Gertrude M Nov 17, 1911 -


Feemster, Lizzie 1874 - 1951

Feemster, SG Jan 4, 1846 - Apr 28, 1923

Feemster, Mary E wife of SG Dec 25, 1850 - Mar 4, 1894

Lawson, Henry S son of Jim & Ruth Feb 11, 1928 - Oct 6, 1946

Dildy, Pearl May 28, 1874 - Jan 7, 1961

Lawson, Jim Nov 5, 1903 - Feb 10, 1974; Ruth May Jan 23, 1907 - Sept 29, 1997

Grinder, Etta 1885 - 1945

Grinder, Elvin 1881 - 1956

Young, Tom R (son) Sept 19, 1926 - July 26, 1967; Blanche G (mother) Jan 29, 1905 - Dec 28, 1982

Bucklew, Pear "Grinder" July 17, 1911 - Feb 5, 1987

Canaday, Allie M July 7, 1896 - Apr 17, 1995

Canaday, HJ 1896 - 1949

Canaday, Raymond PFC Oct 28, 1922 - Aug 21, 1944

Jackson, Sarah E Dec 3, 1887 - Aug 14, 1970

Westbrooks, Andrew Mar 1, 1875 - Apr 11, 1951

Westbrooks, Artie wife of Andrew Jan 30, 1879 - Mar 9, 1940

Edward, Marinda Feb 20, 1862 - Jan 26, 1952; John A Jan 19, 1850 - Aug 26, 1932

Jackson, WE Sept 24, 1881 - Nov 5, 1944

Aldridge, Cecil Nov 16 , 1909 - June 17, 1936

Parish, Earl Alvin Feb 20, 1917 - Feb 15, 1992; Clara A Hockaday Mar 7, 1922 - Aug 4, 1993; M Oct 16, 1948

Young, Gene Alan Aug 24, 1960 - July 19, 1981

Hockaday, J Marvin Apr 4, 1919 - May 9, 1983

Hockaday, Henry Earl Nov 11, 1931 - Sept 10, 1937

Hockaday, Milton L Nov 20, 1871 - Apr 5, 1938; Amenda L May 3, 1887 - Oct 21, 1959

Austin, Sadie F Feb 20, 1909 - May 28, 1958

Hobson, Jasper H May 15, 1875 - Mar 6, 1935; Emily C Mar 12, 1878 - May 6, 194?

Bearden, clarence July 10, 1898 - July 14, 1973; Patty May 10, 1901 - Oct 23, 1965

Coleman, Victoria Ann Nov 6, 1848 - Dec 27, 1932

Dildy, H Reeder July 18, 1895 - Mar 16, 1972; Mary Jones July 1, 1903 - Dec 30, 1963

Allen, Everette 1898 - 1962; Evelyn Dildy 1921 -

Dildy, Clarence A June 14, 1883 - Jan 10, 1971; Minnie E July 1, 1884 - Mar 24, 1983

Dildy, Ben F son of CA & Minnie Dec 10, 1911 - Nov 25, 1926

Dildy, Charles Ponder Jan 24. 1913 - Apr 24, 1927

Dildy, Ellen R Apr , 1888 - July 22, 1972

Dildy, Enos W Nov 10, 1883 - Nov 19, 1971

Dildy, Loy Sept 26, 1908 - Jan 24, 1943

Lawrence, Jim; Cynthia no dates

Lawrence, Eula Dildy Feb 6, 1893 - June 27, 1981; L Elmer Mar 26, 1887 - Mar 2, 1931

Chambers, Albert Odell May 28, 1917 - ; Verdice Lawrence Dec 28, 1924 - Mar 2, 1931

Tallant, Oliver L Aug 6, 1895 - Apr 1, 1986; Ruth G July 17, 1896 - Oct 20, 1978; M Jan 13, 1917

McMurrian, ? Mar 4, 1943 - Sept 9, 1946

McMurrian, Henry Leon Nov 13, 1918 - Oct 4, 1996

Kowalkowski, Nobert Adam Apr 20, 1918 - Nov 5, 1981

Thomas, June Sept 12, 1931 - Jan 16, 1970

Redman, Wesley Franc Aug 18, 1948 - Aug 13, 1953

Redman, Lula no date

Redman, Charlie no date

Compton, Gaylon Hugh Sept 16, 1928

Smithson, Leona Nov 17, 1885 - Feb 25, 1964

Smithson, Bessie Nov 17, 1892 - Feb 12, 1954

Smithson, G Dewey Feb 5, 1899 - Dec 1, 1945

Smithson, Fountain P Dec 30, 1850 - Aug 11, 1928

Smithson, Elizabeth T Feb 9, 1862 - Dec 5, 1945

Copeland, F Charles June 13, 1909 - May 10, 1943

Copeland, John A Sept 9, 1881 - May 16, 1935; Annie Lee Burgess May 31, 1889 - Apr 10, 1944

Yates, Mary E Jan 30, 1895 - Mar 22, 1976

Yates, John R 1891 - 1965

Yates, Charles D May 8, 1889 - Aug 20, 1972

Gould, Kathryn Yates 1918 - 1961

Yates, Dew S Sept 26, 1878 - Sept 17, 1947; Alice Feb 26, 1881 - May 17, 1959

Yates, Charles W 1854 - 1938; Martha A 1853 - 1931

Haney, Pearl Copeland 1895 - 1942

Copeland, James A 1872 - 1931; Martha L 1874 - 1957

Copeland, Hugh July 30, 1896 - Feb 13, 1965; Merle Feb 17, 1896 - Apr 9, 1933

Boggs, Carter 1898 - 1966; Mary 1901 - 1943

Boggs, George, S Sept 25, 1895 - Aug 22, 1954 Ar Pvt Co H 126 Inf WWI

Boggs, Alice 1873 - 1950; JD 1861 - 1934

Still, James D Feb 3, 1866 - July 8, 1935

Newman, James Scott May 23, 1938 - Feb 14, 1947 Photo on marker

Newman, N Marie June 11, 1913 - Aug 9, 1951

Hll, Wm H Oct 25, 1904 - Jan 29, 1968; Thelma Sept 16, 1909 - June 7, 1977

Head, Lula M Turner Nov 22, 1935

Turner, Charlie T 1910 - 1982; Francis 1916 -

Turner, Charles RD Sept 25, 1938 - Nov 4, 1960 Ar A3C 4510 Support SQ AF

Pope, E Whittle Jan 26, 1885 - Apr 6, 1966

Pope, Clora C Aug 7, 1887 - May 29, 1970

Hendricks, Willard (Ponder) June 6, 1906 - Aug 9, 1989

Ponder, Hugh July 30, 1904 - Jan 21, 1935

Bennett, Mildred L Feb 26, 1923 - Jan 6, 1928

Crocker, John Lee Mar 4, 1959 - Mar 5, 1959

Crocker, Infant Aug 20, 1948

Garner, Richard Lee Dec 9, 1878 - Aug 24, 1942

Garner, Ora Latimer Dec 27, 1891 - Apr 16, 1957

Post, Addie Aug 17, 1874 - Nov 16, 1959

Post, John R Sept 25, 1878 - Dec 13, 1934

Hockaday, William July 1, 1866 - Jan 4, 1941

Hockaday, Ada J June 21, 1881 - Feb 16, 1959

Anderson, Hannie K Nov 14, Nov 14, 1884 - Feb 16, 1967

Anderson, William M Aug 27, 1884 - Mar 1, 1973

Mitchell Mary A Nov 26, 1848 - Mar 22, 1932

Mitchell, James M Oct 10, 1841 - Mar 15, 1933

Glasgow, Ruby E Aug 20, 1897 - Mar 3, 1984

Glasgow, Charles W Dec 11, 1889 - Aug 28, 1940


Latimer, Hugh G Apr 14, 1905 - Aug 22, 1950

Latimer, Zona Glascow Dec 15, 1844 - July 18, 1965

Latimer, Clarence E Aug 28, 1882 - May 28, 1935

Turbeville, George W 1877 -1950

Turbeville, Willie P 1891 - 1963

Shannon, Hubert Dec 9, 1909 - Apr 21, 1963; Crystal Oct 5, 1918 -

Tinkes, Charles Edward May 1, 1970 - May 1, 1970

Tinkes, Edward L Jan 27, 1949 - Mar 22, 1976; Lorene Jan 1, 1951

Revels, Donald H May 17, 1912 - June 18, 1966; Elbia E Feb 24, 1912 -

Dildy, Infant dau Feb 20, 1943

Wilhite, Linda Jean 1941 - 1946

Glasgow, Ritchie Feb 9, 1905 - ; Hoke Jan 23, 1898 - Sept 2, 1983

Brewer, Hattie L aug 1, 1883 - Apr 23, 1942

Brewer, Walter D Oct 8, 1872 - Aug 24, 1943

Feemster, Stella G Feb 19, 1895 - Jan 23, 1984

Feemster, Robert G Jan 28, 1891 - July 27, 1968

Feemster, R Brantley May 27, 1940 - Oct 24, 1993; Betty R Nov 23, 1944 -

Copeland, Pearl Dildy Oct 24, 1889 - June 3, 1962

Copeland, J Earl Aug 22, 1886 - Oct 29, 1950

Garrett, John L. Jan 18, 1864 - Oct 7, 1935

Burkhart, Juanita Copeland Brown Mar 4, 1910 - July 18, 1993

Brown, Russell L Dec 17, 1910 - Oct 11, 1938

Wakefield, Glenda Mae Aug 17, 1939 - Aug 17, 1939

Stewart, Frank Jr. 1936

Woods 4 unmarked graves

Ross, Emma Kate 1888 - 1948

Ross, Charles William 1889 - 1979

Ross, Roy E Apr 4, 1919 - Sept 13, 1954

Gross, Andrew J 1903 - 1951

Gross, Betsy J 1872 - 1956

Gross, Robert L 1869 - 1956

McCrary A. Curtis 1861 - 1948

Webb, Donald C Nov 4, 1939 - May 3, 1941

McCrary, Laurence C Feb 22, 1864 - Jan 14, 1948; Mattie A July 31, 1877 -Sept 5, 1946; M Jan 27, 1900

Wakefield, Pearl Dec 27, 1886 - Aug 9, 1948

Wakefield, Fred Apr 28, 1883 - June 5, 1961


On entering the cemetery on the east side, on your right you find:

Dyer, Joel E Jan 1, 1873 - Jan 25, 1951

Dyer, Mattie J Jan29, 1877 - Jan 29, 1962

Dyer, Elvin "Ebb" June 10, 1911 - July 25. 1987

Dyer, Cleo M May 10, 1917 - May 31, 1986

Edwards, Amos A Nov 19, 1882 - Nov 23, 1952

Edwards, Zine N Mar 9, 1887 - Feb 7, 1979

Bell, Clyde Lee Feb 6, 1905 - Mar 23, 1963

Gardner, Ruth Ann Bell June 2, 1915 -

Gardner, Winfrey P "Duck" Jan 17, 1914 - Jan 4, 1992

Lewis, Allen H Oct 16, 1893 - Dec 9, 1963

Lewis, Susie H Mar 18, 1902 - June 6, 1994

Myrick, Alfred Mar 21, 1908 - Jan 6, 1983

Myrick, Chloe Oct 8, 1911 - June 15, 1974

Hicks, Charles G. Nov 4, 1895 - Jan 15, 1961

Hicks, Ruby M July 13, 1905 - Feb 23, 1975

Lamb, James V May 28, 1941 - Nov 18, 1990; Corliss D Aug 7, 1948 - Nov 18, 1990; M June 1, 1989

Butler, Julia Lynley died Mar 2, 1994

Duckett, Mary Sue June 14, 1931 - Nov 4, 1997; Eugene M Sept 8, 1917 -

Harrison, Clell Nov 14, 1917 - Mar 11, 1980; Lavelle Feb 9, 1918 -

Farley, Ollie L Feb 25, 1893 - Dec 24, 1964

Farley, Minnie E Dec 25, 1893 - Sept 22, 1985

Taylor, Charlie 1899 - 1964

Jamison, Jim Corn Sept 17, 1918 - Aug 9, 1993 tec Us Army WWII; Evelyn F Jan 12, 1923 -

Feemster, George W May 14, 1889 - Dec 19, 1981

Feemster, Myrtle Dec 31, 1896 - Aug 14, 1989

Boatright, Doyle Aug 28, 1900 - Jan 11, 1987

Boatright, Ollie 1879 - 1961

Copeland, Ed B Apr 3, 1887 - Oct 11, 1984; Susan M Nov 13, 1890 - May 16, 1957

Cornish, Carl 1909 - 1969

Cornish, Cavue 1908 - 1981

McCrary, James Matthew Dec 7, 1920 - Nov 18, 1995; Verna Marie Sept 12, 1929 - ; M July 17, 1949

Van Schaik, Kenneth Henry Nov 20, 1940 - Mar 3, 1995

Smead, John May 13, 1952

Smead, Eula July 30, 1970

Cornish, Jord L Nov 5, 1904 - Oct 2, 1973

Cornish, Hazel M Nov 12, 1904 - Apr 21, 1994

Boatwright Effie L Aug 28, 1892 - Jan 28, 1960

Boatwright, Young H Oct 4, 1877 - Jan 2, 1954

Feemster, Crystol D Apr 3, 1978 - Apr 3, 1978; Rhonda J Mar 27, 1952 - Mar 29, 1952

Myrick, Hosey L Jan 27, 1912 - Jan 20, 1986; Helen B May 3, 1917 - Mar 5, 1986; M aug 21, 1934

Langston, Glen Galen June 14, 1933 - Dec 10, 1994 US Navy; Marsha Dell Aug 24, 1953 - ; M Mar 7, 1980

Tolleson, Jim Mike Oct 3, 1921 - Oct 25, 1968 Ar Sgt 1252 Base Unit AAF WWII; Virginia Dell Dec 31, 1923 - ; M Oct 28, 1945

Garner, Virgil R Mar 13, 1907 - July 17, 1962; Mollie F Aug 1, 1906 -

McCrary, J Kneil June 4, 1893 - Oct 2, 1975

McCrary, Snowy M Mar 6, 1896 - Oct 7, 1971

Gammill July 14, 1883 - July 22, 1969

Ida E Gammill Mar 25, 1887 - Nov 7, 1984

Burns, Arthur W Mar 15, 1885 - Dec 6, 1963

Burns, Della Nov 26, 1898 - Jan 31, 1995

Neece, Thomas Brents June 29, 1891 - Sept 25, 1968

Neece, Alma Ferguson Jan 26, 1891 - Dec 13, 1977

Dildy, Earnest Oct 4, 1887 - Aug 7, 1967

Dildy, Effie Jan 3, 1890 - June 26, 1961

Ferguson, Clarence W Nov 30, 1894 - June 20, 1958 Ar Pfc Co B1 BN Repl Tng Cen WWI

Ferguson, Nannye McCrary June 23. 1898 - Oct 12, 1970

Ferguson, John L

Ferguson, Oris

Tapp, Perry L Oct 5 1878 - Feb 12, 1957

Tapp, Nora V May 22, 1879 - July 21, 1976

Ferguson, Mar 9, 1899 - May 29, 1965; Thelma McCary Nov 14, 1900 - Feb 21, 1981; M Sept 1, 1918

Whitmore, Harry T Aug 24, 1923

Whitmore, Dorothy P Apr 6, 1925

Ponder, William Lee Oct 21, 1883 - Sept 2, 1962

Ponder, Maggie Clegg May 4, 1887 - Nov 13, 1950

Smith, Oliver Sept 5, 1911 - June 5, 1983; Fern Jan 23, 1912 - ; M Nov 23, 1932

Ferguson, Earl Edward Mar 9, 1916 - (recently dug in Apr 1998); Neoma Hill Mar 16, 1918 -

Ferguson, Claude 1885 - 1957

Ferguson, Dora 1888 - 1981

Ferguson, Erbon Ray Oct 23, 1910 - Nov 24, 1966 Ar Pvt Co C 779 Tank BN WWII

Ferguson, Mildred Eliza July 4, 1913 - July 17, 1990

Jacques, Carl A, Sept 20, 1878 - May 18, 1960

Jacques, Myrtle M June 25, 1901 - Aug 14, 1981

Gibson, Lindell B Oct 31, 1933 - Oct 4, 1980; Freda J May 29, 1934 - ; M Sept 12, 1952

Feemster, Juanita Jan 23, 1924 - Apr 11, 1990

Castleberry, Bathus E 1903 - 1960

Castleberry, Berdie I 1904 - 1995

Wesson, Dale G Feb 20, 1927 - Apr 11, 1989 tec 4 US Army WWII

Stone, Sue Norton Sept 25, Sept 25, 1933 -

Stone, Otis D Mar 22, 1916 -

Stone, David R Dec 6, 1879 - Oct 29, 1962; Viola F Nov 21, 1882 - Mar 28, 1977; M Oct 19, 1902

Gilbert, Henry F Sept 18, 1872 - Jan 1, 1951

Gilbert, Laurah D Feb 22, 1876 - Oct 1, 1950

Watson. John L Dec 31, 1897 - May 6, 1971

Watson, Julia Nov 23, 1897 - Mar 27, 1984

Wesson, Raymond C Oct 27, 1903 - Nov 2, 1987

Wesson, Floy I Sept 13, 1906 - Aug 21, 1953

Wesson, John Henry Mar 27, 1922 - Apr 29, 1978; Zelda Dec 11, 1932 -

Seals, Delton July 15, 1893 - May 13, 1956

Seals, Minnie Feb 21, 1897 - Mar 20, 1989

Castleberry, Autry D Feb 28, 1932 - Jan 30, 1960; Annie Nell July 24, 1933 -

Jones, Jessie Ruel June 10, 1911 - Nov 24, 1993

McDonnell, Willie Nov 19, 1905 - May 5, 1980

McDonnell, Ed Aug 8, 1899 - Feb 10, 1978

White, Tompie H 1902 - 1987

White, Forrest J June 11, 1897 - Nov 26, 1969 Ar Pvt Army TNG Corps WWI

Jones, David H Nov 29, 1898 - Sept 22, 1963

Jones, Essie R Jan 5, 1909 - Apr 13, 1995

Ludlam, JL June 12, 1878 - Aug 27, 1964

Ludlam, Florence Sept 29, 1885 - May 18, 1960

Cooper, Robert L Dec 6, 1973 - Dec 7, 1973

Hintze, Fritz Jan 27, 1931 - June 17, 1967; Julia May 4, 1938 -

Jacques, Ollie C 1914 - 1951; Winona C 1918 -

Jacques, Paul Nov 24, 1885 - June 7, 1950

Jacques, Annie Jan 4, 1893 - Aug 10, 1984

Smithson, Edgar Apr 14, 1913 - ; M Kathleen Sept 2, 1912 - July 14, 1997

Smithson, Albert R Feb 9, 1884 - Dec 12, 1963

Smithson, R Edith Dec 1, 1886 - Dec 12, 1985

Gary, WT 1884 - 1955

Gary, Janie 1884 - 1958

Crumbley, Abe S Mar 13, 1884 - Apr 7, 1952

Crumbley, Bertha June 22, 1893 - Aug 17, 1970

Oliver, Ronald Oct 20, 1937 - Feb 21, 1958; Betty Aug 23, 1938 -

Oliver, Ralph Dec 18, 1907 - May 28, 1971

Oliver, Gertie July 26, 1905 - Oct 3, 1993

McCrary, Edgar L Nov 28, 1908 - Sept 7, 1978; Billie Moss Nov 10, 1916 - June 28, 1985

Walters, W Michael May 25, 1936 - Oct 24, 1997; Joyce McCrory Mar 14, 1938 - ; M Feb 28, 1959

White, William Glen June 3, 1923 - June 18, 1997; Donna M Seot 9, 1929

Findley, Kyle G Aug 20, 1903 - Dec 4, 1990; Lois June 13, 1916 -

Harrison, Thomas M Apr 12, 1891 - Feb 6, 1975

Harrison, Emma Dec 1, 1889 - Oct 25, 1961

Maroon, Infant Dec 1949

Maroon, Sam Mar 24, 1916 - July 11, 1993; Marthell Aug 6, 1918 - M Aug 6, 1938

Cassady, Martha E June 18, 1939 - ; Donald Ray Apr 5, 1936 0 Nov 26, 1997; M Mar 21, 1958

Jamison, Willie Ray 1928 - 1953

Jamison, Ollie R Sept 4, 1897 - Apr 28, 1971

Jamison, Nannie Nov 28, 1900 - Apr 12, 1987

Whisenant, Maggie Dec 21, 1886 - Dec 23, 1963

Porterfield, Infant July 23, 1930

Porterfield, Violet M Mar 14, 1907 - (recently dug in Apr 1998)

Porterfield, Earnest C Mar 18, 1909 - Jan 22, 1976

Tollett, Glenna Oct 23, 1934 - Oct 16, 1961

Ortiz, Victoria Lynn Dec 5, 1997 - Dec 5, 1997

Furr, Edmond Oct 16, 1914 - June 1, 1988; Hazel C Oct 18, 1914 - ; M Dec 21, 1935

McInturff, Luther Dec 8, 1901 - July 22, 1991

McInturff, Dorthy Dec 28, 1905 - Nov 24, 1975

Gallaher, William Thomas Jan 24, 1919 - Jan 23, 1993 S1 US Navy WWII; Alta Feemster May 20, 1918 -

Cox, Jeffie Lee May 20, 1918 - ; Floyla I Sept 26, 1921 - ; M Mar 11, 1972

Handley, Margaret Vonne July 16, 1942 - June 23, 1954

Hughes, Nancy ann Seot 20, 1866 - Feb 18, 1959; David Brewer July 10, 1871 - Apr 21,1964

Hale, JT June 6, 1892 - Jan 20, 1952

Lawrence, EC May 20, 1878 - Nov 26, 1949

Lawrence, Nora Feb 11, 1888 - May 15, 1979

Farley, Elijah Aug 2, 1875 - Feb 13, 1951

Farley, Ory Dec 14, 1877 - Jan 30, 1956

Jones, Jesse A Aug 12, 1902 - May 26, 1985

Jones, Lenna Reave Oct 9, 1904 - Nov 23, 1970

Farley, Marion O Aug 29, 1895 - Feb 10, 1976; Orra P Aug 24, 1896 - Feb 5, 1986; M Dec 24, 1916

Curry, Herbert Regnald 1909 - 1977 tec 4 US Army WWII

Latimer, Claude A 1888 - 1953

Latimer, Minnie 1890 - 1962

Dunn, Ernest e Apr 8, 1904 - Aug 19, 1959

Dunn, Xercie B June 24, 1905 - Aug 25, 1989

McGraw, WP May 6, 1877 - Jan 17, 1957

McGraw, Ada E Jan 18, 1888 - Sept 9, 1964


Thompson, Curtis C Nov 18, 1886 - Jan 12, 1973

Thompson, Cora M July 2, 1894 - Dec 22, 1981

Mims, Coy July 20, 1917 - Dec 29, 1974

Mims, Clara Sept 20, 1908 - Oct 12, 1989

Helton, Hiram T 1902 - ; Evelyn 1915 - 1964

McGraw, Maxie J Apr 25, 1954 - Apr 28, 1954

Hale, Tiney 1882 - 1953

Hale, Dock 1882 - 1974

Bettis, Farley V Oct 27, 1869 - Nov 7, 1954

Bettis, Mary E June 25, 1874 - June 17, 1959

Latimer, Vaughn Aug 21, 1909 - May 31, 1950; Madgie Lee Nov 28, 1916 -

Cassady, Infant son Sept 10, 1953

Cassady, Lou Dean June 23, 1922 - Mar 30, 1970

Cassady, Ramon H Jan 30, 1922 - Mar 17, 1987 US Army Air Corps WWII

Cassady, Etty Juliene 1946 - 1965

Cassady Sept 12, 1920 - Apr 22, 1945 Ar PFC 46 ARMD Inf ONS ARMD Div WWII

Melson, Jackie L Feb 20, 1943 - Feb 15, 1976

Melson, Luke G 1909 - 1975

Melson, Jessie M 1909 - 1983

Feemster, Denzil R Aug 27, 1913 - July 10, 1996; Alice E May 29, 1919 - ; M July 1, 1939

McCrary, Allie Lena Aug 13, 1887 - June 12, 1976

Smith, Kelsie Fontaine Jan 21, 1917 - S Sgt US Army WWII; Rachel Gunell July 6, 1916 - Jan 7, 1991; M Oct 11, 1944

Wakefield, Henry 1884 - 1972

Wakefield, Callie 1891 - 1970

Wakefield, vaughn Oct 17, 1917 - Jan 12, 1996 US Army Air Corps WWII; Nell Apr 16, 1920 -

Bennett, Gus L July 26, 1889 - Apr 6, 1977; Lela M Mar 26, 1891 - Apr 10, 1978; M Jan 15, 1911

Vermillian, Harlan H Dec 30, 1929 - Mar 23, 1997

Melson, Keith E Dec 24, 1978 - Dec 25, 1978

Melson, Kenneth Edward Jan 29, 1933 - Aug 6, 1987 US Army Korea - Vietnam

Crocker, James H Oct 6, 1921 - ; Alta Marie Mar 15, 1923 - Sept 22, 1993; M Dec 2, 1943

Garner, Clarence Thomas July 27, 1905 - Aug 6, 1987; Lola Adelaide May 12, 1906 - Aug 6, 1987; M Dec 24, 1927

Plummer, Kristin Dildy Dec 11, 1908 - Mar 11, 1978; Edwin V, M.D. Mar 12, 1920 -

Wakefield, Ollie T July 31, 1893 - Aug 6, 1972 Ar F2 USNRF WWI

Wakefield, Ethel M 1903 - 1997

Jeanes, Hirham Apr 15, 1905 - May 15, 1979 Cpl US Army WWII; Maurine Oct 23, 1918 -

McInturff, Wallace June 8, 1897 - Oct 19, 1980

McInturff, Marie June 2, 1897 - Mar 6, 1966

Edwards, Lovic "Dave" July 16, 1918 - Oct 19, 1978

Edwards, Virginia Lee Sept 19, 1925 - Feb 1, 1984

Edwards, Bro. Bill May 16, 1927 - Jan 26, 1995; Peggy L July 15, 1930 - ; M Feb 22, 1947

Jeanes, Marvin G Jan 4, 1910 - Oct 10, 1967 Ar Pfc Co B 43 Tank BN WWII; Willie D Mar 13, 1918 -

Lewis, Linda Ann Nov 13, 1955 - June 20, 1997

Lewis, Shannon E Dec 23, 1974 - Dec 27, 1974

Fatherree, Herman Jr May 25, 1958 - Dec 28, 1974

Fatherree, Herman W 1936 -

Fatherree, Jessie M 1938

Bauer, Martha R Jan 17, 1928

Walston, William E Dec 12, 1902 - (recent Apr 1998)

Walston, Ada M Apr 6, 1905 - Apr 25, 1988

Hutch, Lee T Sept 14, 1892 - Mar 2, 1988

Hutch, Myrtle Aug 3, 1905 - June 18, 1986

Haberson, David Wayne, Jan 13, 1962 - Feb 10, 1979

Haberson, Billie Joe June 3, 1931 - Dec 17, 1992; John Henry Sept 27, 1931 - ; M June 9, 1950

Rowland, John F Sept 26, 1921 - Aug 11, 1969 Ar Pfc Co B 492 sig Hv Const BN WWII

Young, Edgar Calvin Oct 4, 1888 - Nov 23, 1970; Julia Elnora Dec 23, 1891 - July 22, 1976; M Nov 23, 1912

Smith, Ezra Sept 12, 1897 - Mar 30, 1982

Smith, Letha Sept 1, 1912 - July 14, 1968

Stewart, Stella M July 26, 1884 - July 21, 1968

Duckett, Rufus C June 11, 1925 - Mar 6, 1985; Maxine Mar 5, 1927 - ; M May 21, 1948

Smith, Ollie J Jan 10, 1891 - June 28, 1979

Smith Thaddeus N Sept 3, 1868 - Mar 8, 1884

Boyd, Doyle G Feb 22, 1905 - July 6, 1994 ; Elleta L Aug 28, 1909 - Nov 5, 1994; M May 12. 1937

Hedrick, Robert L Mar 9, 1898 - Feb 11, 1971; Renar B Nov 15, 1903 -

Miller, Gradie Glycine July 11, 1918 - Aug 4, 1968

Miller, Otto Dec 17, 1912 - Oct 3, 1970

McIntosh, John B June 8, 1912 - Oct 7, 1978; Jewell July 24, 1930 -

Powell, Norman N Jan 11, 1921 - Nov 28, 1991; Geraldine Mar 14, 1925 -

Powell, Oscar G Nov 29, 1895 - Mar 13, 1989; Neta B Oct 20, 1899 - Aug 12, 1981; M May 6, 1917

Hedrick, Carrie J June 4, 1942 - May 5, 1985

Hedrick, Joe Louis Mar 17, 1903 - ; Ruthie Lee Oct 31, 1900 - Apr 22, 1985

Livingston, Ruby Chesshir July 28, 1904 - Aug 16, 1989

Chessir, Ralph Oct 18, 1912 - June 26, 1968

Chessir, Sudie Oct 16, 1911 - Dec 31, 1977

Copeland, August Dildy Aug 11, 1917 - Oct 19, 1979

McCrary, Matthew M "Doc" July 13, 1898 - Apr 11, 1987

McCrary, Addie Mae Young Mar 23, 1903 - Sept 22, 1984

Keeton, William (Bill) June 23. 1938 - Mar 18, 1993; Evelyn G Apr 26, 1938 - ; M Aug 10, 1957

Sutton, Jim Oct 14, 1904 - Sept 13, 1968; Viola Oct 29, 1905 -

Watson, Joe P Dec 8, 1919 - Jan 3, 1993 US Army Medical Corp WWII; Mary L Jan 6. 1920 -

Hill, James Henry Feb 24, 1931 - Nov 18, 1985 Cpl US Army Korea

Hill, Donald Lewis Dec 19, 1934 - July 12, 1968 Ar M Sgt US Air Force

Watson, Grady Mar 31, 1900 - Oct 20, 1969; Buena A June 18, 1900 - Mar 4, 1987; M Dec 22, 1919

Hughes, A Roy Aug 1, 1905 - Oct 23, 1982

Hughes, Jessie Lou Apr 15, 1905 - July 28, 1975

Cassady, Jan 10, 1895 - May 5, 1975

Cassasy, Jewel June 2, 1898 - July 14, 1969

Vance, Mary G Feemster Mar 8, 1897 - July 23, 1973


Morris, Roy Oct 4, 1904 - July 10, 1994

Morris, Leecie Sept 16, 1905 - June 11, 1977

Anderson, Don May 10, 1913 - Sept 20, 1981

Anderson, Edith Mar 24, 1915 - Apr 19, 1991

Tallant, Ethel Wakefield June 12, 1911 - July 3, 1997

Boyd, Clyde W Jan 25, 1899 - Nov 24, 1984

Boyd, Maude M July 25, 1898 - June 10, 1990

Short, Jethro L Sept 22, 1890 - May 22, 1973

Short, Una Jan 17, 1893 - June 10, 1980

Cowart, Coy Aug 29, 1910 - Oct 23, 1980

Cowart, M Lois Nov 20, 1919 - Nov 5, 1993

Griffin, Aulton E Aug 18, 1911 - Aug 22, 1995; Francis M Dec 14, 1915 -

Stephens, Bobbie McCauley Mar 22, 1927 - ; McCauley, Bufford May 9, 1934 - Feb 8, 1996

McCauley, William B Feb 23, 1910 - Oct 28, 1970

Roberts, Joe Edwards Dec 15, 1970 - Dec 28, 1970

Canaday, Feb 22, 1918 - July 19, 1980 Pfc US Army WWII

Parson, Michael 1965 - 1994

Parson, Craig 1974 - 1986

Graig, Marty Ray Feb 17, 1963 - Nov 1, 1980

O'Dell I Glen Oct 7, 1887 - Feb 24, 1973

O'Dell, Carra L Dec 21, 1893 - Jan 1, 1976

Miller, Kenneth W Nov 28, 1924 - Apr 18, 1978

Copeland, Reese Dec 29, 1925 - Sept 21, 1992 Cpl US Army WWII; Dehrondia Nov 26, 1957; M Dec 18, 1982

Manley Ira Apr 9, 1912 - ; Janett Aug 22, 1923 - ; M Dec 19, 1939

Shaw, Noble D May 17, 1919 - Jan 19, 1980

Shaw, Ida M Dec 9, 1922 -(recent Apr 1998)

Chambers, Clyde Nov 5, 1909 - Apr 12, 1971 Ar Pvt Inf WWII

Chambers, ? M 1927 - 1995

Williams, Charles a Sept 16, 1903 - Feb 8, 1986

Williams, Lola J Farley Aug 23, 1910 - Jan 12, 1986

Hockaday, James Russell July 27, 1913 - Sept 16, 1970 Ar tec 5 Co A 28 S Engr Bn WWII; Lucille Sept 21, 1920 -

Freeman, James L Jan 9, 1909 - Jan 28, 1981; Elois Sept 4, 1914 -

Hill, Thomas Hays Sept 24, 1913 - Mar 24, 1996 Pfc US Army WWII; Terra Feb 9, 1916 - Apr 14, 1996; M Mar 2, 1935

Fatherree, Clyde B Dec 7, 1912 - Jan 20, 1989; Elsie Linville Apr 16, 1912 - June 5, 1992; M Sept 9, 1939

Trott, Dolph Oct 10, 1906 - Dec 12, 1989

Trott, Jewell May Sept 17, 1912 - Oct 8, 1976

Short, Michael David May 17, 1954 - Aug 27, 1976

Smith, Joe T July 21, 1946 - May 15, 1976

Smith, Rufus J Dec 6, 1913 - July 9, 1991; Ethel P Mar 14, 1926 - Apr 9, 1994; M Aug 3, 1941

Shannon, Floyd E July 7, 1922 - Aug 9, 1986 Sgt Maj US Army; Fauntine A Oct 29, 1924 -

Smith J Dee 1904 - 1975; Mildred E 1910 - ; M Apr 4, 1929

Barnett, I Virdo July 5, 1933 - Oct 8, 1990; Billie R Dec 4, 1927 - ; M Mar 15, 1958

Barnett, Dennis W Nov 6, 1958 - Jan 11, 1975

Ritchey, Fred A Oct 31 - 1907 - ; Lee Ethel Jan 13, 1906 - Feb 13, 1973

Deloney, Billy J Sept 6, 1934 - ; Lyda M Dec 15, 1932 - Aug 31, 1992

Hockaday, Laverne Aug 20, 1907 - July 28, 1990 US Army WWII

Walker, Oleta J Jan 11, 1912 - Jan 30, 1972

Wakefield, Jim aug 28, 1894 - Nov 8, 1979

Wakefield, Eunice Nov 1, 1899 - Dec 5, 1971

Horn, Oscar R Dec 8, 1914 - Mar 10, 1996 S1 US Navy WWII; Blanch Jan 4, 1920 - ; M Oct 12, 1940

Valdez, Chewy B Sept 9, 1931 - ; Erlene Whidden Aug 25, 1930 - Jan 24, 1988

Garner, Bernice Lee June 22, 1918 - Dec 1, 1991 Lt Col US Army WWII; Zelma Ponder July 29, 1926 - ; M May 22, 1954

Austin, Harold M Dec 2. 1914 - Feb 25, 1974; Loueze J -

Dillard, John W Dec 16, 1916 - Feb 10, 1984

Dillard, Louise, Jan 23, 1908 - Feb 17, 1992

Chambers, Jewell Mar 9, 1909 - June 11, 1991; Edyth Sept 15, 1916 - Sept 25, 1993; M Jan 11, 1931

Morphew, F Velton June 22, 1910 - Apr 27, 1991; Ruby N Mar 14, 1917 - ; M Mar 5, 1934

Edwards, Cecil E July 2, 1909 - June 22, 1983 Pfc US Army WWII; Snow E Nov 20, 1912 - Aug 7, 1988; M Sept 3, 1932

Collins, Gregory Lyn Aug 13, 1970 - Mar 21, 1992

Wilson, Brent Nov 13, 1976 - Nov 12, 1976

Romandia, Amanda July 21, 1982 - July 21, 1982

Garner, Ira C June 10, 1914 - July 10, 1988 Pfc US Army Air Corps WWII, Madie Hamm Oct 24, 1920 -; M aug 6, 1943

Clardy, A Floyd Feb 14, 1901 - July 28, 1990; Ella G Jan 11, 1904 -

Shannon, Hal E Jan 10, 1897 - July 8, 1986

Shannon, Nell B Nov 3, 1896 - Apr 16, 1988

Shannon, Harold Dougles Sept 1, 1927 - Feb 3, 1988 BMI US Navy

Green, Johnnie Sept 29, 1907 - Dec 23, 1989; Jesmer June 21, 1908 - Apr 23, 1990; M Dec 14, 1935

Oxley, Albert L Apr 18, 1926 - Oct 22, 1984

Bray, Henry Austin Oct 20, 1937 - Aug 11, 1993

Bray, Ewell Dec 31, 1910 - May 9, 1997

Brawy Essie Aug 25, 1902 - Nov 13, 1987

Evans, Arbulee Oct 20, 1928 - Seot 19, 1981 Pvt US Army WWII; Eluese Oct 27, 1930 - ; M May 29, 1948

Landtroop; Vernon E June 7, 1937 - Aug 21, 1993; Annie R Mar 28, 1938 - ; M Jan 31, 1958

Landtroop; Maurice V Seot 16, 1912 - ; Pauline V June 20, 1914 - Sept 27, 1979

Daniels, Jess 1900 - 1985; Marie 1901 -

Chandler, A Marie Oct 16, 1907 - Apr 2, 1985

Chandler, W Walter Apr 14, 1902 - Oct 5, 1988

Chandler, Larry Walter July 18, 1945 - Oct 4, 1996

Lemons, Granvile L May 8, 1908 - May 22, 1989; Ester S Sept 18, 1918 -

Bennett, Edgar Opal Feb 9, 1917 - Mar 3, 1987 tec S US Army WWII; M Edith Apr 9, 1919 -

Smith, Floyd D June 16, 1919 - Feb 21, 1981 Pfc US Army WWII

Reeder, James M Sept 28, 1914 - June 26, 1980; Mary L Jan 7, 1920 - ; M Aug 3, 1941

Hockaday, Nov 8, 1909 - Dec 21, 1997; Mattie May Dec 13, 1906 - Feb 15, 1996; M May 31, 1934

Reeves, Raymond D Nov 8, 1932 - Feb 27, 1992 US Army Korea; Charlene B May 25, 1934 -

Reeves, Clifford R Apr 5, 1906 - Feb 21, 1982

Reeves, Lena D Nov 14, 1907 - July 26, 1982

Stewart, W Frank Dec 16, 1915 - Dec 27, 1987; A Adell Dec 2, 1919 -

Martin, Walter W Nov 2, 1903 - Nov 14, 1980

Martin, Chloe July 23, 1903 - Oct 1, 1980

Westfall, Byron Dale Dec 26, 1923 - Oct 31, 1992 Sgt US Army Air Corps WWII; Ester Jo Sept 18, 1926 - ; M Apr 21, 1946

Slayton, David E May 20, 1925 - July 15, 1988; Phyleis R Oct 21, 1932 - ; M June 21, 1950

Cowling, Jesse R "Bud" Sept 23, 1923 - Dec 12, 1993 US Army WWII; Jerdine V Sept 21, 1925

Venable, Otis K Mar 23, 1898 - Dec 2, 1992; Norma W Oct 6, 1902 -

Venable, John Know Aug 26, 1938 - June 7, 1982

Bain, Velies B Oct 4, 1902 - Aug 1, 1994

Bain, Louise A aug 24, 1903 - Apr 30, 1989

Jones, Harry M June 21, 1936 - Apr 12, 1983; Kathryn J Oct 14, 1937 - May 24, 1980; M Nov 11, 1955

French, Robert Lawrence Jan 24, 1908 - May 27, 1990; Phyllus Ann Jan 26, 1948 -

French, Lisa Ann Jan 4, 1970 - Nov 2, 1989

Counts, Eddie Jan 18, 1913 - Jan 6, 1984

Cook, Linda July 1, 1895 - Apr 5, 1982

Surbito, Fernando Apr 12, 1904 - June 9, 1983

Martin, James W June 29, 1921 - Dec 14, 1986

Wakefield, Carl L 1908 - 1981; Dovie Nov 28, 1912 -

Bowers, Dec 12, 1926 - Feb 3, 1983l Barbara J July 18, 1929 - ; Sept 2, 1947

Walters, WL "Walt" Mar 20, 1902 - Apr 15, 1988; Fannie Lou July 12, 1908 - Mar 20, 1988; M Sept 1, 1925

Green Thurman Y May 11, 1915 - Oct 19, 1984

Green Ida E Aug 8, 1916 - Apr 30, 1996

Young, Felix July 18, 1919 - Feb 19, 1996 tec 4 US Army WWII; Virginia E rogers Aug 21, 1928 -

Lawrence, Avic Sloan Sept 27, 1900, Feb 22, 1986

Jones, Wm Penn "Dub" Oct 12, 1917 - Sept 2, 1985; M Katie Reese June 4, 1915 - Mar 4, 1993; M Mar 24, 1934



New additions:

Hallmark , Henry Mack Oct. 1, 1931 - Sept. 14, 2000

Ritchey, Elmer S(ylvestus)Aug 29, 1872- Aug 25, 1946 Ritchey, F(lossie) Cecil

born, Nov 5, 1881 - Sept 26, 1972




Delay, Bernard 9/20/1938 - 6/16/1995

Glasgow, Fern Carol Rosik (wife of Thomas)12/6/1919 - 5/30/1994

Glasgow, Thomas Courtlyn (husband of Fern)11/1/1918 - 10/22/2000





© 1998 by Kathy Hudson/Seminole, Ok. All rights reserved. This information may be used by libraries and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior permission of the owners. If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information.